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Everything posted by Fruitpunchsamurai

  1. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Hi I'm getting a No entry bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.scope on start up of Arma and when I spawn ISIS units I get one for a balaclava and an m60
  2. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Ok just tested it. Cup and ACE3 are fine its looks like its the iraqi-syrian mod that was causing the issue to pop up. Sorry.
  3. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Not any major problems, but I read that the packs alongside with ACE3 can cause no entry bin/cfgweapons to appear. I got one at the menu screen after I installed all of CUP but I am unsure if CUP+ACE3 is causing the issue.
  4. Fruitpunchsamurai

    C2 -Command And Control

    Thanks mad cheese. Also is there anyway to disengage hud mode if I decide not to move my units to a location?
  5. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Are the weapons from the CUP ace compatibility pack still having problems with ACE3?
  6. Fruitpunchsamurai

    C2 -Command And Control

    How do I get the units to actually execute orders in HUD mode? I set up where I want them to go but my squad doesn't move and the indicators stay where I want them to go.
  7. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Oh crap you are right I forgot I replaced the default g36 with another one from a wepons pack that changed all the original guns for default BIS units. So does that mean I have to edit the mercenaries to have that gun? Is this done in the config file?
  8. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Hi Keno and kryz, the mercenary soldier for both woodland and desert with the g36 is missing the gun entirely. Everything I put a unit down I get an error about the gun not being found.
  9. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Lol, yeah the problem with the viper was reported by me and you acknowledged it a while back . You just probably forgot when you were working on this update, it's all good. Thank you for posting the fix.
  10. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Hi Keno, amazing job on the patch so far. So many improvements and new models too! Just one thing however, the Ah1z viper is still displaying an error when trying to deploy flares. I looked at the change log and it doesn't seem this was fixed in this patch. Is it possible for us to get this fixed soon? Also do you know if this version is still compatible with the latest version of fwatch? Thank you so much for your work.
  11. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    I found another bug or missing feature in the mod. The medical Styrker does not have the option to heal injured units like the M113 medical variation.
  12. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Indian Army Addons

    Hi abhijan, can you please reupload the LCA on mediafire or wikisend so I can fix the missing texture on the f22 cockpit? Thank you.
  13. Fruitpunchsamurai

    Indian Army Addons

    the reuploaded f22 has missing cockpit glass texture, it's all white when I look at it in 3rd person. I have the required rktf16 addon.
  14. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    4 slots? that's weird I recall that I can take out at least 8 magazines from the rucksacks. Unless this is different for Jam magazines. Edit: Just tested it it was actually 6 magazines for a rucksack that only holds ww4ext w5.56 magazines so that may be why you put 6 slots the first time.
  15. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    One more thing on the Rucksacks, How much room is in the Rucksacks? I assume they have the same amount of slots as a normal soldier, so 10 slots?
  16. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Oh, ok thank you. Sorry I got too excited that you actually replied that I forgot to use proper grammer :wub:. I will structure my responses better next time.
  17. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Hi Kenoxite to be more specific the bug is found in the U.S. Army mechanized mixed group both desert and woodland variations are showing; no entry 'config:cpp/cfgvehicles.ww4ext_ausamarksman. As for the Ah1z it is not engaging infantry nearly enough with its main cannon as the apache does. So for the swapruckmags.sqs would I put that in my mission description.ext file and execute the script in the int line of my units? Sorry if this is answered in another thread I don't really use outside scripts as I don't really make "missions" per se, I just play and mess around in the mission editor mainly. Thank you Kenoxite.
  18. Fruitpunchsamurai

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Hi kenoxite, I'm a rather new to OFP and only started playing two months ago. I'm loving the mod so far both you and Santuary have made me understand why Operation Flashpoint is loved so much by the people who played it. From what I played of it there are some bugs that I ran into, I don't know if its on my end or what. 1) the ah1z has an error that does not allow it to deploy flares when shot at and it also does not engage infantry as well as the ah64 apache, even with the invisible infantry marker. 2) I believe the mechanized group for the U.S. army says its missing the marksmen in the group. That's all the bugs I have found so far. Also how do you remove and add magazines to rucksacks on ww4ext units? I tried putting in the int line: this removemagazines "map_ww4ext_w556_pdm" but the ammo in the rucksack is still there. I want to add JAM magazines in the rucksacks so that my ww4ext units equiped with JAM compatible weapons can use magazines in the rucksack. Again thank you so much for this mod.