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Everything posted by Boss-Starstreams

  1. Boss-Starstreams

    Memory leak in the latest 1.66 patch

    EDIT: As mentioned in the first post. this issue was my fault. I had set a permanent swap file in windows too low, I accidentally forgot to add a zero for the Min/Max setting. It was set to 1400MBs. That explains the low memory error. No more errors. Feel free to delete these entire thread mods. by the way @smiter, I'm not sure if they added that FPS fix to the update. In one of the posts at that link the developers said "the test didn't work", but thanked everyone. I think they dropped it.
  2. EDIT: Disregard my posts in this topic. This issue was my fault, not the updates. I had set a permanent swap file in windows too low, I accidentally forgot to add a zero for the Min/Max setting. It was set to 1400MBs. That explains the low memory error. No more errors. Feel free to delete this entire thread mods. I'll add another post to the end of this. I'm wondering if anyone else is have low memory errors after the 1.66 update? I've been playing ArmA 3 all year, and I even added another 4GBs of Corsair CAS memory a month ago. No issues with any of my other games. Now all the sudden, after v1.66 every time I play ArmA 3 I get a windows low memory error when I tab out. And if I keep playing the game, my video driver starts to unload itself and the screen (in game) jumps down to software rendering. Then, as soon as I exit ArmA back to windows, everything goes back to normal. Could there be a memory leak in the new update? Again, no issues with any other game, and I ran a memory test for 5 hours after I added it and it passed. would someone be kind enough to please explain step by step how to submit error reports to BIS? I've seen the links, but I'm not sure how the error page functions, or how the registration works. Advanced Thanks -- Computer -- OS: Win 7 Pro Motherboard: GIGABYTE Socket 775 - GA-EP45-UD3P (rev. 1.6) CPU: intel Duo E8400 2x 3.0Ghz Memory: 8 GB Corsair XMS cas Aduio: Intel Sound Video: nVidia-GTX-660 PSU: Antec-750 TruePower
  3. Boss-Starstreams

    Possible fix for the "3 FPS Drop" Issue

    I'm getting actual low memory errors after the 1.66 as I posted here in more detail. Is this related to the FPS issue? Another forum member directed me to this post, but this doesn't sound related to what I'm seeing on my end.
  4. There are too many things going on with the realism in A3 with regard to the AI's ability to know someone is there even when they have cover. The 3den Enhanced helps control the spot distance, but I don't think the mountains, and terrain is actually blocking the radial spot awareness of the AI. Here are a few examples: A tank comes over a hillside and wipes me out every time I hit replay, even though I'm hidden further into the woods while my 12 guys are out in the open. even if I move to new positions before the tanks gets over the hill on my side, It's as though the AI is programmed to target the player more often then the enemy, ...while my guys were out in the open.A tank comes over the hill and wipes out about 10 guys in a matter of 3 seconds, even though the guys are all spaced out at distances from each other of about 30 to 50 feet, and they were commanded to take cover before hand. How in the world would a tank know where everyone is that quick? My friend is an Captain officer in the Army, He's says it's BS. It would take the tank some time to aim at everyone. I can change this behavior with the 3den Enhanced AI settings, but why is the setting so jacked up by default.I'm in prone position sneaking up on some guys in front of me who are about 100ft behind the hill I'm crawling up: about a second before I can see them through the weeds I'm already being shot at and killed by the infantry on foot. It's as though the radial awareness of the AI is NOT being blocked by terrain or even trees. Last point. I realize that the "tanks" and even the infantry have heat sensor abilities, but then wouldn't the other army have heat deflector outfits to help a little? And how can they detect heat when your behind a hill? And it's not like every squad or platoon has that ability at all times. Either way, even if they knew I was there as soon as my head peaked over the hill, there is no way someone can aim and kill me every time on their first shot from 100 feet away while I'm laying down. Unless it's just luck. And the AI seems to have a LOT of luck in A3. The question here is: is the spot distance blocked by terrain? Hills, Mountains? ... Or is it NOT?
  5. I don't understand this. Why are None Free add-ons being included in the main distribution downloads for arma 3? This goes against the concept of using mod folders, which are to allow players and mod testers to only load content necessary (for performance and sometimes stability reasons). Take the Marksman DLC for example. what if someone didn't want that? Or go-carts for example, which I could care less about. Why is it being loaded in my game menus? I don't want it. I do actually like the guns in the Marksman DLC but if you read the comments on it. 90 percent of the comments are of upset people who feel that this kind of thing should have been in the game from the start. That's debatable. I'm personally not against paying for updates if it helps the developers, but they should not bundle them into the main updates to be installed against the will or knowledge of the customer. This is like going into a car dealer, buying a car and then the store chaining a set of new wheels to the back of your bumper when you already have tires on your car - then you having the drive around town while dragging a set of tires down the street that you never intended on buying. People are not stupid. We know these kinds of marketing tactics while happen with the introduction of steam.It is what it is. But don't think that all house who supported this this game from the start of OFP don't remember. We remember how things were.
  6. Boss-Starstreams

