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About TheHypnoo

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  1. Hello! I want to execute an animation and when the character is executed, it is thrown to the ground. It does not run. Because it can be? player switchMove "A3L_Thumbsup";
  2. Hi, I'm creating a script ... and I would like to know how to do if the player is not inside the vehicle so I'll make a hint as an example. Or if the player gets out of the vehicle ... There is an event handler Get out, but I do not know how to handle it in the script.
  3. TheHypnoo

    Problem script.

    Ok thank you, everything you have told me I have solved. Now I wanted to know how to save a temporary position within the script. I mean I keep the player's position and then when the script ends I take it to the position where the script started. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, I'm creating a script about vehicle testing. Currently I do not know what mistakes there are, if someone could help me. The idea is to take a position, create the marker, and if you leave that marker then the vehicle is eliminated ... and you leave that position. The idea is that only he can see it.
  5. Okey,solved problem. Thanks!
  6. Hello, my problem is that I want to create a vehicle and then at the same time ride in that vehicle, without having to move the player. How can I do it?
  7. Hi, I wanted to tell you about a problem that I have and what I could do to get to the script. When a person is handcuffed as I can not touch at any time the keys to modify the Radio (TFR) but if you can for example use the CTRL + O.
  8. TheHypnoo

    Remove Markers in Local...

    @Sgt. Dennenboom Okey, thanks. Solved Problem. Closed.
  9. Hello, my problem is that I want to remove more than one Marker. I get the command, but I can only delete a string instead of Array. How can I do it?
  10. Hi, I have a problem. I have a proper Altis Life in which the server is fully configured and the problem that I from my computer run with the TADST server and I enter as civil and I have the screen this way: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/90476295962406948/A5A70BFC88D876B934E6B6A4E450002C015BCC2D/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/90476295962407302/F607827582BC2B4A21D1080B829401278F44E498/ and I can not do anything and I even die.