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About PaladinMAX

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  1. I'm now try to make AI hide at some position. Then find appropriate cover position and make AI lean left or right animation towards target. I have been searching the wiki for several hours for related documentation, but I have not been successful. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat 'BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat' command also has only a few things. STAND STAND_IA SIT_LOW KNEEL LEAN WATCH WATCH1 WATCH2 Equipment-Level String - The equipment level of the unit Possible values are: NONE LIGHT MEDIUM FULL ASIS RANDOM Anyone knows how to make AI lean left or right motion?
  2. I'm using a exile mod right now. however I want to change some of mod config element value. for example There are Animal classes in config file at exile mod. However I want to use a custom FSM file at my server. So, I have to change fsm path in the class. I tried to override class at mission pbo. but it didn't work. Error shows that there are already existed class. How can I edit or redefine a defined class in the mod?