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Everything posted by commy2

  1. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    And how exactly did you manage to do that? Because I don't see it.
  2. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    Yeah, but you're not using the command how it was meant to be used. You might crash your game ;-)
  3. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    I don't think just because you put something in an array, that means that it's atomic. If that were the case, we could just use: [_arg call _fnc]
  4. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    I don't think method works. Init is executed right after you use createVehicle, so it's impossible to assign object namespace variables before that. "setVariable" also needs the object reference on the left side, which you seem to have left out. A solution in A2 was to create a dummy object (e.g. helipad) and add a killed event handler to it and then use "setDamage 1".
  5. commy2


    No. That's just a bug where not all UI elements are overwritten.
  6. commy2


    Sounds to me like it's a problem with the AI. Ask BI to fix their AI. Not our task.
  7. Yes, that is exactly what we currently do. It means though that every mission and 3rd party addon has to account for every medic script the end users could potentially use. This solution is very limited for addon makers.
  8. I've answered this question hundrets of times in the last years. Google it...
  9. Post the full RPT file or we can't help you. Thanks.
  10. A medic/unconsciousness script where the unconscious unit dies after a timer. E.g. in any mildly complex wound simulation script. Combat Medical System, AGM Medical, ACE Adv./Basic Medical, XMedSys 1/2 ... Probably more solutions for public communities that are unknown to me (I'm a milsim guy).
  11. We'd do that but it is literally impossible, because we cannot change config entries, which these names are, via script including modules.
  12. If you are using ACE together with RHS, you'll have to move "ace_compat_rhs_afrf3" and "ace_compat_rhs_usf3" from the @ACE\optionals folder to the @ACE\addons folder. This error message is warning you that RHS content will not work as expected with ACE features. This has always been the case, but we implemented the warning messages now.
  13. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    Then we need a command designated to do this just like OP suggested. remoteExec/Call ["call"] needs a local object, because clientOwner reports BS in loaded MP games and even then, it can be blacklisted...
  14. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    Here is an alternative way abusing "diag_codePerformance": CBA_fnc_directCall2 = { params [["_CBA_function", {}, [{}]], ["_CBA_arguments", []]]; if (!canSuspend) exitWith { _CBA_arguments call _CBA_function; }; private _CBA_return = []; diag_codePerformance [{ params ["_CBA_return", "_CBA_function", "_CBA_arguments"]; _CBA_return pushBack (_CBA_arguments call _CBA_function); }, [_CBA_return, _CBA_function, _CBA_arguments], 1]; _CBA_return param [0] }; For those who don't trust the filter for configClasses/Properties. Downside: - local variables don't carry over, so all local variables will have to be passed as arguments (not a huge deal really) Test: 0 spawn { _fncTest = {systemChat str canSuspend}; call _fncTest; _fncTest call CBA_fnc_directCall2; call _fncTest; }; -> true -> false -> true Note: "diag_codePerformance" was once disabled in MP, but now it seems that it is allowed to use one loop, which is sufficient for what we want. I have tested this in local hosted MP and it works. Haven't tested in dedicated multiplayer though and never on a machine without interface (dedicated server, headless client), but I see no reason why it wouldn't work there too. The canSuspend check is necessary, because "diag_codePerformance" cannot be used inside itself.
  15. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    Is there any evidence for the game actually crashing though? We are using this in ACE since forever and are executing thousands of lines of code on mission start. The only thing that gets borked sometimes is error messages, but those are uterly usless anyway in this game (sorry). remoteExecCall is unacceptable for addon makers, because it creates network traffic and because of whitelisting shenanigans, BE filters etc.
  16. Currently there is no way to manipulate what is returned as "_killer" by the "killed" event handler. Many communities and public servers want to use the score board, others want to use the "killed" event handler to report friendly fire. Unfortunately when dealing with scripted damage, the event handler will always report <null> as the killer. For example when "setDamage 1" was used. My suggestion is to implement a new command to kill a unit (or any other object) that reports a custom other object as "_killer" in the event handler. Proposed syntax: player setDead civilian1; The killed event handler would report: params ["_unit", "_killer"]; systemChat name _unit; // Giorgos Zenon systemChat name _killer // Gefr. commy2
  17. commy2

    SQF feature requests

    If you want to force execution in unscheduled environment from scheduled environment, you can always use this method: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/master/addons/common/fnc_directCall.sqf It even supports return values.
  18. medical : o) And a bunch of other small things I can't remember.
  19. Current ACE doesn't work on APEX sneak peak branch (which was to be expected) Wait for an update.
  20. I now understand. It's for a mission which can optionally support ACE. Sorry for being so dense. Glad your issue is solved.
  21. I have no idea. And I don't understand what you are trying to do. It makes no sense to me. Having clients without ACE connected to a server running ACE and vice versa is not supported
  22. ace_weather_useACEWeather is a global variable and can be different on every machine (non public global variable). You can only check this variable on the local machine.
  23. Instead of _player getVariable "ace_weather_useACEWeather" you write: ace_weather_useACEWeather I have no idea if that variable name is correct though.
  24. setUnconscious won't work until 1.64 as far as I can tell. Tanoa is 1.62. It's still WIP. Might be wrong, but thats what I've heard.
  25. You have to add the correct home configs of those UAVs to requiredAddons in your CfgPatches.