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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks, RE: ORBAT I've watched some of Spyder's videos on the subject and I've played around with ORBAT a bunch of times... The part that I have been unable to complete successfully - is the actual export... As per the videos - I'm supposed to download some file from github - then paste the contents from ORBAT into it - get some other file - paste the contents into that - then somehow make a .pbo ??? That's the part I could use a little helping hand with if someone can point me in the right direction... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  2. Hi Folks, Thanks for the answers... Ahh - the "L" key - I'll give that a go... I'm trying to setup a mission similar to "egg's" old A2 mission - a true favorite - really enjoyed that one - prepping and fortifying the area at dusk - camping out on the top of the hill in the dark waiting for charlie to come a call'n... As for the mines themselves - yeah - strange - they didn't appear in my command menu even though they were definitely in my inventory - maybe ALiVE/ACE/C2 or something is interfering with it... I'll test again without the mods... Bravo Zulu to the Unsung team... Regards, Scott
  3. Hi Folks, A couple basic questions if you don't mind: Are the bayonets and knives actually useable ? How do you turn on the flashlights (nothing obvious like a mouse click or scroll menu seems to have an option) ? How do I use the Claymore Mines (I have the clacker and the mine in my inventory - no obvious way to place or detonate)... Thanks so much - really loving Unsung on that new Cambodian map... Regards, Scott
  4. Hi... Have you looked at the ALiVE mod ? It goes a long way to accomplishing your goals - with minimal effort... Regards, Scott
  5. Hi Hero, Really - I thought the Military Commander would have to know about it to be included in its force pool ? Just the Virtual AI will do that ? Will try it as you stated... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Hero, As always your insights are most welcome and appreciated - hmm - I'll try creating groups directly and syncing them to the Military Commander as well... As far as the priority - it just seemed the values had no effect no matter how I set them... Yeah - I've seen the probability - but wasn't sure if it would work with all the syncing going in... More things to try... Certainly appreciate all the efforts of the ALiVE team as well - just a can't I use Arma without it... Bravo Zulu !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Hi Hero, Hah - that's just crazy... I think half the fun with ALiVE is throwing down modules just to see what happens... Thats a very cool little test and well documented... Well done - sir... I messed with this some more last night - I tried using (2) separate Custom Objectives - with only (4) units each to see if I could get them to spawn closer to the placed module - seems to work a little better - the modules are flanked by rivers on both sides and in the heart of the jungle - so maybe that pushes my troops a bit further out ? I did notice some groups swimming the river to get to their objective - while others just stalled at the shoreline... I'm not sure of what the rhyme or reason is with that.... I also noticed - I can't seem to weight the Custom Objectives using the size and importance variables... When left at the default 50/50 - too many units where staying behind at the spawning objectives and not mounting an offensive up the hill... I changed the settings to 10/10 and 90/90 - seemed to have no effect... The idea is - I'd like to use the two spawning Custom Objective Modules - to strictly spawn troops - I'd like to see all the troops attack up the hill towards the Custom Objective Module I am occupying... The Military commanders are set to BLUFOR (Invasion) and OPFOR (Occupation)... The Custom Objective Module that doesn't spawn troops that I am sitting on belongs to OPFOR... I was also wondering if I could randomize the inclusion of the Custom Objectives - so maybe some battles would have (4) units - others might have (8) - etc etc etc ??? So any given battle - you really don't know what you're going to be up against... Any suggestions on how to improve this behavior ? This is kind of a "Hamburger Hill" in reverse - where the USMC holds the fortified hill position... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. scottb613

