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Jomar Ancajas

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Everything posted by Jomar Ancajas

  1. Yes I am playing with a Laptop. The FPS is not bad to be honest I just want to make it stable . I'm getting around 50-60FPS with my preferred custom settings. however the FPS drop were notorious. the lowest I saw was 22 during war.. 24 FPS avg with Yet Another Arma Benchmark. Anyway @dwarden how do I download the new custom malloc? My arma 3 apex version is V.162. I can't update it because we downgraded our internet from 50Mbps to 1Mbps(120KBps download speed). due to a budget.
  2. Hi, I hope someone could help me understand Profiling or perf files, because I need to increase my A3 Performance for SP. First off, I don't play MP. I just play SP. I'm just trying to see if I could get above 50 FPS in City. I was just wondering if solo or SP player like me could benefit from it.? -Game version is V.162 i7-6700HQ 16GB RAM GTX 1060 Game runs on SSD