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Everything posted by Drift_91

  1. Drift_91

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Is this the issue in madmax's post you're talking about? I was under the impression that was due to me using the same steam account for both server and client. I just now realized the reason "-beta development" wasn't working was because appID 233780 has no dev branch. So what you're saying is I download the client with appID 107410 and then install and run the GUI version of steam? Will running the steam GUI client in the background stop the "You were kicked off the game. Steam authentication failed." error from happening?
  2. Drift_91

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Alright, so how do we make a server on DEV branch with SteamCMD? If I enter the appID for the client/game I need to use my steam account that I own arma on; If I use that account then I can't log into the server from my actual game client on the same account. And of course the real reason the aforementioned is an issue is because "-beta development" doesn't do a single thing in SteamCMD when entering the appID of the server.
  3. Drift_91

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Unfortunately, no. I struggle enough just trying to tweak configs to my liking. In fact I only now just noticed your post because I came on the forums to ask some scripting questions for my mission. :P Thanks for offering though, I really wish I could. By the way is there an estimated release time for the updated ONS mod? I tried to use it once but it wasn't compatible with ACE and the compatibility patch was outdated. I was very disappointed and can't wait to try it again.
  4. Drift_91

    3den Enhanced

    I'm kind of a noob at scripting. When I put the following into the "on respawn" section of "event scripting" it refuses to work: createVehicleCrew _this; I'm trying to get this to work with the UGV because it always respawns with no crew and is uncontrollable using the UAV terminal. Am I supposed to use something else, like "_x" instead of "_this" or "this"? Here's another script I'm trying to execute on an M1A4 from the RHS mod: if(24 >= 0)then{ [_this, [ [ 'Label', cM1BarrelSymPlaces, _this getVariable ['rhs_decalBarrel_type','BarrelArt_Abrams_WD'],24] ] ] call rhsusf_fnc_decalsInit;}; if(0 >= 0)then{ [_this, [ [ 'Label', cM1PlnSymPlaces, _this getVariable ['rhs_decalPlatoon_type','ArmyPlt_Abrams_WD'],0] ] ] call rhsusf_fnc_decalsInit}; _this animate ['IFF_Panels_Hide',1,true]; For some reason neither of these work. I can only assume either they're not supported via the entry in the UI or "_this" is supposed to be something else.
  5. Drift_91

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Well no doubt. Either that or stress and anxiety have gotten to him; As I've experienced myself on numerous online projects I've started.
  6. Drift_91

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Glad to hear the mod is still under development. And O'Hally seems to have given up on the CAF mod. Last I heard from him he was in talks with the CUP project guys about putting it in CUP. He's been pretty silent the past year and apparently I'm the only one that was able to get a response out of him about the status of his CAF mod.
  7. I just messaged ohally about it on Armaholic and gave him a link to make a copyright complaint if he's not OK with the re-upload. In other news, I PM'd him on Armaholic a while ago and he messaged me back last month telling me that he's in talks with the CUP team about integrating it into their project.
  8. I'm also wondering the same thing. Been using this pattern occasionally in various games since I found it on DeviantArt about a year ago. Hell, I was even able to make a Minecraft skin out of it with some basic tweaking of the scaling algorithm. Would love to see the new variants as this pattern has really come in handy.
  9. Drift_91

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Any intention of updating this mod? I'm rather frustrated with the fact that both CAF and ONS don't work correctly and development seems to be dead. Getting pretty tired of having to run around with an American M4 and CADPAT retextures of American BDUs.
  10. So I take it this isn't going to be fixed? Vote threshold seems to have been changed from 1.5 to 1.6 which has had no impact. I'm still able to vote myself admin when no one else is on the server. Also an issue with the new difficulty settings. I'm unable to set the following VIA TADST: commands=2; waypoints=2; weaponInfo=2; stanceIndicator=2; The value of 2 causes them to stay on screen without fading out. Waypoints are insanely difficult to use when they turn invisible after 3 seconds.
  11. Can we expect an update eventually or is the mod dead/private now? If you don't plan on making anymore releases an announcement would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Drift_91

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Unfortunately this mod seems to give everyone godmode on my server. I'm not sure if the ACE compatibility .pbo should fix this, but ACE doesn't let it run because it's outdated. Edit: Just confirmed it's an incompatibility with ACE. I ran the mod individually and then with only ACE and CBA. Works fine without ACE, AI and players have godmode with ACE. Also tested with only CBA to be sure and it works fine.
  13. Bit of a bug in the voting settings. When you deselect "Voting Enabled" it sets the vote threshold to 1.5 which no longer blocks voting completely from what I've read. I was able to vote myself admin when I was the only player on the server. Not a major issue for me since it's a private server, but for others this could be a severe problem. The correct method for blocking voting is to add the following to the config. allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; Where I found this info: http://forums.a3wasteland.com/index.php?topic=1470.0 I'd also like to suggest adding the ability to add custom lines to the config. The above mentioned fix keeps getting erased every time I edit the config with TADST. I know you'll probably fix the voting in the next release, but custom config entries could help assist with any similar problems in the future. By the way thanks for making this awesome utility, without which I would have never been able to wrap my head around server administration initially. :)