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Everything posted by chief_wiggum

  1. THE PROGRESS OF THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY STOPPED 9Liners & Notepad by: Chief Wiggum CURRENT VERSION: 0.3.1 What is it? 9Liners & Notepad is a client-side mod, that allows you to open a couple of documents, like a notepad or CAS-9Liner directly ingame. You can simply open these documets by pressing the assigned shortcut and you'll be able to write on them,save them or clear them. Once you save a page, it will be binded to your profile, which means, that even if you leave the mission and join a different one, your note will still be on the page where you wrote it down. 9Liners & Notepad brings the following documents to your game: -a CAS 9Liner sheet: -a Medivac 9Liner sheet: -a Notepad: -a Gunship Call-For-Fire 5Liner sheet: -a CAS Check-In Breefing sheet: -an Adjust-Fire-Mission sheet: -a Fire-For-Effect-Mission sheet -a Marking-Mission sheet: http://img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/2015030100004acqjyrhl3.jpg -a Target-Location-Methods Help sheet (no interaction): http://img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/2015030100008dbc25764k.jpg How does it work? Useage as player: First off, you have to press ESC and navigate to: Options\Controls\Configure Addons\9Liners&Notepad Here you have to assign a hotkey for each document. Also make sure to assign the 'Disable Controls' hotkey. You'll need it later. Once you've assigned your hotkeys, you're able to open the documents by pressing the hotkeys. Each document works the following way: Pressing the left arrow opens the previous page Pressing the right arrow opens the next page Pressing 'SAVE' saves the current page. Pressing 'CLEAR PAGE' clears the current page Pressing 'CLEAR ALL' clears all pages Note: There isn't any kind of "Do you really want to..." selection if you press "CLEAR PAGE/ALL". So think before you press it! Do a single click next to the document will enable controls You'll be able to control you character/vehicle, use TFAR and everything else while the document is shown. In order to release the controls of your character/vehicle and edit the document, simply press your 'Disable Controls' Hotkey that you've assigned earlier. Do a double click next to the document will close it. You can also close it by pressing ESC. Each document will open at the page, where you've closed it. Useage as mission-builder: This mod uses the 'profileNamespace' command to save the pages text. Each page has its own variable in the profileNamespace. If you want so set each users text on page 1 of their notepads to "I MADE THIS MISSION!", simply add this to your init.sqf: profileNamespace setVariable ["cw_noteblock_pageText_1", "I MADE THIS MISSION!"]; If you want only one user to have this text on page1, you have to run this code in a local script. You can also use an other page for this! (Notepad contains 50 pages) Hope you like it, ~Chief Changelog: -19.04.2015 - V0.3.1: -fixed: CBA Keybinding -01.03.2015 - V0.3: NOTE: THIS UPDADTE WILL REMOVE ALL YOUR NOTES! -added: Target-Location-Methods-Help sheet -added: Fire-For-Effect sheet -added: Adjust-Fire-Mission sheet -added: Marking-Mission sheet -changed: Removed all items. So it's a client side mod now! -changed: some textbox stuff -changed: Medivac 9Liner doesn't saves after clearing page anymore -changed: New ReadMe in the forum post! -15.02.2015 - V0.2: -added: Gunship Call-For-Fire -added: CAS Check-In Breefing -fixed: CAS 9Liner can now be moved around -fixed: CAS 9Liner doesn't auto saves after clearing page anymore -changed: Notepad buttons where divided -added: View Document while moving Function DOWNLOAD: 9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (Dropbox) (requiers CBA) 9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (Armaholic) (requiers CBA) 9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (WithSix) (requiers CBA) Note: I'm not liable for any damages/crashes...etc. at your system or yourself! This work is licensed under the Arma Public License
  2. Hey folks! Recently a friend of mine asked me to create a simple civilian-interaction script. He only wanted the basic functions like telling civs to stop,go,.... But (un)fortunately it all degenerated a bit, and i came up with a not so basic Script, which i would like to share with you guys. Note: THIS IS STILL WIP! So lets take a look: Actions: These are the actions i've scripted up to now: -order civ to stop -order civ to go -order civ to get down -order civ to get up -handcuff civ -lead civ away -put civ in vehicle -pull civ out of vehicle -search civs shirt -search civs pants -search civs shoes -search civs backpack -question civ -view civs ID-card -order civ to follow you -take and give items from/to civ Dialog: These actions are all packed into a interactive dialog, which looks like THIS. The dialog for the ID-card looks like THIS (The text is still a bit buggy). How to set it up: -put the CW_ACIM folder into your mission -put the stringtable.csv into your mission -add this to your init.sqf: execVM "CW_ACIM\ACIM_init.sqf"; -add this to your description.ext: #include "CW_ACIM\Dialog\UI\ACIM_ui_include.hpp" If your using CBA and want to use the very WIP sounds, than you also have to add this: How to configure it: I'm trying to make it as configurable as possiple. That's what you can set up for now. -possible birthplaces: -guaranteed virual items for 1 unit -ID-card info for 1 unit -possible virtual items: -possible answers -possible Ages -Ranges for different speech volumes (whisper,normal,yelling) -enable/disable Action Menu entry Hotkeys: Because it takes pretty long to open the dialog and click stop,go.... i've also done some hotkey stuff. You can assign them ingame in: CONFIGURE\CONTROLS\Custom Conrols -Use Action 1: STOP -Use Action 2: GO -Use Action 3: GET DOWN -Use Action 4: GET UP -Use Action 5: SET SPEECH VOLUME -Use Action 6: OPEN ACIM-DIALOG How to use it ingame: ~I will add a detailed description soon. For now: Spawn some empty vehicles, yourself (BLUFOR), and civs in the editor and play around with it. Thanks and stuff: [AWC]Adrian - Idea and MP testing [101st.AD]Hoegnison - awsome german scripting tutorials ( )Bohemia Interactive - ArmA the guys i've forgotten Downloads: ACIM V0.2(script version) - DOWNLOAD (DROPBOX) ACIM V0.2 (addon version)(requires CBA) - DOWNLOAD (DROPBOX) Changelog: CURRENT VERSION: V0.2 //07.12.2014 -added: "follow" action [still wip] -added: admin console [only in MP if logged in as admin] -added: inventory system ["TAKE" and "GIVE" only works in SP for now!] -added: gestures when jusing "SHOUT" actions -fixed: tons of bugs -changed: new dialog [Pls give feedback!A friend had problems with shifted GUI-elemts.] -etc... full changelog soon //16.11.2014 -added: Addon-Version to main forum post //15.11.2014 -first WIP release (v0.1) ~Chief
  3. Hey, as my buldozer doesn't wants to stop spamming me with errors, i would like to reinstall the tools and P-drive. But when i deinstall the tools in steam and install them again, my p-drive is still like it was before, meaning that my project folders and stuff are still in there. Does anybody know, how to set it all to zero again? I want my p-drive to be like it was at day1! Thanks ahead, ~Chief
  4. chief_wiggum

