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Everything posted by Thumperdevine

  1. Thumperdevine

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    If the new bottom line for screen shots is that they all simply look better with a bit less effort then good. Let's be honest, the old method could be a nightmare of trial and effort, especially if you were trying to manipulate objects so the darn troopers looked like they were holding them. Maybe when people see how much easier it is it might inspire them to make static animations - Lord knows I need to (i want the time to do a set for Brit weapons and AKs as the current crop do not work that well with the first lot and not brilliantly with AK as they are so often geared to M4 style rifles. @ineptaphid, I like just sitting there while the AI is doing the hard work! The thing is, you get a totally different sense of the map when your down at eye level travelling around - so many possibilities appear. I seriously cannot remember the last time I actually played Arma 3. Closest I've got it firing off a few rounds for screenshots purposes. From the looks of Polpox's new additions I might not even have to do that anymore! So, a bunch of Scots and Irish buckie drinkers - It's turning into Sauchiehall street on a Saturday night around here! :D
  2. Thumperdevine

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Nice. I'm going to have to try the PLP stuff. I downloaded it but haven't had a chance to muck about with it yet. Yeah, I do a similar thing. Get a jeep and a driver and just cruise around scouting locations. Someone really needs to do a movie production mod.
  3. Thumperdevine

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Buckie fans....never suspected there were so many jakeys round here..lol. Nice and Sleazies in town used to have it on tap. Can't drink it myself these days but no after party was complete until a pile of buckie bottles were empty. @thebuckfastwine, what are the buildings from? I've been looking at your shots and they are very, very well done. Would never have guessed they were on Chernarus. I've been getting into using buildings recently to build my own wee CQB shots. It's great fun but you don't half spend an eternity scouting for locations. The longer I play this game, the more I feel like a photographers assistant!
  4. Thumperdevine

    US Forces 2000s

    This is an increasingly great mod. The update was a peach. Thanks!
  5. Thumperdevine

    POLPOX's Artwork Supporter

    I laid off downloading this because I didn't quite understand what it did, but I thought I'd give it a try. Bloody hell, this is an essential piece of kit. For anyone like me who mostly uses Arma 3 like a giant toybox and screen shot generator this is just unbelievably useful. it's so good it's got me hungry to make static animations again. Superb work. Now, if anyone can make a mod allowing us to make new animations 'on-the-fly' within the game, I'll be set for life. :D
  6. Cheers! I didn't recognize them for some reason.
  7. Where are those helmets from? (also - some GREAT stuff there - those briefing shots are brilliant. I'm going to have a bunch of technical questions for you! :D )
  8. Oh yeah, that's a major killer. Export, pack it all up, load it in. discover the last thing you changed to the leg now makes the model look like a ballet dancer...exit the game and start again. Lol, the secret to enjoying you job is to have a hobby that's even more frustrating! Worth it though.
  9. Excellent work. I find myself pouring over the photographs in Osprey guides not only for ideas but simply for an idea of how the body looks when loaded down with gear. Blender is a great tool but it can be frustrating when a pose that looks great in it can suddenly look a bit off, or even downright weird, when you port it to the game and cover the troop up with weapons and different uniforms ('dressing up your little men'. as my partner calls it! :) ). No problems with that here - solid work in ever screen shot. Really looking forward to playing with these!
  10. Very nice. Now that I've started messing around with custom animations myself I totally appreciate that although they are fairly easy to do, they take a lot of skill and practice before they start looking truly 'natural'. These look great. That first one with the guy looking over the wall is fantastic. Great work!
  11. Thumperdevine

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Man, the Special Forces truck is a thing of beauty. Nice work, lads!
  12. Thumperdevine

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Yep, that's the one. Thanks, man. Really appreciated. Got a whole bunch of ideas I can work on now!
  13. Royal Marines and aid workers enjoy a kick-about in down time during Operation Crow on Altis 2018. Mods: BAF 3CB, MPX Virtus, CUP, Custom Anims
  14. Thumperdevine

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Afternoon folks. Quick question: is the multiple rig file available anywhere still? The Sendspace links above have expired and I can't seem to find it anywhere else.
  15. Rangers and D-boys tenaciously defend a courtyard in the back streets of Mogadishu during the Battle of the Black Sea, October 3rd 1993. Mods Used: Fallujah 1.2, US Military Mod, Tryks, Tac Vests, Black Ops Weapons, RHS, Massi's African units, Direone Animations, custom animations.
  16. A detachment of M Squadron, SBS, is inserted by HMS Artful to Malden to provide support for resistance cells ahead of the invasion. Mods used: RHS, Massi, MGP, BAF, RoadRunner's L119's, CUP, TAC Vests, VSM, Recolor
  17. Trying out this custom animation pose thing. Apologies for the roughness. Still getting to grips with it. British foot patrol asks directions from an RTR platoon on day 3 of the Altis invasion. Ranger watching for trouble on Altis. Mods used: BAF, Burnes' Chally, MPX Virtus Body Armour, RHS, Hawaiin's Ranger gear, custom anims.
  18. Brilliant. Came on here just now to look for exactly this sort of tutorial. Thankyou!
  19. CAG operator on overwatch. Central Takistan. 10th Mountain carry out an arrest on a militant who tried to run a roadblock. Mods used: MGP, SMA, RHS. Direone Animations
  20. SAS team returning from an early morning raid in Takistan with prisoners of the Al-Zuluhi Brigade. Mods: MilGear, Tryks, VSM, SMA, RH, Direone anims, Diyala Map, 3CB Gear and Vehicles, Massi gear and Vehicles. probably more stuff I missed.
  21. SEALs raid a compound in Central Takistan Mods: MilGear, Tryks, VSM, SMA, RH, Direone anims, FATA map, probably more stuff I missed.