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About RhodesianScout

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    A large town will be added to the map as shown below. I think this is Umtali but I have to check on that.
  2. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Thanks ineptaphid Making more progress with the map and have recreated the textures, look and feel simiilar to what I had created early 2016. My next step is to add in the kopjies and fill in the scenery using the satellite map as a canvas.
  3. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Yes the chest rig and webbing will be included........ Too Ambitious? Possibly but I have worked on big mods before so am up to the challenge.
  4. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Keeping it Real...... As this mod is based in early 70s Rhodesia I am keeping in mind that a lot has changed in the last 45 years as far as the scenery. So I use Google Earth Pro to give me a much closer representation of what Rhodesia looked like back in 1972. In the picture below the top image shows Mazvikadei Dam which was completed in 1988. The image below that shows what the area looked like in the 80s.
  5. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Test of hills
  6. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    The Eastern Highlands of Rhodesia.......... This is where the map will be based and hopefully I can recreate the scenes as shown below.
  7. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Testing the DEM data for the area of Rhodesia I am hoping to add to my map.
  8. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    As had been my aim in the prior mod the look and feel of walking through my map will be to recreate the African Bush as shown in the picture below. To do this I will be creating the plants, grass and trees in blender and adding it to the mod map....... if my memory is correct I can populate entire areas with specific vegetation and grass.
  9. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    First picture on starting work on the elephant.......
  10. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    With it being 21 months since I last worked on modding in Arma 3 the one issue I had to work on was having to remember how to actually do the modding. A new computer meant starting Arma 3 from scratch and when installing Arma 3 tools I can see there have been changes made to the software. An error message installing tools was eventually resolved when I discovered that even changing the location of my P drive did not fix the error I was getting when extracting game date...... I had not unticked the box "Use Default" so Tools was ignoring my specified location until I unticked that box. The game data is still extracting but after that I can then install Bulldozer and begin creating the map. Over night I was working on creating a low res model of an African savanna elephant..... using Blender for the first time the first model could take a couplehours to do.... however I am hoping in the near future the simple models will take 10 to 30 minutes to complete. i checked the DLC released since last I played Arma 3...... I don't think any of them will be needed for a mod set in the 70's.
  11. RhodesianScout

    (WIP) Rhodesian War

    Instead of using 3dsmax for the models I am going to look into using Blender...... this will hopefully reduce time taken on work on each model. My early aim for this map is to add African wildlife such as leopards, lions and elephants and add their sounds when you are in a given distance from them. After they are added other models will be created and added in order.
  12. Hi all....... Some time back I had been working on a mod for the Rhodesian Bush War. However tragedy struck and I lost all my work. This post is just a quick announcement to let you know that I have restarted work on this project and work done will appear here showing the map, scenery and objects built for Rhodesia in the 1970s.
  13. RhodesianScout

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Just a quick post to let you know I am back. Someone close to me passed away and I had to step away from gaming for a bit. Will update posts frequently as before....but first I need to do some Arma III to get back into it and see if anything has changed.
  14. RhodesianScout

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    I will be back soon...... got some real world issues with the business I own that I must deal with. Doing more modeling with the little spare time I have the next few weeks. Below is a picture of something that will be added to the map....a good old African bush fire.
  15. RhodesianScout

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Added to the development timeline - farm house - lodges - camp buildings - old buildings - destroyed buildings - abandoned tourist tents Though this map is not anywhere near a town or city there will be buildings and camp sites found in different areas of the map.