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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Hi Phonk, You have a great product, and it fixes a major hole in arma. Realistic radio communications WITHOUT the need of a mod. There's no "I" in team, mister. J/K. LOL!. And there's a whole team of programmers and coders who can help. Wish I could help you, but I am hardware guy, not a software guy. I chase the 0 and 1 down the paths.
  2. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Surely, out of ALL the people who code for Arma, someone can assist.... LARROW comes to the top of my mind. Have you asked BI for help? This is a great script, and solves the issue of having a mod installed.
  3. Thanks, Roy for the video post. Looking forward to next release. Those who've played the original domination missions, then PO series, this is a new level of COOP MP. Went from go to AO blow up the tower, RTB, wash, rinse and repeat....to using civilians, and intelligence gathering, which is brilliant. I think the next DLC, Laws of War, integrated with PO4 will provide some very interesting game play and story creation. I've been working mostly with the framework. The framework is working great. It's easy to create custom missions with spawning units. I'm finished with 3 offensive missions, and now working on defensive missions. Once you get set up, it's a cookie cutter process by creating templates of classes, with slight changes needed to adjust for mission objectives.
  4. Blackheart_Six

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    As for the wheels sinking into the deck, why don't you look at the model/files for the A-164 Wipeout and compare to the F/A-181. I don't have any issues with the Wipeout sinking into the deck of the carrier.
  5. Comment Removed. EDIT: Change in mission. Something a little better came up. :-)))))
  6. Hmmmm lots going on there.... First I would disable the VAS, unless you want to use it. I think it needs updating. Since I don't use it, I don't if it is worth the effort. I don't know the current state. I always use BI's built in stuff if available. To rid yourself of VAS, open the attributes for each box and delete the line calling it. Then to use Virtual Arsenal, add back to the init the following. This will give you full arsenal. 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; Of course you can get very creative with VA. BIS Virtual Arsenal Wiki. I like custom load outs and roles. As for the fatigue. It appears across 5 files, 26 times. The easy way to disable is to remark out line 100 in the "Patrol_ops_3.sqf" file, as such. //player enableFatigue PO3_param_player_fatigue; Of course, always make backups of any files you mod. Actually the best thing would be to wait for Roy to release PATROL OPERATIONS 4.0!!!!! HELL YA. LOL!
  7. Hi Norm, Are you using Patrol Ops 3.1 with VAS system? Or Virtual Arsenal?
  8. Nice..... I just threw in a GTX 1050 Ti, and have a 27" IPS monitor arriving today, so...... hurry the hell up! :-) Nice updated post #1. Like the new logo and artwork. Are you going to open a thread for just the MPSF as well? And website....Lots of new stuff!
  9. Well with no edits, your units should spawn very near the flag pole. It's by the commanders position, by the ammo cargo containers. In regards to AI recruitment. Nothing like what I think your thinking about. You can't call up extra AI to join your squad. But, you could enable AI (disableAI = 0; in the description.ext), I think, and then all the non player AI would appear in game. Use squad mod to have them join your group, or vise versa, and make yourself leader.
  10. Hey Z30, Sorry I completely missed the 3.1 sentence.... I would first sh!t can steam workshop, and download it from armaholic. It's more flexible. Understand that PO3 is no longer updated, and for it to be running after 3 years of new updates is pretty amazing. That said, there may be issues with some of the functions. I can throw up a copy and look at it. Bring back some memories. Good times, damn good times.
  11. Z30, Have set up the configuration? My understanding was the modules/game logics do not work yet, as they have not been released. RecruitMP shows complete. It has a TENTATIVE release date of August 2017. I am not sure if recruitMP is built in the MPSF now. I can look later. class cfgMissionRecruit { class List_1 { condition = "side player == west"; classNames[] = {"B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_AT_F","B_Soldier_M_F"}; }; class List_2 { condition = "true"; class Unit_1 { className = "B_Soldier_F"; // Unit Class Name loadout = "MyCustomLoadout"; // CfgMissionArmoury }; }; };
  12. First PO3 Side configuration is not correct. It is resistance. Not independent. If you look at the AAF unpack file of PO3 you will see the correct formatting. Instead of side 1 use it for side 3. Correct formatting: // ==== PO3 Side Configuration ============================================================================= PO3_side_1 = [ resistance, "IND_F", "AAF" ]; // Player Side PO3_side_2 = [ west, "BLU_F", "NATO" ]; // Player Side 2 (TvT) PO3_side_3 = [ west, "BLU_F", "NATO" ]; // AI Side (Tasks and Ambient) // ==== PO3 Enemy Unit Groups ============================================================================== // ==== PO3 Side Configuration ============================================================================= PO3_side_1 = [ west, "BLU_F", "NATO" ]; // Player Side PO3_side_2 = [ east, "OPF_F", "CSAT" ]; // Player Side 2 (TvT) PO3_side_3 = [ independent, "IND_F", "AAF" ]; // AI Side (Tasks and Ambient) Next, you have some spaces between the left quote and the start of the object. Clean those up, and test. ["EN_GroupForce_2", [" I_C_Soldier_Bandit_8_F", What I did when replacing units was use the NATO PO3 files, and just replaced the OPFOR forces with the units I needed. I did not edit the section PO3 Side Configuration.