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    I think the AI is ok, but they need to revamp the entire collision and tracking system in the engine. I know that's easier said then done, since collision and tracking is very CPU intensive. Setting more way points is the only solution at the moment, but that would kill performance. I just played a game, and the tanks were running into light polls, buildings and hitting each other. Though to be fair, these were Red Hammer Addon mods.
  7. Not sure why this setting was removed anyway, it had good uses. For example, I want to make the Independent NAPA as enemy's to the west, because the units titled: Group, looks a little like the Mexican Cartel. Not perfect, but they're the closest looking units to the Cartel in the game. Arma 3 is a perfect landscape for the war on drugs. Anyway, I got it to work like this setFriend has to be added to each side, or you'll have lots of friendly fires.
  8. I was wondering, with ArmA 3, do you still need to move the key file to the key folder in the main game directory, or can ArmA3 find it if you keep it in the mod folder? I also see .paa and .cpp files in the archives, not sure what to do with them? Thanks
  9. I'm not sure what to make of this. The A3MP add-ons seems to be looking for a CUP config file, but I have all the latest CUP files added. None of these maps even show up in ArmA 3 but the mod folder is showing that's it's loading according to the list in the luncher. Error: Addon "CUP_Bohemia_Config'requires addons "CUP_Bohemia_Data"
  10. EDIT The error I was getting was because I accidentally deleted my cup terrain folder The Thirsk island sky looks good though! I was wondering why I was seeing a bloom kind of effect, but I found that I just need to go into the settings and lower the fog, the author has the fog up to 20% by default. Map plays good, but I think some of the textures could use a small adjustment to work better with the new lighting system. Looks good though. EDIT You were right ineptaphid CBA was subscribed to the workshop. I didn't know what that was, that it updated your mods. That's kind of cool. I disabled it though, I like doing things manually. Anyway, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. All is working well now!
  11. HI ineptaphid, I see, Thanks. As far what I was looking for, I wanted Thirsk, Winter Thirsk and Fallujah. They are not in there, but both great islands! By the way, any idea why Community Base Addons 1.3 is showing two entries in my ArmA3 luncher list? I don't know how that happened. I looked to see if I possibly had two folders, or maybe my shortcut with two entries, but that was not the case. Notice here, it's listed twice in the list. http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161013164527_1.jpg My parameters: -nosplash -Mod=@CBA_A3 -Mod=@CUP_Terrains -Mod=@CUP_Units -Mod=@CUP_Vehicles -Mod=@CUP_Weapons -Mod=@Mods -Mod=@FDF_Podagorsk_v11 -Mod=@HeavyArmor -Mod=@Jets -Mod=@Helicopters -Mod=@RHSAFRF -Mod=@RHSUSAF -Mod=@RHSGREF
  12. There use to be a simple way to place AI in buildings just by placing a way point over the building or tower and selecting the position. How is this done in ArmA 3? I just need to set a basic way point that moves an AI sniper to a tower when the game starts. Thank you.
  13. Boss-Starstreams

    Red Hammer Studios

    Wasn't Red Hammer Studios the developers who helped BIS create the original OFP content? Sorry it's been awhile. I just ran across a video on youtube with someone mentioning RHS so I Goggled it. I downloaded and installed their add-ons for ArmA3. The add-ons are so beautiful, I even updated my sig pic. Blown away! What's cool is, when you drive the Humvee cars for the US side, you can see out the side windows, you're view is not blocked like in other mods. When you get in and out of planes, and choppers, the animations actually look like you're getting in and out. Last, the planes don't get shot down as easy as in CUP jets for example. They are more balanced. This RHS team took no shortcuts, these guys mean business. I love their attention to detail and how real their texturing looks. To me, this is what makes a game fun. I took some screenshots this morning and posted them on my page: Screens - The bottom of my page in the Red Hammer section, last three rows of screens are just a few of their vehicles I took snaps of. http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/
  14. Boss-Starstreams