    Paddle Mod - RELEASED!

    For everybody asking for the CBA-Fix: If you don't want to download zriel's version of the mod, simply put this into your init.sqf: ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeOnOff", "ROPE deploy/retrieve", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeOnOff}, {true}, [DIK_T, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeShorten", "ROPE shorten", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeShorten}, {true}, [DIK_DOWNARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_ropeLengthen", "ROPE lengthen", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_ropeLengthen}, {true}, [DIK_UPARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_killSwitch", "Kill Switch ON/OFF", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_killSwitch}, {true}, [DIK_K, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleStop", "Paddle to a STOP", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleStop}, {true}, [DIK_X, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleForward", "Paddle FORWARD", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleForward}, {true}, [DIK_W, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_paddleBackward", "Paddle BACKWARD", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_paddleBackward}, {true}, [DIK_S, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_spinBoatLeft", "Spin Boat LEFT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_spinBoatLeft}, {true}, [DIK_Q, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_spinBoatRight", "Spin Boat RIGHT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_spinBoatRight}, {true}, [DIK_E, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_slideLeft", "Slide Boat LEFT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_slideLeft}, {true}, [DIK_LEFTARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["Paddle Mod", "paddle_key_slideRight", "Slide Boat RIGHT", {_this call PADDLE_fnc_slideRight}, {true}, [DIK_RIGHTARROW, [true, false, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; Awesome mod!
  5. It always worked fine for me, and it still does. Try using this as 'List of files to copy directly': *.pac;*.paa;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.xml;*.hqf;*.rtm;*.rvmat;*.shp; Here's an image what it should look like: (You don't need to add the exact same data-types, but at least .sqf) Here's mine: *pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqm;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.html;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.rvmat;*.hpp;*.ext;*.jpg;*.fxy;*.h;
  6. Open Addon-Builder and go to Options. Add *.sqf; to 'List of Files to copy directly'.
  7. chief_wiggum

