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Everything posted by Chuc

  1. Radiation_Zone.sqf Change _GasMask = ['Mask_M40_OD','Mask_M40','Mask_M50']; To what ever you want to not get effected by the radiation Or if you want you can place a trigger on the map then add this in the onAct You can even make multiple Radiation Zones by just copy and pasting the trigger around your map This will cause abit of lag when loaded but it destroys all buildings and removes trees and bushed from the area. It also kills cars and helicoptors engines when entering the zone. This one looks like it could be cleaned up abit but it works. Must of forgot to clean it once i got it working Feel free to edit any part of the scripts and use them as you please. Credit would be nice as well. Thank you If you can make any of it better please let me know as i am still learning and these are really my first scripts i have done. Radiation script idea came form a post last year by @pierremgi. Thank you.
  2. I am getting a blurry vision when starting a mission. Its sort of like a wake up where its blurred of a few seconds then its normal. It doesn't do it when I die and respawn only on mission start. I cant remember if it did it before the last update or not either way I cant remember how to disable it and looking online doesn't tell me anything
  3. I use a rating system that gives you rating or takes it away depending on who you kill. not sure where i got it from. Rating.sqf Added the zombie part with help form Haleks. Ravage mod. Added with one a couple i have made. A script that checks your rating and promotes or demotes you depending on your rating Rank.sqf Promoted.sqf Demoted.sqf Now the problem i have encounted and cant seem to fix is that the rank.sqf only fires one time. As in you will be promoted one rank or demoted one rank. So you can go form private to corporal but not any higher. Then you can go back from corporal to private. If you get demoted back to private you can still get promoted up to corporal again. The problem may lie in the fact that if you get promoted or demoted your rating goes back to 0. You can also start the game as a Sargent and get promoted once and demoted once. Not sure what is going on. The promote and demote scripts work fine one there own but the rank.sqf is what im having problems with. Any help would be awesome thank you
  4. Im having abit of trouble getting my addactions to remove from list. What I have tried in greeting.sqf //Not the hole sqf file Guard1 addAction ["What do you do here", "Dialog\Guard1\JobDisc.sqf","((_target distance _this) <2"]; in JobDisc.sqf hint "I guard the entrance to Camp Bravo"; Guard1 addaction ["Anything happen lately?", "Dialog\Guard1\EnemyLoitering.sqf"]; Guard1 removeaction "What do you do here"; //this action is added by a different script file. I got a hole convo working with a few scripts like this. Everything works perfectly except for the remove action. I need the previous actions to be removed because if you ask again they add more. this is on a coop/single player mission where you respawn as a squad mate when you die until everyone is dead.
  5. yeah sorry. If you reckon its ready go for it
  6. very nice work ZBE Caching script is great i've been using it for a long time now
  7. I cant remember which ones are doing it but after a bit more testing i found it to be random. Sometimes the loot floats and sometime it doesnt. Cant explain why it is doing it.
  8. sweet i got everything working really well, the only problem is some loot floats and some sinks
  9. Chuc


    got an ai to drive once. Straight into the ocean. Not sure why he did that. He didnt even try and get out of the car. I swam back to the shore and waited. He never came out. I put it down to he just couldnt handle living in a world full of zombies and decided to end it, would of been nice if he did it without me. Other than that they seem to shoot through me to get to there target. So i dont group with Ai much anymore and i definitely dont let them drive me,
  10. Cool thanks for that. Now with your pastebin position list. Whats the difference with the civilian_a and civilian_b tables? Then i also see a heap of different tables set for industrial and food. Is this so you can make different loot lists for each position? If so that is pretty much exactly what i am looking at doing. Is
  11. very nice scripts. Been looking for years for a loot spawner that spawns loot around player then deletes it. Loot spawning was always something i could never figure out. Quick question. With the class names in your script, this bit The class military. Is it possible that after all that code we could put in a new class with a different loot list? Then if we use your #Positions Creator Tool on buildings define them with the new class name? If that makes any sense at all. Like this Would be handy to know because one of the maps i like to make missions on doesnt have loot positions inside 90% of its buildings, one of the reasons i stopped using it. This would make that map a heap more useful. Also its to big to have loot always on the map anyway so your script will improve it even more
  12. Chuc


    So where does this go? I've gotten a little lost with it
  13. Chuc


    hello everyone. long time since ive been here. Got a quick question about the equipment pool module. I have added my own guns and things into it and they are working quite well with traders and bandit but for some reason the module doesnt work with 0 = [this] call rvg_fnc_equip;. Is this suppose to happen or is it just something that may have been over looked.
  14. Chuc

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    hey mate happy new year been awhile. Just got back into mission making and would like to know how i can put this status bar at the top of the screen. I've looked at the code but just am not sure
  15. i noticed this in the setting sqf at the bottom /*dont change*/ if (DynSimDistManual) then {"Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance DynSimDistManualRange;}; if (!DynSimDistManual) then {while {true} do { if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { "Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance (viewDistance - (viewDi Is it suppose to just end like that or is it missing something?
  16. How would or could i get loot to fall to the ground if it spawns in a destroyed building? Looks odd having loot float in the air with no way to get to it
  17. Chuc


    @ContheJon they will buy things you add to the equipment pool.
  18. Chuc


    that worked perfectly. Didnt even think of it like that. learnt something new Thank you. here is the working script.
  19. Chuc


    didnt help. For a work around im just adding into the zombie on killed init. but that means any AI that kill zombies will give me rating. Was trying to get it to work with player score but couldnt figure it out. Did work out how to promote someone once there rating got high enough but with every new rank comes a rating of 0 for some reason instead of the set number. So atm its every 1000 rating you lvl up. With the code i found before i can set east kills up to a low number and zombies atm are set to give 10 rating. rank.sqf Promoted.sqf made that promoted scripts a little over a year ago with help from @serena
  20. Chuc


    yep thats where i got that code from and it works grerat on west, civ and east but i cant get it working on zombies as sideEnemy does not register as a side
  21. Chuc


    need some help guys. Trying to add Rating to player ever time you kill a zombie but am having no luck i found this But cant get it to work for zombies. Tried changing east to sideEnemy but didnt work. Any help would be great thank you
  22. Chuc


    here is a check ammo count and type in hint if you are playing with no hud for the weapon in your hand
  23. Chuc

    ExecVM from triggers

    i use them like this hint parseText format['<t size=""1.10"" font=""PuristaMedium"" color=""#13F03C"">You are out of contamination</t>']; Looks nicer i think
  24. Chuc

    ExecVM from triggers

    yeah it was late and i didnt want to add that way. The way i wrote it would of look weird
  25. Chuc


    Yeah i thought it was but i just wanted to add that little bit coz i thought it was funny