    Placing AI in buildings and towers with waypoint

    Hi froggylov Yes. I have the latest editor and updates to ArmA 3. I tried it in 2D mode also, with the IDs turned on. I remember in the past with A2, you just moved a waypoint over a building, or a tower object, and the way point's properties would show positions, 1, 2,3, 4.ect, which were designated for different floors. You were able to use cycle waypoints on a few buildings, and the guys would enter the first one, then exit and go to the next. I'm not seeing this in A3.
  15. Boss-Starstreams

    Seems the IA's spot distance can see behind terrain, hills.

    Thanks for the links Gunter Severloh! But these seem like they're for ArmA v1? @silentghoust That makes perfect sense. The only thing is, to be able to shoot ahead takes a LOT of skill. I could bump the accuracy and aim time down on the AI's crew using 3den Enhanced. But there are still things not right. for example. I had two BMP3 tanks and three BMP2 tanks I needed to take out. So I radioed in two Harrier bombers and one Harrier 84MK, I think it was, and did another radio bravo for two AH-64 anti tank choppers. (All at the same time) and they all got wiped out. These are all add-ons made by CUP, which I'm sure they've been tested on ArmA3. This is the mission froggyluv. The jets on the main island work great when you radio them in, and there are two AH-64 standing by for the second radio call. I wasn't sure which folder to grab. In MyDocuments folder under Win7, I grabbed them out of ArmA3 - Other Profiles/ Username/ Saved and missions folder. You'll need CUP, CBA, and Apex, I have the Marksman DLC, but I don't think I used anything from that. http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/hideaway4.tanoa.rar By the way, a few screenshots of the attached mission http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002231509_1.jpg http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002231607_1.jpg http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002214509_1.jpg http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002164424_1.jpg http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002164539_1.jpg http://www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/20161002164217_1.jpg
  16. Boss-Starstreams

    Seems the IA's spot distance can see behind terrain, hills.

    Yeah, what you said about the AI calling out far distances might have something to do with the crazy high spot distance. I don't know why it's so high. It was never like that in ArmA 2. But if you crank it down too low then they don't know you're standing there. But I sometimes wonder if the scrips in the game doesn't always get executed in order, maybe if say the CPU is not fast enough, some of the executed scrips get delayed from having a lower priority over visual aspects of the game. But as far as the IA, I don't know how sensor volumes in this game work, or even collision and block volumes as some game manufactures call these detection circumference methods. Every game engine has it's own BSP method. But you're right, there are some screwy things that sometimes take the fun out of it. I'm curious how this LOS tool works? I'll Google that. Thanks
  17. Boss-Starstreams

    Seems the IA's spot distance can see behind terrain, hills.

    I agree. I'm sure there are some invisible blocking volumes in the game that don't always fit the shape of the terrain. The radial characteristics of the AI's spot distance comes to mind. But I'm thinking it has less to do with the shape, and more to do with whether or not the spot distance is able to trigger from an enemy object that is behind a hill. I know some of this can be controlled by lowering the spot distance with the 3den Enhanced add-on. But if the AI is say 5 feet in front of you on the other side of the hill, the question becomes, does he know you're there because his spot distance is not blocked by terrain? By the way, froggylov, does my font look ok to you? I had some people here say that it's not looking right. I've been having some strange font issues on these fourms. Just here though. I made a post on it here.
  18. EDIT sorry, I found the error code after searching the tracker. Restarting Steam fixed it. I removed the log from this post. - Mods please delete this if you want. Sorry about that. It turned out to be: 0x00000035 - ERROR_BAD_NETPATH One of the possible reasons for this message is running Steam as an administrator and starting Launcher as a regular user. If this situation occurs, Launcher may display a "Updates unavailable - Steam is not running" message in its status. Possible solutions: Run the game from Steam client by clicking on the Play button (not from a shortcut nor directly from an executable). Exit Steam and run as a regular user (instead of running it as an administrator). Run the game or the Launcher from a shortcut or from an executable as an administrator. Restart Steam. Restart the computer. Original post I just bought the Marksman DLC and all the sudden I'm getting an exit error when I try to start A3. Even if I uncheck the Marksman DLC in the lunch window, the game still won't load. It's complaining about my add-ons, which I do not want to run without. I never had an issue before this.
  19. Boss-Starstreams

    Including DLC content into arma updates - Why?