    Alive - Help with ORBAT

    Hi... Sounds good - I was just playing around with the same thing last night - ALiVE, ORBAT, Unsung, and the Cambodia map... I'm assuming you have Hero's ALiVE index for the Cambodia map ? Instead of creating my own I used Opendome's ORBAT factions... worked like a champ... Honestly - while I've played around with ORBAT a bunch of times since it's release - I haven't managed to figure out that last part either - getting the files out of ORBAT and into ARMA... From Opendome's work - it appears that the ORBAT mods need to be exported and turned into a "pbo" and loaded like any other mod... Here - look at his work for an example: The Unsung Vietnam War and ALiVE Compatability Mod https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?share_fid=31761&share_tid=198097&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums%2Ebistudio%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%3F%2Ftopic%2F198097-The-Unsung-Vietnam-War-and-ALiVE-Compatability-Mod&share_type=t The one issue I noted - is you can't seem to change the load out of pre-made ORBAT factions in the editors Arsenal - you are stuck with what was built... I have a very basic ALiVE mission setup and working now with the aforementioned mods - I could paste it here if it would help... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. scottb613

    Alive - Help with ORBAT

    Hi... As far as I know ORBAT is part of ALiVE and really probably not for the uninitiated... It's for creating custom factions for use within ALiVE - is that what you're trying to do ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hi Hero, Thanks so much for the response - yeah - that's how I thought it should work... Very simple mission - OPFOR has (2) Custom Objectives Modules with no other placement modules - the one I am sitting on that spawns 0 troops (king of the hill) - and another 500 yards away - with a 25 meter size - that spawns (8) Infantry that I would expect to attack my hill - some of the OPFOR troops are spawned 1000 meters or more out... Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Folks, Military Placement - Custom Objectives - working with ALiVE ORBAT - Unsung - on the relatively new Cambodia map (Hero's Index)... Trying to use the Custom Objectives - it seems there is no way to control the spawn radius of troops by using a TAOR Marker like on the other placement modules ??? Seems troops are spawned up to a thousand yards or more from the module - no matter the size ? Only reason this is an issue is there are plenty of rivers and it seems AI won't cross water - no matter how small ? Anyone have any ideas - much appreciated... *** Note: Think I learned something new with ORBAT - if used - you can't change the load outs in the mission editor's arsenal - must be changed in ORBAT itself - correct ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  12. scottb613

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    Hi Folks, Played around on this map last weekend - what a superb job - seen only a fraction of it for sure... I find this kind of combat so much more satisfying than the typical maps with the Mediterranean flare... You sure captured the essence of a real fire base well... Now I need to get the ORBAT factions for Unsung working with this map (I'm partial to the early Marines armed with M-14's since this was a weapon I've actually used) - so I can use ALiVE... Plenty of jungle to reconnoiter... Thank you again for what's obviously a massive effort and true labor of love (subscribed to your YouTube)... Bravo Zulu !!! Regards, Scott
  13. scottb613

    Re-texturing questions

    Hi Folks, Wholeheartedly concur - I've used Paint Shop Pro since Jasc owned it with version 9.1... Does everything Adobe does without the subscription... Recently purchased the latest Corel one - adds a few nice new features but underneath it still seems like my trusted Jasc product... I've also used both Gimp (no vector graphics) and PS - - - PSP is my first choice (better interface)... Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Corel-PaintShop-Pro-X9-Ultimate/dp/B01HTAOZUE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499353160&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=corel+paintshop+pro+x9+ultimate&psc=1 Regards, Scott
  14. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Hahaha... Thanks - that's what I was looking for - I didn't know if I should be looking around for little groups of suspicious looking guys hanging around in a particular spot for too long... Appreciate all the info - I'll leave you alone now before I become a pest... Regards, Scott
  15. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Oh - I was just asking if you visually see the AI models placing the IED - or do they just get virtually planted... I wasn't questioning how prolific they are.... Yeah - I'm strictly SP - so yeah - anything that helps with managing AI improves the game for me... Here - if interested - take a gander - this video convinced me - now I could never go back to Arma without it (obviously decent headphones with a mike is needed): Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Ahh - plenty of new tricks to try... I didn't think there was a way to drop squad members - had asked previously on a generic post and the consensus was "not possible" - Alive comes through once again... I think you have a good balance on the map - I never have trouble finding a fight - I do start most missions from the northern base... Question - will you ever see the insurgents actually placing IED's ??? Looking forward to my next run in the Stan... Side Note: A month or so ago watched a decent movie on the subject at hand "Hyena Road" - courtesy of Netflix - worth watching if you haven't seen it... Do you play SP or MP - if you play SP - Voice Attack is the best thing since sliced bread for controlling your squad verbally... I've tried all the major players and it's the best $10.00 I've ever spent on a utility for sims... I have a pretty sophisticated profile - using "woofer's" as the model... Makes everything way more immersive and sure beats hunting for keys in the heat of battle... Also worth a look if you haven't seen it... Thanks for all you do... I'll try this next weekend when I get in... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Ahh - plenty of new tricks to try... I didn't think there was a way to drop squad members - had asked previously on a generic post and the consensus was "not possible" - Alive comes through once again... I think you have a good balance on the map - I never have trouble finding a fight - I do start most missions from the northern base... Question - will you ever see the insurgents actually placing IED's ??? Looking forward to my next run in the Stan... Side Note: A month or so ago watched a decent movie on the subject at hand "Hyena Road" - courtesy of Netflix - worth watching if you haven't seen it... Do you play SP or MP - if you play SP - Voice Attack is the best thing since sliced bread for controlling your squad verbally... I've tried all the major players and it's the best $10.00 I've ever spent on a utility for sims... I have a pretty sophisticated profile - using "woofer's" as the model... Makes everything way more immersive and sure beats hunting for keys in the heat of battle... Also worth a look if you haven't seen it... Thanks for all you do... I'll try this next weekend when I get in... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, LOL - wow - and a massive thank your for the wealth of information you shared... Reading with enthusiasm now... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Couple more generic questions if you don't mind (LOL - this may be more Arma generic as opposed to mission specific) ? I see you went through the trouble to setup hospitals on the bases... I'm running only the mods you specified in your "required" list... I normally add a combat medic to my team... What's the big picture on handling wounded from the squad leaders perspective - do I need to micromanage the medic ? Should I be calling for a "dustoff" transport helicopter when someone gets injured - is there a way to pickup the bodies of the fallen and have them transported back to base ? Will the combat medic automatically treat injured team members ? I've noticed - I can call out an "injured" status on myself and sometimes the medic will treat me - other times I seem to be left to my own devices... The resupply crates seem to work with BAF - how do I get my team members to resupply themselves when low on ammo ? I don't see any option in the command menus to - "go over there and grab ammo"... Related - last night I messed around as a BAF sniper - couldn't seem to find ammo for my .308 - would you happen to know which BAF kit box has the ammo ? Are you using the Alive AI Skill Module - are the BAF units set higher than the OPFOR ? LOL - this is truly a great mission - really - enjoying it immensely... Regards, Scott
  20. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, LOL - all good - happy to help - no pressure - you have to be one of the most conscientious mod makers I've ever had the pleasure to correspond with - your care and attention to detail is unsurpassed.... Much appreciated - sir... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Yep - working now thanks... Think I may have discovered another issue though - could the unarmed helo issue also affect the Player Combat Support CAS Module - I've called in a bunch of CAS missions - the helo's fly circles around obvious enemy - but never fire a shot ??? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. WRONG THREAD - PLEASE DISREGARD Hi Hero, Yep - working now thanks... Think I may have discovered another issue though - could the unarmed helo issue also affect the Player Combat Support CAS Module - I've called in a bunch of CAS missions - the helo's fly circles around obvious enemy - but never fire a shot ??? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Thanks buddy - as always - greatly appreciate your help !!! Regards, Scott
  24. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, It's the empty one you left to fly - I think I have to load the armament first - before using it ??? Also the HUD shows the word "SAFE" on it - is there a safety I need to remove before the weapons will fire ? Probably a basic question... Regards, Scott
  25. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Loaded up the mod with the new content since I last used it - including the mission off of steam - all seemed to work well - this is the only mission I use with the British stuff - very nice change of pace... Thanks for the continued support... Question - jumped in the Apache with a gunner - I couldn't get my gunner to engage and I couldn't use any of the weapons myself - the little taliban machine gunner man chewed me up... Something special with this ? I can get the RHS Apache to work when using that mod... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk