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About Stormridge

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    Private First Class

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  1. Stormridge

    Line Drawing

    Is there a way to make a dedicated server aware of more channels?
  2. Stormridge

    Line Drawing

    We really need a method to disable this in MP.
  3. Stormridge

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Still broken -- sent payment to Mikero in December but no response yet. Hoping he logs on soon.
  4. You are right! I must have had a bug in my script when I ran it near that squiggly section of road. It definitely didn't produce what's there now.
  5. I think the spline theory is correct for texturing, though the road 'models' do overlap each other, and the model bounding box vertices are dependent on the direction/angle of the road. For example, if you run the following script on a road running North/South or East/West, you'll see the bounding box corners of each road segment. However, if you run it on a sharp curve (Altis = [6805.27,16380.9,0]) you can see the road's model orientation switch (and the underlying model rotates itself). Someone can probably calculate the angle in which that occurs, based on the angle between connected road centers. (Yes, this all fits in the debug console :) allPoints=[]; { removeAllMissionEventHandlers "DRAW3D"; _br0 = (boundingBoxReal _x) select 0; _br1 = (boundingBoxReal _x) select 1; _modelCenter = boundingCenter _x; _mapPosCenter = getpos _x; _br0Fixed = [_br0 select 0, _br0 select 1, .1]; _br1Fixed = [_br1 select 0, _br1 select 1, .1]; _c1 = _mapPosCenter vectorAdd _br0Fixed; _c2 = _mapPosCenter vectorAdd _br1Fixed; _c3 = _mapPosCenter vectorAdd [_br0 select 0, _br1 select 1, .1]; _c4 = _mapPosCenter vectorAdd [_br1 select 0, _br0 select 1, .1]; createVehicle["sign_arrow_F",_mapPosCenter,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicle["Sign_Sphere25cm_F",_c1,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicle["Sign_Sphere25cm_F",_c2,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicle["Sign_Sphere10cm_F",_c3,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicle["Sign_Sphere10cm_F",_c4,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; allPoints pushback [_mapPosCenter, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4]; } forEach (player nearroads 100); addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{{drawLine3D[_x select 1,_x select 3,[0,0,1,1]];drawLine3D[_x select 3,_x select 2,[0,0,1,1]];drawLine3D[_x select 2,_x select 4,[0,0,1,1]];drawLine3D[_x select 4,_x select 1,[0,0,1,1]];} foreach allPoints;}]; Side note, The bounding box images look familiar to me, and probably the result of the pathing algorithm that forces a certain width of bounding box based on the direction of the curve... Notice the box overlaps ensure a certain road width.
  6. I've been experimenting with weather systems, lighting, fog color, and cloud height. Couldn't find much on the forums and spent a few days messing with the LightingNew class. (CfgWorlds >> Weather >> LightingNew, for example) After a lot of experimentation, I stumbled across some of Fabio Chavez's work and had a chuckle at some of his videos doing exactly what I had been doing (only a few years ahead of me)! Has anyone done further work with the LightingNew class or tooling around it? Specifically, translation of the first 21 Lighting classes between sun angle / overcast values. Regarding weather control, I found these sources that were somewhat helpful: http://docs.simul.co/reference/man_8_sequencer.html and http://docs.simul.co/reference/ However, I'm having issues controlling cloud base height. Has anyone successfully altered that value? That setting is under SimulWeather, named cloudBaseKm. By default this value is 0.85, however I'm unable to get the clouds below mountain tops, for example. The module doesn't seem to respect lower values. Just to share, here's an adaptation based on Fabio's amazing work combined with ppEffects. (and it's never a good idea to stare directly into the sun, right?)
  7. Stormridge

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Correct - I'm trying to register as well, but no registration email arrives... can't complete registration. Message sent to mikero.
  8. I tried setting owner of the mine object to 2 (dedicated server) before triggering the public variable message to the server, but this does not work either. Passing the reference to the mine object in a publicVariableServer call results in a null object on the server side.
  9. Hi all, I've done some searching and need input on how to approach a MP locality issue. Background: I have custom landmines that clients can create. These are trip-wire mines based off of APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag, and they do custom stuff when triggered, including flares, sounds, and lights. The client-side code catches the placement of these mines through the "Fired" eventhandler. That event gets me the reference to the mine + position. Then the client notifies the server that the mine was placed + position. I want the server to monitor each mine and create the flares when the mine is triggered. (I don't want clients doing CreateVehicle) Problem: Once the mine is placed, the client has a reference to the mine object, but I can't figure out how to pass the object reference to the server. I am able to pass the position of the mine to the server, via publicVariableServer, but I'm 99% certain you can't pass the client object reference and have the server locate its own ref to that object. I appreciate any tips. Thanks
  10. Check out For loops and the exitWith command. Those will help you here. Try something like this. (syntax might be slightly off) hint "OUT"; 0 = [] spawn { damagePlayer = true; for [{_i=3},{_i>=0},{_i=_i-1}] do { player Groupchat "WARNING"; sleep 1; // Check if (player distance triggername > distance) exitWith {damagePlayer=false}; }; if (damagerPlayer) then {player setDamage 1;}; };
  11. Stormridge

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    Hello all, looking forward to modding!
  12. Hi m0nkey, Awesome work -- the effect looks great. Can't wait to try this out as well.