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Quack O'Neill

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About Quack O'Neill

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  1. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    hi im trying to get it to play a random sound every time an addAction is used. class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class oiyMateyHeyMate { name = "oiyMateyHeyMate"; sound0[] = {"\music\voice\heymateycanyou.ogg", db + 0, 1.0}; sound1[] = {"\music\voice\oiymaytee.ogg", db + 0, 1.0}; sound2[] = {"\music\voice\canyouhearme.ogg", db + 0, 1.0}; sounds[] = {sound0, sound1, sound2}; playSound = (sounds select ([0,(count sounds)-1] call BIS_fnc_randomInt)); titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; Iv tried this in my CfgSfx and it gives no errors but no sounds are played. So now its in the CfgSounds where i think its meant to be but its not working. Iv tried removing \ before music but i still get No Entry error theres lots iv tried to get it to working but im not gonna post all of that cause it would be a mess to look at.
  2. but it parallaxes like its coming from a sky box so there must be away to turn it off . this dont work but it must be something like that. enableCaustics false; if it is in a texture dose anyone know what pbo folder the Laptop (Open Intel v1) is in ?
  3. Is there a way to remove the laptop screen reflection ?
  4. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    🙂 sweet thanks guys it is working now this in the units init worked. triggerName setSoundEffect ["", "", "", "stEveLoop"]; thank guys 🙂
  5. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    what dose this part below do ? it makes no sense to me at all 🙂 i tried adding the name between the quote marks / changing the numbers but nothing happened empty[] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  6. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    this dont work but it didnt give any errors stEve say3D stEveLoop; i am using CfgSfx but iv tried it in both i tried this example below setSoundEffect ["Alarm", "", "", ""]; but i changed it so it looked like this setSoundEffect ["stEveLoop"]; but it wasnt happy because it expected 4 elements not 1 😞 maybe it wants sound0 sound1 or something
  7. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    whats the best way to trigger a CfgSfx sound ? cause theres no examples on the wiki playSound stEveLoop; playSound3D stEveLoop; stEve Say 3D stEveLoop; none of the above give any errors but the sounds arnt playing and i know the trigger is activating and if i use the normal syntax / examples to play a single sound it all works fine do I need a .wss file ? thats something that dont match the example on the wiki but i dont know what a .wss is
  8. Quack O'Neill

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    How are you getting those red dots to show up ? i tried all the language options but they wouldnt show up. yeah its copied and pasted from the wiki. its the owl example class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class stEveLoop { sound0[] = {"music\voice\steve\watts.ogg", db + 6, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound1[] = {"@music\voice\steve\theoldcountsteve.ogg", db + 2, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound2[] = {"music\voice\steve\lilly.ogg", db + 2, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sounds[] = {sound0, sound1, sound2}; empty[] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; }; }; class CfgSFX { sounds[] = {}; class stEveLoop1 { sound0[] = {"music\voice\steve\watts.ogg", db + 6, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound1[] = {"@music\voice\steve\theoldcountsteve.ogg", db + 2, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound2[] = {"music\voice\steve\lilly.ogg", db + 2, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sounds[] = {sound0, sound1, sound2}; empty[] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; }; };
  9. I have CfgSounds set up and they work fine with Say3D Say2D but im trying to add in this below and i keep getting No Entry error class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class stEveLoop { sound0[] = {"music\voice\steve\watts.ogg", db-10, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound1[] = {"@music\voice\steve\theoldcountsteve.ogg", db-10, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sound2[] = {"music\voice\steve\lilly.ogg", db-10, 1.0, 1000, 0.2, 0, 15, 30}; sounds[] = {sound0, sound1, sound2}; empty[] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; }; its not closed off because everything else inside of cfgsounds works fine. im just showing the bit that wont work. I also tried this with CfgSfx but i got the same error. I tried removing the @ symbol but i get the same error. I have this in my units init. playsound "stEveLoop"; Anyone know how to get this multiple file player code working ? Iv got this in my units init now and im not getting any errors but the sounds arnt playing either playSound stEveLoop;
  10. Quack O'Neill

    Audio Filters

    Thanks Harzach yeah i been wanting to try and make it so you can only hear the bass in the distance and the closer you get the more top end comes through, so it could a find the illegal rave mission. would be cool if the sound travelled with the wind and bounced of the hills to make it more confusing.
  11. Quack O'Neill

    Audio Filters

    How do i apply this to my sounds ? class CfgDistanceFilters { class lpF1 { type = "lowPassFilter"; minCutoffFrequency = 150; qFactor = 1; innerRange = 10; range = 1000; powerFactor = 32; }; }; I have the CfgMusic and CfgSounds set up examples of sounds being played / triggered tv1 Say3D "tune3b"; lapTop1_alive = true; [] spawn { while {lapTop1_alive} do { if (alive lapTop1) then { spkR1 say3D ["tune9b", 70, 1]; sleep 218; lapTop1_alive = true; }else{ lapTop1_alive = false; }; }; }; i tried adding lpF1 = true; under sleep 218; but i couldn't hear a difference and my file stopped looping properly, but it dose loop properly without the bit i added trying to turn the filter on for that sound. Also Dose anyone know if the wind effects sounds in the game ?.
  12. lol i just sat there for ages cleaning out old images and stuff hahah then i decided to try and remove this deleteVehicle papers1; from the script.sqf and add it to the addaction on the unit and it works lol 🙂 I dont get why it wont work that way tho. Thanks for all your help today Harzach. Really appreciate it.
  13. you mean because i forgot to put the init.sqf in the folder ? or its not the whole project file that this part is from ? the mission folder is full of music files and voices files and images that havnt been optimised and lots of it is questionable / personal lol so the papers1 leaflet dosnt delete its self at the start for you? it only disappears when you use the addAction ?
  14. yea sorry i edited my last post it has the folder with both files in
  15. thats just a mission file theres no folder with the PapersPassed.sqf this is the folder with the script in. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G3ulLkfBXLob0mu30DJ5s0ZPMSbq6scM?usp=sharing