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About Dexious

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Dexious

    [R3F] Logistics

    I know the character moves slow on purpose. I want to undo the part of code where it slows down the player movement.
  2. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Have you even searched a bit on this thread? Or even look like 2 posts above?
  3. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Open the "classnames.sqf" file located inside "scripts\shared\" Lines 22-142 you see categories like "infantry_units, light_vehicles etc". Each category has it's own classnames that are getting displayed. Let's say i want to add an Officer in category "light_units" i would add this line: code...code...code ["B_helipilot_F",1,0,0], ["B_officer_F",1,0,0] ]; Notice that when i add a new object in the array you have to use " , " character to seperate it from the previous one. The last item in the array doesn't need to end with " , " else it will give you errors and mission won't run. So what you need to do is ["unit_classname",green_resource,red_resource,yellow_resource] By resource i mean the Population, Ammo, Fuel that the unit will require to be build. You can get the unit's classname from inside the Eden Editor by placing the unit/object and hover your mouse over it OR you can right click and copy classname to clipboard. That can be used by selecting multiple units/objects to save time. If you want to DELETE / REMOVE just don't forget to delete " , " from the last item in the array. The units/objects are listed in-game by the order you have them inside the code. Hope it helped, Bye! :)
  4. Dexious

    [R3F] Logistics

    How do you make the player run while moving objects? I saw this question asked 2 times but with no answer. Can anyone help or point me to the right direction? Kinda hard for me since the code is in French.
  5. Dexious

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hello i'm trying to make VVS (Virtual Vehicle Spawner) script work with object persistency. On the "fn_spawnVehicle.sqf" file inside VVS\functions\ /* File: fn_spawnVehicle.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Spawns the selected vehicle, if a vehicle is already on the spawn point then it deletes the vehicle from the spawn point. */ disableSerialization; private["_position","_direction","_className","_displayName","_spCheck","_cfgInfo"]; if(lnbCurSelRow 38101 == -1) exitWith {hint "You did not select a vehicle to spawn!"}; _className = lnbData[38101,[(lnbCurSelRow 38101),0]]; _displayName = lnbData[38101,[(lnbCurSelRow 38101),1]]; _position = getMarkerPos VVS_SP; _direction = markerDir VVS_SP; //Make sure the marker exists in a way. if(isNil "_position") exitWith {hint "The spawn point marker doesn't exist?";}; //Check to make sure the spawn point doesn't have a vehicle on it, if it does then delete it. _spCheck = nearestObjects[_position,["landVehicle","Air","Ship"],12] select 0; if(!isNil "_spCheck") then {deleteVehicle _spCheck;}; _cfgInfo = [_className] call VVS_fnc_cfgInfo; _vehicle = _className createVehicle _position; _vehicle allowDamage false; _vehicle setPos _position; //Make sure it gets set onto the position. _vehicle setDir _direction; //Set the vehicles direction the same as the marker. if((_cfgInfo select 4) == "Autonomous") then { createVehicleCrew _vehicle; }; if(VVS_Checkbox) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; }; _vehicle allowDamage true; hint format["You have spawned a %1",_displayName]; closeDialog 0; i add at the end: btc_log_obj_created = btc_log_obj_created + [_vehicle]; I get no errors while running the mission. Vehicles spawn, but when i save and load they are not getting saved. Am i missing something here?
  6. Dexious

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    From the object spawning crate, spawn a "Supply Crate" from the "Supply" menu and deliver it to the marked area.
  7. Dexious

    [R3F] Logistics

    I'm interested in this aswell. Anyone with a solution on where we can define a marker to spawn objects?
  8. Dexious

    USP Patches & Insignias

    Hello Siege, Would you consider adding Greek patches? They can all be found here: http://www.army.gr/default.php?pname=Emblems&la=1
  9. Dexious

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    A good start would be from these: 1) Saves / Loads all objects in map https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/195115-zeus-persistent-zeus/ 2) Liberation - Save Load near an Object http://pastebin.com/NFraaRKe 3) DCG - Save near Object / Location that belong to a Curator (Zeus placed) http://pastebin.com/xpd4YugE Of course you can dig them up in their projects in github. All of the above are saving in player / server profile without a database.
  10. Dexious

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Hello, I started playing this for a while and i would like to leave some ideas. I'm playing this using Dynamic Combat Generator (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188156-dynamic-combat-generator/) and it's working very nice. Will there ever be a save option to save the progress of cleared areas? Or maybe save Objects that could be spawned with R3F and build FOBs etc. If so can it be integrated into DCG's save mechanism that saves in the user profile? I read in EOS manual that you can trigger the zones to deactivate, so the above was just a thought :) Keep up the good work man!
  11. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Can you upload your mission to check it out? Have you added any other scripts on the mission? The procedure is very straight forward, you can't go wrong with it..
  12. Dexious

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hello Sensei, I tried DCG and i like it :) I'd like to leave some feedback on this since it has great potential. Can the support calls, Deploy FOB and other actions be used from radio call like 0-0-8 or something instead of having them in the scroll menu? I think they are too many to have them on the menu. Can the action that gives you the ability to talk to a Civilian be active only while you are near one? Again to save space on action menu. Any plans to be able to build more than one FOB? Any plans to change what it gets saved inside FOB, so that we can build something with R3F Logistics instead of saving only Curator Objects? Maybe have an option for the Zeus Curator costs? Like unlimited or limited (defined in parameters) Can Zeus Curator be disabled in the settings? For example playing in MP only admins to have that option or people in a specific role/slot that might be whitelisted with PUID. Maybe an option to autosave after x amount of time? Sorry for the long post. Keep up the good work!
  13. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Yes you can have multiple Zeus modules for each player you want to have the ability to use Zeus as the example i gave you. Go with that option since i don't think having multiple PUIDs in the Owner field of Zeus module would work. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Module:_Game_Master#Owner
  14. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Download this: https://github.com/Dexious/Tanoa_Lib0924_Dex/raw/master/Tanoa_Lib0924_Dex_r5.Tanoa.pbo It is on Tanoa (DLC map). If you don't have it upload your mission and i could have a look at it, Inside editor find the Game Master module that has in it's Owner field my PUID. Either replace it with your PUID or enter the value #adminLogged. Tell me if it worked. Also take in consideration what people told you in previous comments about LAN and Server. In server you have to type #login adminpassword to gain admin rights.
  15. Dexious

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    You don't have to delete .pbo's from ACE. Read this http://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/settings-framework.html