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About GanX

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hello again.... I was actually just typing an edit on my previous reply because it just clicked in my head after re-reading what you wrote. You are absolutely right, this was me being dense. I now did the hatch selection and included the proxy triangle for the gunner position in the same selection, and poof everything works like a charm. Thank you so much for your assistance!
  2. So the rotation of the crew members is tied to the hatch selections in the model LOD? What you are saying makes sense, but that doesn't seem to work. I am using the Samples tank and config for reference and i know there are some bugs in it, but this is probably me doing something wrong. There is something in the config for it already, so i created a selection for the gunner hatch based on your advice and that is already defined in the model.cfg. See the images below. And thank you for your assistance, this really has me stuck.
  3. Hello everyone I will try to keep this short and simple. I'm trying to learn Arma modding and have been following tutorials and using the Arma 3 Samples as a reference. My tank is coming along nicely but I have gotten stuck on Crew positions and more specifically how to make the Gunner and Commander rotate together with the Main turret of the tank. I can for the life of me not figure out what makes this tick. I know that the actual crew positions are proxies, in my case "@@armaproxy" and "@@armaproxy.002" which is the Driver and Gunner respectively (my commander can't turn out). I assume that I'm missing something in my Skeletons or Animations that binds the thing that I can't figure out to the rotation of the turret. I know the positioning is off, but note that the gunner is facing forward when turned out and continues to do so even after the turret is turned. Any assistance is appreciated!
  4. Alright, i think i cracked it now. I did a lot of digging and found the following did the trick for me. So i think that this is something that is actually missing in the Sample Tanks config. class Test_Tank_01_base: Tank_F { hasDriver = 1; driverAction = "driver_apcwheeled2_out"; driverInAction = "driver_apcwheeled2_in"; } The above code is missing in the file called CfgVehicles.hpp. So for anyone else that may be encountering this or is stuck, there ya go. :)
  5. Yea, that's the thing, they are already in there. They just don't work 😞
  6. Okay, small update on this as it's driving me nuts. Turns out that it isn't my tank that's the problem, its actually the BIS sample tank. I tried loading the sample tank in without any modifications made to it and it doesn't work. If you spawn in the driver seat you are all good, but as soon as you leave the vehicle you can't get back into the driver seat. I tested the sample car and that one works fine, I'm currently trying to understand how this is all put together but it's really hard without any documentation/help. So if anyone got any tips then i would be more than happy to hear them.
  7. Hello everyone I have done a few smaller mods (mainly retextures) and am looking to get into bringing my own vehicle into the game. Things have been going well so far looking at tutorials and reading up on materials that people have shared in that regard. But I have one thing that i currently can't wrap my head around and could use some advice on. I can't quite figure out where or how the points for entering a certain seat in a vehicle is defined? I am using the Test Tank that is provided in the Arma 3 Samples and the different seats/positions work just fine, but I cannot from let's say the gunner seat switch to the driver. My problem is with the driver seat specifically, if i spawn in it everything is fine, but if i leave the vehicle I can't seem to be able to get back into it. I assume that the positions for entering and exiting certain seats are defined by memory points in the vehicle model. But I'm a little bit unsure what to look for. Anyways, for those curious I have chosen a T-90A model that was free as a sort of first project to see if i could get things working. It drives, it shoots, the turret rotates etc 🙂 so im pretty happy so far. (Obviously no textures yet) I also have a short clip here: https://i.imgur.com/kEfYGRt.mp4 Anyways, all help is greatly appreciated even if you can simply point me in the right direction. I don't mind reading through guides or tutorials, I just can't seem to find one that explains what i'm looking for.
  8. Sorry i never replied to this. I will do so now however since i just encountered the same problem again. The problem is related to steam updating, it basically updates and thinks its up to date but then there are a couple of files that are not updated or currupt. I always delete the game .exe file and then force steam to verify the integrity of the game. It then redownloads the .exe and figures out that there are other files not correct which it then fixes. Hope this helps anyone that might get this problem in the future!
  9. Well as long as it is working and you are enjoying the game then everything is ok. :) Also be aware that Arma 3 is very picky in the USB ports, when you move the joystick to different ports it might detect it as a different joystick. Anyways, stay safe and happy hunting!
  10. GanX

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Funny that you should mention this, i have never really had problems with crashes like these until yesterday. My game crashed like you describe, at first i thought it was my graphics driver going but it appeared to be an Arma 3 Error (i didn't get to see it in time before the screen went black again). I could hear people talk on TS for a short while and then i got out of the frozen state back to desktop. However my Audio was crashed so hard that i couldn't get any sound out of my headphones again until i restarted my computer. Anyhow, like pabloelkillo said, this sounds like another issue.
  11. GanX

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Hello Faelucc Try playing a bit more with the setting, also try to increase your view distance as you please to see how it runs. I would imagine that the game still runs better or longer with the setting enabled. You can also set another parameter if you want to try something more, try to set this -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi I know that this is the default allocator, but i have for some reason had more success with both settings enabled. I know it doesn't make much sense, but what can i say... Arma. :) Also when you get the 3 FPS but, does your game crash or are you just stuck with the 3 FPS bug?
  12. GanX

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    That is great news! I will get as many people in my group to try the same to see if we can produce the same outcome. It would be great if this is the case, i think i will make a post about this if it turns out to solve the issue so other people can benefit from this as well. But lets do some more testing before we get ahead of ourselves.
  13. GanX

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Hi @pabloelkillo We have a small mission tonight where i will test this myself. We are usually around 10-15 people during our Thursday operations so it won't be quiet the same amount of people as we get during prime time when we are 40+. I will however also report my findings and i am looking forward to hearing how it turns out for you. I have access to an array of computers, servers and installations so feel free to give me feedback or suggestions for testing and i will get right on that. That goes for everyone reading this, I and TAW is always happy to help where we can, feel also free to PM me or add me on steam.
  14. GanX

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Well i have apparently been a bit out of touch with reality then. xD Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I have seen the stuff about performance degradation but i didn't think that they meant the 3 FPS bug with that. But from your quote i see that this is what they mean. I also did not think it was the same because my game usually recovers from the bug after a little while where FPS goes back up to about 30, i can usually provoke a recovery by minimizing the game and maximizing it again.
  15. GanX

    Joystick will not recognized

    Hi MrFies What Joystick are you using? Please be aware that Arma is very picky about the USB ports that are used as well. When i moved my Joystick to another USB port it detected it as a new device and i had to redo all my keybindings. Perhaps you can try a different port on your computer? Also remember that switching ports requires a restart of the game.