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About chief_wiggum

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  1. chief_wiggum

    Paddle Mod - RELEASED!

    For everybody asking for the CBA-Fix: If you don't want to download zriel's version of the mod, simply put this into your init.sqf: ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeOnOff", "ROPE deploy/retrieve", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeOnOff}, {true}, [DIK_T, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeShorten", "ROPE shorten", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeShorten}, {true}, [DIK_DOWNARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeLengthen", "ROPE lengthen", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeLengthen}, {true}, [DIK_UPARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_killSwitch", "Kill Switch ON/OFF", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_killSwitch}, {true}, [DIK_K, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleStop", "Paddle to a STOP", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleStop}, {true}, [DIK_X, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleForward", "Paddle FORWARD", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleForward}, {true}, [DIK_W, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleBackward", "Paddle BACKWARD", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleBackward}, {true}, [DIK_S, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_spinBoatLeft", "Spin Boat LEFT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_spinBoatLeft}, {true}, [DIK_Q, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_spinBoatRight", "Spin Boat RIGHT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_spinBoatRight}, {true}, [DIK_E, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_slideLeft", "Slide Boat LEFT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_slideLeft}, {true}, [DIK_LEFTARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_slideRight", "Slide Boat RIGHT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_slideRight}, {true}, [DIK_RIGHTARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; Awesome mod!
  2. It always worked fine for me, and it still does. Try using this as 'List of files to copy directly': *.pac;*.paa;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.xml;*.hqf;*.rtm;*.rvmat;*.shp; Here's an image what it should look like: (You don't need to add the exact same data-types, but at least .sqf) Here's mine: *pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqm;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.html;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.rvmat;*.hpp;*.ext;*.jpg;*.fxy;*.h;
  3. Open Addon-Builder and go to Options. Add *.sqf; to 'List of Files to copy directly'.
  4. chief_wiggum

    Bo-105 Helicopter

    Would it be possible to add a hiddenselection for the benches, so we can retexture them? ~Chief
  5. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Sorry for the late respond m8, haven't had much spare time the past days. Your document helped me a lot! You should make a forum post with it, if you didn't do already. Thanks, ~Chief
  6. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Thanks m8, i'll try this out tomorrow. 1 more question: If i have a 64x64 heightfield which i resize to 1024x1024,isn't my island way to big then?
  7. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    I guess i'm to stupid for this. How do i select a square on the website? When i enter Xmin = 25.45 Ymin =38.5 Xmax =25.65 Ymax =38.7 the box should be a square right? But for some reason it isn't???? A step by step tutorial would be great.
  8. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    So, i download a big area from here:, http://opentopo.sdsc.edu/gridsphere/gridsphere?cid=geonlidarframeportlet&gs_action=raster&opentopoID=OTSRTM.042013.4326.1 open the .tif with L3DT, safe it as png, cut out the area i want with gimp, and import it as png in L3DT?
  9. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Ok, i guess i've found the problem. My highfiled isn't a square, so i resized it and it looks fine in TB. But how can i make my hightfield a square without distorting my island?
  10. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Which settings do you mean?
  11. Hey Guys, i'm currently trying to create my first real world island for Arma3. This is the island i want to create: https://www.google.de/maps/@38.564035,25.5948034,10708m/data=!3m1!1e3 (Psara, Greece) My Hightfield in L3DT looks like this: Unfortunately my hightfield looks like this, after importing it into TB: What did i do wrong? ~Chief
  12. chief_wiggum

    Named Selections for Backpack

    Thanks m8, works perfect now. ;) ~Chief
  13. chief_wiggum

    Named Selections for Backpack

    mmhh.. i don't really get this.. Guess I'll have to contact some modders if they would be so kind to hand me out one of their models as an example. You don't have one in stock by chance, do you? :)
  14. Hey, i just finished my really basic model of a riflebag. I exported it from blender to oxygen, but now i don't know, which 'named selections' i have to create, so that my model doesn't just stuck in the ground like this: My model in oxygen: I hope someone is able to help me. Thanks, ~Chief
  15. chief_wiggum

    [GUI] line break in edit field

    ST_MULTI doesn't feature a enter function. It will just jump into the next line, when there isn't anymore space in the current line.