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iV - Ghost

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Everything posted by iV - Ghost

  1. Hello, I'm looking for a way (or the best way) to realize a "disable minefield"-task. I wanna make the minefield via module and if all mines are disabled I wanna have a reaction (delete marker, change taskState, ...). I wanna place more than one minefield on the map. My first attempt: 1. Placing the minefield module 2. Given the module a variable name (Minefield1) 3. Placing a trigger with the follow content: CONDITION: !(alive Minefield1) ON ACTIVATION: ["TaskSucceeded",["","Blablabla."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; But this won't work. Any ideas?
  2. iV - Ghost

    Reaction after disable minefield

    Delete module: I had hoped that it would improve the performance when the modul is gone. In my missions I have a lot of tasks, objects, ... . But I'm not a coder, and if you say that deleting is not necessary, then I believe you. In one of my other tasks I have to close a valve. In this case I delete the module with this: deleteVehicle ((Alikampos_Smoke2 getVariable "effectEmitter") select 0); Works fine. Can't see any problems. What do you think?
  3. iV - Ghost

    Reaction after disable minefield

    After disarming the minefield I get the massage but the mines dosn't deleted. The trigger and the module are on the same place. Maybe the APERSMINE isn't a part of the "groundweaponholder" after disarming? MINEFIELD MODULE: Variablename = Charkia_Mines1 SHAPE = Ellipse SIZE A = 35 SIZE B = 35 Mine = APERSMINE Count = 10 TRIGGER: SHAPE = Ellipse SIZE A = 35 SIZE B = 35 CONDITION: {mineActive _x && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines == 0 ON ACTIVATION: ["TaskSucceeded",["","Das Minenfeld bei Charkia wurde zerstört."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; deleteVehicle "Charkia_Mines1"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (getpos thisTrigger nearSupplies 35 select {_x isKindOf "groundweaponholder"});
  4. iV - Ghost

    Reaction after disable minefield

    THX a lot. I'll try this to delete the mines inside the disarmed minefield: ON ACTIVATION: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (getpos thisTrigger nearSupplies 50 select {_x isKindOf "groundweaponholder"}); For what exact the "50" are? Is it 50 meter, 50 supplies or what is it? Delete Marker: I don't use module marked marker. For every minefield I've placed a own area marker (M1, M2, M3, ...). This area marker get deleted if the mines are disabled. Works fine. ON ACTIVATION: deleteMarker "M1";
  5. iV - Ghost

    Reaction after disable minefield

    One more question: How can I delete all the mines in this area after activate the trigger? CONDITION: {mineActive _x && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines == 0 ON ACTIVATION: ["TaskSucceeded",["","The minefield near Therisa was destroyed."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; deleteMarker "M2"; deleteVehicle "Therisa_Mines1";
  6. iV - Ghost

    Reaction after disable minefield

    Works fine! THX a lot.
  7. Adjustable fall damage: It would be a great option if the fall damage were adjustable in a module or in the serverconfig.hpp. For my taste it is to easy to hurt myself on the ground when jumping from a roof or something like this.
  8. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    After the last update (1.76) I can't see (feel) any aiSkill (playing with skillAI = 0.35;) optimisations. The precision is much to good too. I'm playing with precisionAI = 0.0001; and they hit me much to exact! And the enemy see (hear, smell or whatever) me threw the barricades on the windows.
  9. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Firing from vehicle positions: It would be great if the Ai fired shots from the possible "vehicle positions" in attack and defense situations. Not only the "gunners" should engage.
  10. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Precision over distances: The larger the distance, the worse the precision should be. Every time I fight as a sniper over 700m the enemy detected and hit me pretty good. I wearing my ghillie suit and laying motionless in the grass. The ballistic of the cal 6.8 shouldn't work over 700m.
  11. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Reaction on warsound: The Ai should react reasonable on warsound (Explosions, shoots, ...). Often we are blasting a transmitting tower and the enemy (distance roughly 200m) go for a walk.
  12. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Because I have never seen something like that. It "feels" like they don't do that. They walk very smooth over a cleared area full of dead people If they don't "smell" me or my teammates.
  13. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Dead Bodies: Ai should be alerted if seen (new) dead bodies from own side. They should search the area for the enemy for a while.
  14. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Here is a link to our modlist: http://www.iv-gaming.de/index/static/view/id/274 I don't place the ALiVE AiSkill Module. I'm using some scripts: GOM_AircraftLoadout Virtual Vehicle Spawner lights (script to switch streetlamps on/off) doorlocked (a script to breach locked doors) 2 Airdrop scripts AutoMedic (healing caller on addaction (advanced ACE medical)) CrateSpawner (script to spawn crates) CleanUp (deleting corpse, empty groups, ...) and my HandleAi.sqf. HandleAi.sqf private "_this"; _this = _this select 0; // REMOVE NVG & ADD FLASHLIGHT & REDUCE SPOTTING RANGE (EAST) if ((side _this == east) and (!isPlayer _this)) then { _this unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _this removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _this assignItem "acc_flashlight"; _this enableGunLights "ForceOn"; // REDUCE SPOTTING RANGE BY NIGHT _isNight = sunOrMoon; if (_isNight < 1) then { _this setskill ["spotDistance", 0.08]; _this setskill ["spotTime", 0.07]; } else { _this setskill ["spotDistance", 0.45]; _this setskill ["spotTime", 0.09]; }; }; called in description.ext // LOADOUT MANAGEMENT class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class Man { init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'scripts\misc\HandleAi.sqf')"; }; }; But the enemy is very good in spotting and shooting. The next step would be taken the enemys weapon.^^
  15. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hmmm... maybe I do something wrong on my server. I have to fight against the ultimate killers. Extrem good shooters (precisionAI = 0.04;)!!! class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { ... }; aiLevelPreset = 3; // Defines AI skill level: 0 (Low), 1 (Normal), 2 (High), 3 (Custom = CustomAILevel). }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI = 0.50; precisionAI = 0.04; }; };
  16. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Ghillie Suit The ghillie suit should give you much more stealth effect then other clothes. It should be possible to get invisible if your behavior is correct.
  17. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    @lex__1: We are seen through these objects before we become loud. We don't need to shoot first. I think the Ai don't know that they exist.
  18. iV - Ghost

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The Ai shouldn't see you: through bushes through trees (leaves) through gras through boards in front of the windows In the dark through channel pipes and other stuff from the editor
  19. iV - Ghost

    Enhanced Movement

    I think sitting on chairs (ACEX Mod) is broken since the last update. Now I'm sitting 0.5m higher in the air. My friend using the x32 Arma version and has no problems. Only with x64 Arma version.
  20. The possibilities for divers are unfortunately very limited. I can't open my Inventory or placing something like a charge. The only thing I can do is using the wet way. Would like to see more... - The flippers should be a part of the gear you have to add in your inventory. - The flippers should be moved from a new inventory slot (feet) for full moving speed. - The flippers should work with every uniform not only the wetsuit. - Swimming without flippers should not be like a grandma! - The glasses should be a part of the gear you have to move out of the water for full view. - The glasses should not be invisible on air. - The scuba breather should using freshair bottles (like the battery's by the designators). ...
  21. iV - Ghost

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    I remember on a bug if I switch the light on (Laser & Surfire lamp combo black) on a ACR then the LS-combo would deleted. Long time not tested. Maybe fixed. Only using the Surefire Lamp worked.
  22. iV - Ghost

    Enhanced Movement

    Blacklist: How can I blacklist some fences for EM? All with NATO wire should be not climbable. Land_Mil_WiredFence_F Land_New_WireFence_5m_F Land_New_WireFence_10m_F
  23. Air Command I can't see any airpatrol. I have placed the Air Commander and synced him to the AiCommand. In the Virtual Ai System are "handle all units" marked so I don't synced the helicopter to it. I'm using CSAT and placing CSAT-helicopter manual. In the MACC module is ["CAP","DCA"] listed. No Area defined and no HQ is marked there. Spawn aircraft and AA is disabled. My Mods: - Community Base Addons (CBA_A3) - Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE 3) - Advanced Combat Environment Extras (ACEX) - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment (ALiVE) - Task Force Radio (TFR) - Specialist Military Arms (SMA) - Enhanced Movement (EM) - Heros Survive - VSM All In One Collection - BackpackOnChest
  24. iV - Ghost

    Disable looting gear from corpses

    I'm using this: // DELETE ALL WEAPONS & AMMO (EAST) if ((side _this == east) and (!isPlayer _this)) then { _this addEventHandler ["Killed", { _this = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons _this; removeAllItems _this; removeAllAssignedItems _this; deleteVehicle (nearestObject [_this, "WeaponHolderSimulated"]); }]; }; Now the players can only loot or ream on Syndicate. All CSAT stuff get deleted after the unit is killed.
  25. Currently not available in the Steam Workshop.