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♠ Deadpool ♠

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46 Excellent

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About ♠ Deadpool ♠

  • Rank
    Private First Class

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Your girlfriend's bedroom but most of the time inside her closet. <3
  • Interests
    ...Women, guns, women w/ guns, guns w/ women and more women. <3 <3 <3
  1. "United States Marine Corps and Altis Armed Forces Joint Military Exercises...or should i say Annual Mediterranean Sausagefest? <3 <3 <3" #grouphugintheshowerstonight
  2. ♠ Deadpool ♠

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Zoo, you are such a horrible person for creating this kind of mod. Keep up the good work! <3 <3 <3
  3. "Ma, I fell off the stairs and smashed my head... (X_X)" NOTE: If you can spot the concern butterfly trying to help the AAF soldier, you deserve a manly hug <3 <3 <3
  4. ♠ Deadpool ♠

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    mmmm gimme some meat. <3
  5. "Reconnaissance??? Nah, just peeping on girls and being naughty. <3 <3 <3"
  6. ♠ Deadpool ♠

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    To the creator of this mod, you are one fine sexy beeeeeeeeast!!! I wonder what's next? chunks of scalps and brain matter flying everywhere? flying intestines? flying kidneys? Aaaaah, I just can't live without blood, gore and violence. You complete me!!! <3 <3 <3
  7. ♠ Deadpool ♠

    Pooter's enhanced ASR AI

    Oh you know how I roll bro, I like it intense! Well, blame the uncontrollable raging hormones! Anyway, thanks for updating. You are really awesome, so you still deserve a manly hug. Love you! <3 <3 <3
  8. ♠ Deadpool ♠

    Pooter's enhanced ASR AI

    Chiiiimi-FREAKIN-changas!!! I just got back from a very long vacation with my neighbor's hot wife, and after reading those previous posts on this thread I think I just smeared some nutella on my white undies. Anyway, Is this still being worked on for the latest update? because I kinda like how the AI behaves on this mod. In fact, the creator of this mod deserves a manly hug, some good lovin and a whole year supply of chimichangas. Me likey! <3 <3 <3
  9. OH YOU SLAVES OF ARMA AND BOHEMIA, REALLY BEAUTIFUL PICTURES! JUST BEAUTIFUL!! KEEP EM COOOOMING LADIES! *BONER ALERT* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 "Look Here, Smile, And Wait For The Flash!" Mod(s): General Equipment Addon Release by KetsuCorp, TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms by teriyaki, FHQ Accessories Pack by Alwarren, RH M4/M16 Pack and RH Accessories Pack by RobertHammer, UnderSiege Patches and Insignias by Siege-A
  10. Uuuuh, can somebody from PW6 update the version of this mod to 1.5 please? The current version is still 1.2 and I'm kinda OC with mods. I'll give free "manly" hugs if this can be done. Pretty please *puppy dog eyes* Q.Q
  11. Congratulations, your sound mod just cured my erectile dysfunction. Think I'm gonna go have another eargasm... :angel: kthanxbye
  12. "If you smell what the Devil Dogs are cookin..." Mod(s): RHS: Escalation by Red Hammer Studios, Leight's OPFOR Pack by Leight, Community Upgrade Project - Terrains by CUP Team
  13. This is a superb mod good sir! I can't wait for this to be updated on Play WithSix! :D
  14. Been a fan since the release of your mod! All I can say is that this is by far the best sound mod for my taste and I think this is as close as it can be to what it should sound in real life. It does not sound like it's rushed, abused and made straight from Hollywood. I can totally feel that you really took your time in creating this kind of obra maestra. You are a true artist Laxemann! So two thumbs up for you good Sir! I will be looking forward for more updates! :coop: