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About Stealther

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I've just finished porting Liberation v.924 to this map but I'm getting an error when trying to start it 'Warning Message: Addon 'ausbuildings' requires addon 'aussounds''. I can't get the aussonds pbo to open and it says it is a corrupted file. Has anyone been able to get this map to start on a public server? Is the Armaholic page the only source for this addon as I have not been able to find another source. Great looking map plays fine in the editor and usually that means that it will not have a problem on a public server either but that aussounds.pbo will not open and is corrupted according to the server logs. Does anyone know if a repo of the files in this addon is available somewhere.
  2. Stealther

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    Warfighter Liberation v1.01 Hello and thanks for the new Liberation version. I have had this on our server now for about a week and the following is the analysis of the new game. 1. The new halo jump system makes the game unplayable. We have had numerous instances of going for the static line drop and just ending up being stuck in the drop helicopter as it circles the jump point until enemy shoots it down without ever dropping the jumper. 2. The game play 'ballistics' seem straight from Apex Protocol and takes away from the most realistic aspect of ARMA and that is the ranging feature. One shot kills from across the map are not in line with ARMA realism. 3. The gamma and brightness are way to high which makes NVG too bright and the picture is washed out to the point that nothing is visible. My suggestions would be to restore the normal ARMA Liberation halo jump, 'ballistics' and adjust the gamma and brightness. Currently our game server has to be involved to get Mods to work at all making it very difficult to change back and forth from a Modded map. That fact alone make this game unplayable except with full zeus enabled to where we can just place a respawn vehicle near the AO being attacked. I personally think everything about this map, other than the three necessary changes I mentioned, could easily be the best version of Liberation out but as it stands is unplayable. Is there a script available to restore the normal ARMA halo jump, that would improve the players experience and I would like to find and install this if it exists. Thanks again for the new map and keep up the good work but please implement these changes as soon as possible.
  3. Stealther

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    I'm trying to install this Warfighter to our public server and I have the following mods loaded and they all show fully signed as it's status. I have the following mods: 1.Community-Base-addons-A3-version- 2. JBAD-Buildings-version-0.7.0917 3. lythium-version-1.05 I'm getting the message that my mods are not signed and then being kicked from the server. Do I need additional mods to play this map, not sure what all the requirements are for this map.
  4. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    All of my titan missiles have lost the lock on capability. What file controls the ability to lock on missiles. I have tried deleting my xxxxxxx.Arma3Profile but they still will not work. I've had the same settings as long as I've been playing Liberation and just recently they stopped working. PCML missiles still lock just the Titan AA or AT.
  5. Stealther

    Simple ammo crate drop script

    I'm using the Liberation v.924 Altis map and I can't find the vehicles init that is the second step in the instructions. What is the name of the file in the v.924 that needs the code added.
  6. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Last thing that I have not been able to make work is the whitelist.sqf. In the file I've entered my steamid64 (the second option in the file). I've tried putting the ID in by itself, with a comma at the end, with a semi colon at the end but neither of them work and I still can't access the commander slot without logging in as admin. This is how I've left it: GRLIB_whitelisted_steamids = [7656119802730xxxx; ]; What is the correct syntax for this entry?
  7. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks that worked. And in that file the values were all 10 like in the game so that answers the question of where those values are coming from, seems that param in the gameplayconstants file has no affect on the values and changing it there does nothing.
  8. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks, neither one of the those files show the values only the gameplayconstants file does and those values are already changed by me but still in the game the values are 10,10,10, not what I have it changed to. All of the previous PBO files have been the same when in the game the values can be the same as the gameplayconstants are not but changing those values does not change anything in the game for me. Thanks again.
  9. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks that worked. Could you let me know where the parameters are located that control the secondary missions costs? There is an entry for it in the gameplay_constants.sqf but changing those values does nothing in any map I've tried to adjust. The values just stay the same so I'm assuming they are actually controlled by another parameter in another file but I have not been able to find them.
  10. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks Wyqer. Sorry I didn't mention that I had tried that already and what the question should have been was where is this value that needs to be changed from 0 to 3 located at in the v.924 mission.sqm file. I've tried searching for many different parts of the code listed on the wiki page but can't find any of it in the mission.sqm file in v.924 pbo file. I can find the code that needs to be changed in the v.924 zeus_synchro.sqf and can change that, but I just can't find any of that code listed on the wiki in the v.924 mission.sqm file. That is why I ended up just copying those two files from v.955 to my v.924 pbo file.
  11. Stealther

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Is there anyway to enable full zues mode with liberation v.924? I've recently had full zues mode enabled on two different liberation v.955 and would like to do the same with my liberation v.924 map but copying my mission.sqm file and the zeus_synchro.sqf from my v.955 to v.924 does not work.