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Everything posted by 56Curious

  1. 56Curious

    Player Loaded into Game

    The way I fixed this was just pretending that something was loading, create a black screen and then just fade into that, here is a snippet for anyone: if (side player == west) then { _subtitles = [ [ "System", "Loading, please wait. This may take some time...", 0], [ "System", "Almost done, final touches...", 10], [ "System", "Loading complete, transmitting data...", 20] ]; _subtitles spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_playSubtitles; sleep 30; 0 fadeMusic 0; sleep 0.1; titlecut ["","BLACK IN",7]; playMusic "EventTrack01a_F_Tacops"; 6 fadeMusic 1; _camera = "camera" camCreate [12031.02,4828.08,0.92]; _camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]; ... Blah Blah Blah }; I've set the screen to be black by default in the init file so that you never actully see the game screen. Then just executed the above in a seperate file. Best fix I can come up with if there isn't a set scripting command for multiplayer loading.
  2. 56Curious

    Player Loaded into Game

    You've got that within the initPlayerLocal yes? code after the waitUnitl too obviously.
  3. Hello, i've got a feeling that the Param value isn't being passed, however converting said code into a string and hinting it for debugging, allows me to see it? I then thought maybe the sleep wasn't working, but setting that number to the Param value isn't really working either. Description.ext class MaxTime { title = "Max Time Before Mission End"; texts[] = {"30mins","1Hr","1Hr 30mins","2Hrs","2Hrs 30mins","3Hrs","No Limit"}; values[] = {1800,3600,5400,7200,9000,10800,86400}; default = 1800; }; My Param Dealing Script. _maxTime = "MaxTime" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; ... switch _maxTime do { case 1800: {//30Minutes sleep 1800; "CustomEnding_MaxTime" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; }; case 3600: {//1Hr sleep 3600; "CustomEnding_MaxTime" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; }; case 3600: {//1Hr 30Minutes sleep 3600; "CustomEnding_MaxTime" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; }; }; These are just snippets of the code. any help would be amazing :D
  4. 56Curious

    Zeus Mission File

    [Sorry if this is in the wrong section] So the offical zeus mission file seems to be broken when you extract the file. No matter what I do, play in multiplayer, export to mpmissions, make it into a PBO, restart the whole process and keep it untouched (No Backup) but nothing seems to work. Anyone got an idea on a way that I can edit the offcial zeus mission file but keep it working?
  5. I was just wondering how I can call a dialog twice? I've got it working via createDialog, however I can't call it twice (After it closes using closeDialog) Nevermind, I was being stupid ahah
  6. Hello, I want to find out the return value given from the support modules CAS bombing run. Any help is very greatful, Thanks, Curious.
  7. This is an extract from the skype chat for terrain makers. Getting an error in my map frame properties, tried looking on the fourms but only found issues that had an actual file path. Error is as follows: "Can't load image from file 'P:\': file does not exsist." "Layers generation - PNGOVerlapV3Style.cpp bool V3PictureDataMod::LoadFromFile( const char* filename = "P:\") Unable to load from file" "Layers generation - unable to load the file "P:\"." I have setup my P drive correctly, I am sure of it. I've tried restarting and re-mounting but that doesn't work either. if I can't get help here, i'll have to copy it onto the fourms. I typed out the layers.cfg again to see if that would fix it, as well as double checking the file paths. I useally have the P drive open on PC startup, if I'm away from PC and it times the elevation stage out, I open A3 tools and mount the P drive.
  8. 56Curious

    Terrain Builder Refusing Files

    Another question, as to RVMATs, I've just grabbed a template and adjusted the texuture file path, but the person I saw had a program to adjust them? Could this cause an issue?
  9. 56Curious

    Terrain Builder Refusing Files

    I'll rework the file structure at some point soon. here is the RVMAT ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0,0,0,0}; specularPower=1; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; PixelShaderID="NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID="NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture="P:\Projects\Ua_Huka\Terrain Builder\data\Cur_UaHiva_dirt.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={5,0,0}; up[]={0,5,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; };
  10. 56Curious

    Terrain Builder Refusing Files

    I thought i'd show you what bulldozer displays, This is all i've ever seen, without the damn thing crashing.
  11. 56Curious

    Terrain Builder Refusing Files

    Layers.cfg: Please bare inmind, there is only one texture right now as I just wanted to generate layers to make sure it was doing so correctly. It has done this before, but I must have touched something at some point. class Layers { class cur_uahuka_grass_yellow { texture = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\data\Cur_dirt_co.paa"; material = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\data\Cur_UaHiva_dirt.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\source\surfacemaplegend.png"; class colors { cur_uahuka_grass_yellow [] = {{255,255,0}}; }; };
  12. 56Curious

    Terrain Builder Refusing Files

    Layers.cfg: Please bare inmind, there is only one texture right now as I just wanted to generate layers to make sure it was doing so correctly. It has done this before, but I must have touched something at some point. class Layers { class cur_uahuka_grass_yellow { texture = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\data\Cur_dirt_co.paa"; material = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\data\Cur_UaHiva_dirt.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "Projects\ua_huka\terrain builder\source\surfacemaplegend.png"; class colors { cur_uahuka_grass_yellow [] = {{255,255,0}}; }; }; I wasn't sure what you mean't by samplers (Still new to terrain building) so I grabbed stuff I thought you meant? http://imgur.com/a/aXfl3 ^ ignore the Gdt files, they were there to test something. As above, I have been able to generate layers before, did it a few times infact, however I opened it up the next day and it broke.
  13. Hello, so I gathered some help with a condition that went along the lines of: count thisList > 0 && {count (thisList select {side _x isEqualTo west})/count thisList isEqualTo 0.75} however I want to intergrate OPFOR both having the ablity to do the above, as well as effect it. Outline: I am hoping to create a conquest-esque gamemode, however the double trigger set-up I have isn't really optimal. 2 BLUFOR units enter a trigger with 1 OPFOR unit. BLUFOR have the control, therefore the script to set an objects texture is exectued. If 2 OPFOR units enter, BLUFOR are out numbered and therefore the objects texture is changed accordingly. The trg act isn't being forfilled either which makes me think that the condition maybe incorrect? Maybe i've been over thinking things, however any help would be appricated.
  14. Ah, I had another error via drawIcon3D at the time and couldn't see that seperated one untill I checked RPT files aha. Thank you :D
  15. Hello, I want to activate a trigger when, after counting the current amount of units present, will activate after say, 3/4 of total is BLUFOR, for example. This is similar to the sector control modules work with the defined amount of units present to switch. More info can be provided if needed, - Curious
  16. hey Nik thanks for replying! One thing, getting an error at where the /count is causing an error. I tried removing it and fixing the condition, but still get it?
  17. 56Curious

    Protection zone with a trigger

    Use GrenadeStop.sqf, you can find it everywhere on google by searching for more than a few seconds.
  18. It will be in their scripting files. Try contacting the Devs and ask them where they saved the data.
  19. 56Curious

    Arma 3 Map Overlay FPS Drop

    Try checking your cache in steam properties.
  20. 56Curious

    Changing Group Names

    Unfortunately they're hard-coded into the game. I remember a year or two I tried the same but no luck :C I'm sure there is a reason for this however.
  21. I heard that changing the aspect ratio can also fix it temp?