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About Tony.G

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I'm wanting to try using reshade on arma3 but have heard that you can get battle eye banned for using it. is this true?
  2. i have been trying to find out how to do this. does anyone know how to do this?
  3. the first 5 seconds should explain
  4. how can i get the text that show up at the bottom right that says (Example) Chernogorsk?
  5. how can i get the text that show up at the bottom right that says (Example) Chernogorsk?
  6. take a screen shot so i know what you are talking about.
  7. if its on your server try getting infastar or an admin script.
  8. Great mod love making air to air combat missions with ifa3!
  9. Tony.G

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Has to be the best mod i have used in arma 3!!!
  10. not sure which cherno life you are playing but try by pressing 2 then clicking on money then typing in the amount of money that you want to give then click on the players name and press give. hoped it helped you :D