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Everything posted by Kompetenzz

  1. Kompetenzz

    Object Builder - How do I deselect?

    Yes I know about them. I'm not a noob to modelling.. Just new to Object Builder :D Another question: If my vehicle has 3 tires on each side, the left third tire name has to be wheel_1_3_hide .. right? Sorry for wasting your time :)
  2. Hey, does anyone know how to deselect vertices in Object Builder? I couldn't find anything on the internet. Thanks in advance :)
  3. Kompetenzz

    Object Builder - How do I deselect?

    Mhh... it doesn't work that well for me.. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't Thanks
  4. Kompetenzz

    German Armed Forces Mod

    I haven't heard much about it lately
  5. Kompetenzz

    German Armed Forces Mod

    So the German Navy part is dead, isn't it?
  6. Kompetenzz

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Error while loading the map in the Editor. https://gyazo.com/db4cc1a7dc13269138d94916afde74f0 CUP is installed.
  7. It's LAxemann's Immerse (L_Immerse) mod :)
  8. https://gyazo.com/d54f8c5d6c92bfe4bf0770154b5d4d04 -> Germany btw: merry christmas to everyone :)
  9. Kompetenzz

    Kunduz bases by DonbassCZ

    Open Kunduz bases mission in Eden, mark everything, press Ctrl + C, go to your mission and do RMB- > edit > Paste to original position ;)
  10. Kompetenzz

    Kunduz bases by DonbassCZ

    Hmmm you can name it FOB Niedersachsen (its a german state) :)
  11. Kompetenzz

    Kunduz bases by DonbassCZ

    You can add something like a small hospital :)
  12. Kompetenzz

    Kunduz bases by DonbassCZ

    Wow! Can't wait for it! - Greets from germany!! :)