    Maybe I'm being harsh. I'm sorry. But are you guys saying that adding DLC content doesn't use up resources? Maybe only when you load them? That topic has been worn out, what has changed? If the above answer is no: then what are Mod folders for? ... (other then to keep mods organized). I was under the impression that any add-on you tack on gets loaded when the game starts - Period. When things like DLC's get added to the main update branch, then everyone has to buy them when mod makers start using them, vers community dependency's which usually use the base game. I have no problem paying $11 or 15 bucks for the Marksman DLC, it's a nice add-on. But where does it end? ArmA was always a community based game, people create amazing content and sometimes get donations, but after the game is released, it's the community that carries the torch with pride and honor. I would gladly pay a reasonable price for regular game-patch update fixes if it helps the team stay active, but now adding new content that should have been in the game to begin with? This game was bare when it came out. The things that made A1, and A2 so great, was completely stripped for no reason, and now we're going to start bring back content via DLC's? One of the main reasons I even play A3 is because of them great people over at CUP who had some memory and gratitude of all the individuals who put slave labor hours into assets over the last 15+ years. There are some great improvements to A3, The talented devs at BIS always amaze me with their skill and the technology they share with us. No one can deny that they're some of the most talented game developers ever. But without the A2 content, it was too off the path of what made it great all these years. Why are we adding this stuff back? It doesn't make sense to me. Again, Sorry. I like ArmA 3 a LOT, but only because I'm able to play with the A2 content while still getting the benefits of A3.
  20. Boss-Starstreams

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    What you're not understanding youngster, is that ArmA, which dates back to the early 90s always respected community mods. You are right sir, the AI in A3 is not bad by itself. The problem is, ARMA has always been a mod based game with a (small) mature audience of community developers which is what made ArmA so great. The fact that BIS tends to make drastic changes late after the game as been released for (what three years now?) ...has broken many mods and as a result you're going to have people complaining about bad AI. ArmA-3 has some great improvements, but BIS could have done better to port community assets over from ArmA2, and just recently broke all the ported islands that were brought over from A2 with their new shader update. They don't want people bringing old assets back, because their new concept is selling DLC's and making more money. Wake up people. As far as my response to the OT: I still do $$$ support them, but I'm getting second thoughts. I don't like some of the new tactics that BIS is using to market their profits. The automatic inclusion of DLCs is one that comes to mind. And deciding to do major updates to the lighting system, thus breaking all community mods three years later after the release of A3? Are they kidding. With the increase of more new customers, BIS has become too large to be personal anymore. They don't have time to read posts anymore because their too busy making new titles. Honest truth: I wouldn't have even bought A3 if it were not for the CUP add-ons. A3 sucks compared to A2 without the Community Upgrade Project. That is the ONLY reason I play A3. So many years of great assets that the community has put into building A2 up to to the great game it was. And then none of it was included in A3? BIS's excuse was that it was a futuristic - infantry based game, or a new title if you will. Well if it's not the same game, then why would they not just name it something else. There are more people playing A2 still, and the last update for it has been released. This is how business shove new products down our throats. Microsoft comes to mind.
  21. Boss-Starstreams

    Including DLC content into arma updates - Why?

    So if you join a server and you don't have the DLC, you can play it without a watermark? What if someone doesn't care about joining the particular server you mention, and they also don't want that content loading on there system since it's not free, and only taking up resources ...can it be removed manually without breaking other dependency's? If not, it's a catch 22 And no it's not like testing a car before you buy it, because if you don't like the car, you walk out of the dealership without the car stuck to your side. I notice your screen name in LOT Of posts around here Greenfirst, and you're always defending BIS. Who are you anyway, you work for them? Look man, I have a TON of respect for BIS and what they've done over the years, they are hands down some of the best game developers if not THE BEST IMO. Their attention to detail is astonishing. But anyone who does something great, can also do things wrong. No one is without sin. This inclusion of DLCs into the main update branch is a marketing strategy. If you don't see that, you're lying to yourself brother. If I wanted to test it, why can't I just download it via steam and then remove it if I didn't like it. That's not the case here.
  22. Boss-Starstreams