    Bo-105 Helicopter

    Would it be possible to add a hiddenselection for the benches, so we can retexture them? ~Chief
  8. Hey Guys, i'm currently trying to create my first real world island for Arma3. This is the island i want to create: https://www.google.de/maps/@38.564035,25.5948034,10708m/data=!3m1!1e3 (Psara, Greece) My Hightfield in L3DT looks like this: Unfortunately my hightfield looks like this, after importing it into TB: What did i do wrong? ~Chief
  9. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Sorry for the late respond m8, haven't had much spare time the past days. Your document helped me a lot! You should make a forum post with it, if you didn't do already. Thanks, ~Chief
  10. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Thanks m8, i'll try this out tomorrow. 1 more question: If i have a 64x64 heightfield which i resize to 1024x1024,isn't my island way to big then?
  11. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    I guess i'm to stupid for this. How do i select a square on the website? When i enter Xmin = 25.45 Ymin =38.5 Xmax =25.65 Ymax =38.7 the box should be a square right? But for some reason it isn't???? A step by step tutorial would be great.
  12. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    So, i download a big area from here:, http://opentopo.sdsc.edu/gridsphere/gridsphere?cid=geonlidarframeportlet&gs_action=raster&opentopoID=OTSRTM.042013.4326.1 open the .tif with L3DT, safe it as png, cut out the area i want with gimp, and import it as png in L3DT?
  13. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Ok, i guess i've found the problem. My highfiled isn't a square, so i resized it and it looks fine in TB. But how can i make my hightfield a square without distorting my island?
  14. chief_wiggum

    Real World Terrain, L3DT to TerrainBuilder

    Which settings do you mean?
  15. Hey, i just finished my really basic model of a riflebag. I exported it from blender to oxygen, but now i don't know, which 'named selections' i have to create, so that my model doesn't just stuck in the ground like this: My model in oxygen: I hope someone is able to help me. Thanks, ~Chief
  16. chief_wiggum

    Named Selections for Backpack

    Thanks m8, works perfect now. ;) ~Chief
  17. chief_wiggum

    Named Selections for Backpack

    mmhh.. i don't really get this.. Guess I'll have to contact some modders if they would be so kind to hand me out one of their models as an example. You don't have one in stock by chance, do you? :)
  18. Hey guys, does anybody know, if it's possible to make the Enter key work in a edit field? ~Chief
  19. chief_wiggum

    [GUI] line break in edit field

    ST_MULTI doesn't feature a enter function. It will just jump into the next line, when there isn't anymore space in the current line.
  20. chief_wiggum

    Help: Basics of GUI building

    sizeEx = "0.015 / (getResolution select 5)"; Just play around a bit. Worked always fine for me.
  21. chief_wiggum

    Unit Config Help

    -Whats's the resolution of your .paa? It should be something like 2048x2048. -Did you use the same program for creatign the .paa as you used before?
  22. chief_wiggum

    addAction menu system

    @Seed I didn't read the whole script, but it should be: [ "<t color='#000000'> CORPORAL</t>", { hint "CORPORAL LOADOUT" }, "", -1, false, true, "", "rank player == ""CORPORAL""" ], more information:https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction And for the timer thing you should do a counter script, with is executed at the end of your loadout script. Like this: MYCOUNTER = 0; WHILE {MYCOUNTER < 600} DO {MYCOUNTER = MYCOUNTER + 1;sleep 1;}; And then: [ "<t color='#000000'> CORPORAL</t>", { hint "CORPORAL LOADOUT" }, "", -1, false, true, "", "rank player == ""CORPORAL"" && MYCOUNTER == 600" ],
  23. Hey Guys, i'm trying to create a picture (a small black dot) at the current cursor position. Unfortunately the way i set the postion of the dot doesn't seems to be the right one. It always seems to pick a random position: http://i.imgur.com/3BCNxd7.jpg (the mouse was moving around in the lower region of the dialog) I hope someone is able to help me getting this fixed. :) My dialog: class DrawDialog { idd = -1; onMouseMoving = "[ _this select 1,_this select 2 ] execVM ""placeDot.sqf"";"; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['cw_draw_dialog',_this select 0];"; class Controls { }; }; placeDot.sqf: disableSerialization; _xpos = _this select 0; _ypos = _this select 1; _idd = CW_DOT_IDD + 1; CW_DOT_IDD = CW_DOT_IDD + 1; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "cw_draw_dialog"; _control = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", _idd]; ctrlSetText [_idd, "dot.paa"]; _control ctrlSetPosition [_xpos,_ypos, 0.05, 0.05]; _control ctrlCommit 0; ~Chief
  24. chief_wiggum

    ctrlSetPosition inaccurate

    Thank you really much Larrow! Works fine now. Here's the "final" code, if anybody needs it: (press lshift to draw) Init.sqf: drawdialog.hpp: drawdialog_def.hpp: Thanks again M8! ~Chief
  25. Check out this: The code can be found here: http://www.gruppe-w.de/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=2235(unfortunately only in german)