  13. Hi Nikopol, I think you need to look at "fn_sqdmodFunctions.sqf", line 131 to 134. Remove the following code in line 132. This should only allow administrators to assign pilots. I believe if you take the pilot slot, you still can fly. Also, if you occupy the co-pilot seat, you can take controls. But it's been so long since I've play PO3, I am not sure on that. && !([group PO3_sqdmod_VAR_selectedUnit,player] call PO3_fnc_isTeamLeader) NOTE: Always make a copy of the file your editing and/or the line of code.
  14. Here is an example of the text agruments for reference, along with code to see it in your editor. The number on the left is % number used in the code. The number is determined on the order of the text agrument, and the number of arguments used.
  15. First, review here about compositions.. http://arma.roy86.com.au/index.php/Task_Framework_Compositions class My_Task_1 { class Compositions { class 3DEN_composition_1 { typeIDs[] = {"3DEN_1","3DEN_2"}; position = "positionOffset"; distance[] = {10,50}; direction[] = {-350,25}; angle[] = {-327,80}; faction = "Blu_F"; groupTypes[] = {"Squad8","Squad4"}; downloadIntel = 0.8; }; }; }; The tricky thing is getting placed exactly where you want them. I read if you make a composition in the editor, and save it, then call it, it will be place where it was created, unless scripted to appear somewhere else. I put down a VR Target as a reference, then got the coordinates for position from it, then used the above code to place the composition. Delete the VR target after. You can use a the mission marker to place as well.
  16. Hi Roy, Questions on the Framework. How do you get the mission to start with a random task, either parent or child? I've tried different scope and typeID settings. I've tried creating a task that starts at the base marker for a briefing and would complete _areadefended objective. I see the wiki says typeID is INDEV. I noticed the example config.hpp file show typeID is reserved 0 to 99. Is there a way to automatically assign the first parent or child task? For example, one of my ideas is to have a parent task I.E. Kill Something. Then have a set of child tasks, I.E. Conduct Briefing, Move to LZ, Move to AA, Move to LOD, etc etc. I would like the first task, auto assigned, then the next. I've set the "sharedObjectives" in the editor to no effect. Is there a way to reinforce or counter attack with opfor? Can the opfor insert by paradrop or fast roping? I think you have a winner here, developing into a full mission building framework. Early I know, but what I am seeing looks great. It's pretty easy to crank out units, and tasks. Format is close to PO3, but so much easier to change things. Looking forward to the modules. Thanks for your work. You should set up something like LARROW has with the buy him a beer thing....:-).
  17. Hi Axion, Have you tried the framework? Towing, Fast Roping, 3rd person view restrictions. I am just scratching the surface with basic task building. There is a whole lot more there.
  18. UPDATE: I got it! WOO HOO! I wasn't using position[] = "AWG_P_MTC"; to reference the Parent Task Position. I was using position = "AWG_P_MTC"" My only issue in the task icon doesn't show. I will now try and move the location to the child task, and create the LZ from there. Hi Roy, I am trying to create 2 tasks. "Move to LZ" task, and a "Objective" task. My problem is I cannot get the 2 tasks to be within 1500 meters of each other. I've tried a bunch of different combinations by referencing positions to markers. I can create the 2 tasks, but I need the task 2 to be close to task 1, or vise versa. Here is my latest attempt.... When I reference the class AWG_C_LZ in the position of AWG_C_MTC, it doesn't work.
  19. The MP Framework has been released. You can download HERE. Patrol Ops 4 is estimated to be released Q3 2017.
  20. Patrol Ops 4.0 updated release estimated Q3 2017.
  21. Well I am a... "there is water in the glass" kind of guy. LOL! That would be great if you can push out the framework. I think that would go a long way easing the pain of the delay of PO4 for folks. If it is ready.....