    Forums font issue

    Just curious if anyone knows how to fix this? or where I should post or email this comment to? When I post on these forums, my font and all the other posts from other people looks very distorted and there are almost no spacing between periods. I thought it was an issue with Firefox, but I'm not having this issue any any other forum. I've just tested three others. Whats odd is, when I'm in edit mode the font looks great, but as soon as I post the message here the text gets ugly. Again, all the other posts on here look bad like mine. If I go to the font menu while in edit mode and change to a different font, the text looks good, but then there is a space between all the senescence. Here is a screen of the font that I'm seeing on my end. www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/fontissue.jpg
  23. Boss-Starstreams

    Whats happened to this community

    So going to steam was more about getting more customers it sounds like, vers the original mentality of making an extremely realistic game and being more personal with a smaller audience. Like BIS didn't have enough customers already? it's called Greed. When do people ever have enough...NEVER. All this BS about steam being better for distribution of updates, give me a break. It was better in the past. You post an update to your web site, it later gets distributed on mirrors, and the customer downloads it, That's it. There is nothing steam does to make the updates work more effectively, and if anything it just adds to instability of the game because it's another thing running in the background that can conflict. The devs went to steam because it was an opportunity to make a boat load of money and expand their base of customers. The once small club of intellectual supporters has been exposed and saturated with new members who lack the original intention of a game (that so many supported). BIS is busy making other titles for steam, they love the money, rather then putting the extra time that could be used towards making realistic cockpits that actually function like real planes. The modders in the community are making more realistic looking vehicles and planes then the developers. Not because the developers are not capable, they just don't care. Many of us supported BIS since the start of OFP, probably before some of these new people were ever born. we have eyes. Cherry coat it anyway you want dude. I resist the tug of popular sentiment.
  24. Well, like I said, the podagorsk download for ArmA2 works fine under ArmA3. I'm not sure if that's because of the dependencies from CUP makes it work. Works great so far. The only problem I see with all these ported islands (and it drives me nuts) is the lighting-levels in white areas of textures ara being crushed. Basically the mod makers need to go back on lower the lighting intensity on their textures which probably means masking out/ isolating the (white sections) of the texture. For example, the gray rocks almost have no detail and look more pure white because BIS must have made some kind of lighting-level adjustment ...different than what they had in ArmA2. it's nice that they're improving the game, but I just wonder how many mod makers are still active and willing to go back and calibrate the textures in their maps. On a site note: The AI is completely messed up with all these new mods. Even the aircraft in CUP is totally messed up. Fighter jets for example: the A10, Harrier, and choppers all get shot down by BMPs every time. It's unfortunate because without the mods and previous assets from ArmA2, ArmA3 is not much fun in my opinion.. I'm playing ArmA 2 more. I still don't get why BIS couldn't just expand on what they had, rather then coming out with a competitively new concept from the Cold War (which worked) maintaining some kind of backward compatibility. Why change something that worked for the last 15 years. People supported this game FOREVER because they liked the theme. Everyone loves Ice cream, so do you replace it with bustle sprouts? I don't understand the mentality of people sometimes. It wouldn't be so bad if they continued to support ArmA2 since it is a different game according to them.But the project seems to be dead, they've moved on to new futuristic concept. I guess the part that bugs me the most is that there are so many great assets that got left behind, or where brought over but are now broken, or just don't visually look right. ArmA2 was such a great game, it just needed a few of the improvements that ArmA3 got, like multi CPU support, and water diving. I feel like we're starting over from the beginning, And just when everyone gets ArmA3 tweaked, ArmA4 will came and throw us back to the beginning again.
  25. Has anyone figured a way to get Podagorsk to work? It was one of my all time favorite maps. There were a few posts I found in this thread of members asking about it, but none seemed resolved. I'm running the newest version of of CUP 1.7.1 The islands that do load actually work great, no issues at all. But Podagorsk is not loading. I tried running the A3MP and A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack - Additional Pack to see if I could acquire Podagorsk that way, but they load with errors o I removed them.\ Nether of these load for me. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24911 This is where I'm getting my CUP files by the way http://cup-arma3.org/download How is that? I don't see Podagorsk even in the Community-Upgrade-Project-Terrains-Complete-version-1.2.0 zip file. Where are you other guys getting it? EDIT I just tried adding the v11 of Podagorsk from the ArmA2 archive at Armaholic and that seems to play fine under ArmA3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8791