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Arend the Bastard

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Posts posted by Arend the Bastard

  1. On 6/21/2017 at 9:46 PM, DerZade said:

    @CheyenneAH56 All you did was changing the vanilla model of the classes 'RopeSegment' & 'Rope' to the previous one but with hidden selection textures. Right or wrong? 


    Of course you did some further little changes to allow the hidden selection textures to work.


    Actually, as soon as Arma 3 v2.06 releases, we'll be able to state a 6th or 8th parameter (depending on the syntax used) for the `ropeCreate` command, which will be a string specifying a custom rope definition. This means we won't need to modify the base rope model at all.


    This is code that @Dedmen published in the Arma 3 Discord, in the #community_wiki channel (message😞



    class CfgVehicles {
        class Rope;
        class RopeRabbit : Rope {
            maxRelLenght = 1.1;
            maxExtraLenght = 20;
            springFactor = 0.5; // higher == less stretchy rope
            segmentType = "RopeSegmentRabbit";    
            torqueFactor = 0.5;
            dampingFactor[] = {1.0,2.5,1.0};
            model = "\A3\Animals_F\rabbit\rabbit_F.p3d";
    class CfgNonAIVehicles {
        class RopeSegmentRabbit {
            scope = 2;
            displayName = "";
            simulation = "ropesegment";
            autocenter = 0;
            animated = 0;
            model = "\A3\Animals_F\rabbit\rabbit_F.p3d";

    Note: Lenght is purposely misspellt for some unknown reason.


    So an example for using the above custom rope definition with the ropeCreate command:

    // ropeCreate[fromObject, fromPoint, toObject, toPoint, length, ropeStart, ropeEnd, ropeType];
    myRope = ropeCreate [vehicle player, "slingload0", myCargo, [0, 0, 0], 10, ["", [0,0,-1]], ["", [0,0,-1]], "RopeRabbit"];

    A fun little example of this at work can be found here:


    • Like 3

  2. It has been half a year now since attempting to contact @chief_wiggum... I have yet to receive a response. Is there anyone else out there who knows Chief Wiggum more than just the public channels? I have tried contacting him on Steam, here.. I have tried contacting him through the maker of a review video of this mod on Youtube... As yet, I have received absolutely nothing from anyone.

    So, I ask again, does anyone have any method by which I can contact Chief Wiggum?


    Many many thanks if you do.

  3. Worry not, I will only mention this once more: We have started further developing this mod. I have attempted contacting @chief_wiggum. So far, to no avail. Once he responds I'll see if he can't modify the initial post of this forum to reflect the rejuvenation of development to any future people who may be warned off by the big red "Development of this mod has stopped". Chief, if you're reading, I'd very much like to talk to you about the mod and about the status of the rewrite you were talking about before on this thread.


    Until then, we are looking for any more developers who would like to offer their own improvements on this mod to help make it grooow! The github link above is broken (sorry) but heres the working one: https://github.com/Saborknight/9liners-and-notepad

    So, if you have anything to add to the mod, feel free to submit a pull request! Want to make more regular contributions? Contact me to be added to the collaborator's list!


    Thanks and enjoy!

    • Like 1

  4. On 19/02/2015 at 4:11 PM, Dr3adn0ught35 said:

    As J_ONeill stated, that is a rough outline of what I am working on in our unit. I am still trying to perfect it so it is real, useful, and streamlined. Here is the current version of it, but I intend on touching it up before I let my unit use it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwsUHnZyHAJWQWViSWVFUEUwVU0/view?usp=sharing

    Because of my perfectionist nature, is there anyway we could create our own? That way, I could edited it as often as I please? I would feel bad about continually bugging you with "better" versions. Alternatively, I could just make a publishable version for you if you feel that you want to keep this mod hermetic.

    PS: This CFF is more or less a condensed version of pg 14, 17, 18, 19. Tell me what you think.

    @Dr3adn0ught35 I am creating a github repo for this project, in an effort to keep it alive. Feel free to create pull requests there for your page format.


    Repo: https://github.com/Saborknight/9liners-and-notepad

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  5. On 08/02/2016 at 1:20 PM, kimukun said:

    Hey. This is a wonderful mod!

    The only thing that I miss is the ability to change line on the noteblock.

    Now I have to use the spacebar until it goes to a new line.

    Would be lovely if you can change the line by using up and down arrow keys.

    Is this possible?

    @kimukun to go to a new on the noteblock, you can either hold shift or alt and then hit enter. This skips to a new line, no need for spaces :)

  6. On 04/08/2015 at 10:54 PM, chief_wiggum said:

    Sorry for the late respond, i haven't been into ArmA for a while now!

    Just wanted to say, that I am not working on this project anymore.

    But i can assure, that there will be a rework of this mod soon.



    Hey there, I understand you don't want to work on the project anymore. However, would it be possible to stick the source code of this awesome mod as it stands, on to Github or some other collaboration site so that we can potentially offer pull requests, etc.?

    Also, when is this rework going to be released?

  7. Is the userconfig still required? Having to tell people in my unit to create a file in a directory they struggle to find sometimes is getting quite annoying. I see the sense in it for advanced users who want to tweak the settings etc. But having it as a required element is not so good. Is this an Arma limitation whereby it requires the script you've included from userconfig or is that something which could be made optional?


    Otherwise, this Mod along with all your others are a godsend for immersion and simulation! We cannot thank you enough!
