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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Alex150201

    Free Games

    What, then how did you do it?
  2. Alex150201

    Free Games

    It doesn't even let me register it either says "This email is already registered", "This IP is already registered" or "Our apologies, but Ars registration is temporarily close for required maintenance." which atleast the 2 first things arent true.
  3. Alex150201

    Free Games

    I still cant get it though...
  4. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Doesn't really matter, mine are 1920x1080.
  5. Oh great! Thank you Dap!
  6. Alex150201

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    I'll PM you with some questions because I believe it's not your fault.
  7. Alex150201

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's all good, I usually get any gun that start with PP confused except the PPSh because its an iconic gun. The rest are all PPs to me.
  8. Alex150201

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No it's like the pp2000 or something cant remember. The PP-19 has a round mag
  9. Alex150201

    [WIP] MQ-25A Stingray / MQ-25r Eagle Ray

    Oh please don't ask for any kind of update or release date is it's against the forum rules. Thank you and welcome to the forums :)
  10. Alex150201

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey sammael and diesel tech could you please use the RHS bug tracker to report those bugs like RHS has asked for? It keeps the thread clean. Thank you!
  11. Alex150201

    Farewell guys

    Don't worry, everything will get sorted out sometime. We all hope for the best wiki
  12. Sounds good, the RSO Buildings pack has to be one of the best building packs in my opinion, a friend of mine made an amazing Baghdad composition with them and it looked so good!
  13. Alex150201

    Farewell guys

    I trust my girl. So does this mean you are staying? :)
  14. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Totally agree with you but for most of us we care about the overall look not specific little details. It differs from person to person. Hey maybe you should talk with them about being a historian in their team or something :D
  15. Alex150201

    Farewell guys

    Goodbye man :(
  16. Alex150201

    Farewell guys

    Do you think you will ever come back or is it too soon to tell?
  17. Alex150201

    Farewell guys

    You will be missed mate, you are leaving us but your work will forever be left with us. As everyone said about please don't ever hesitate to come back! And if you ever have anytime to come back on the forums and have a chat we would all love it for sure. Hopefully you aren't leaving from steam too, are you? :(
  18. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Mr Gun Expert here :) Anyway, as cool as it is that you know this much about these rifles, I doubt that the modders will change/remodel/fix their weapon models since modelling is pretty tough in my opinion and I also think that the models for this mod are fabulous!
  19. Please don't ask for updates as it's against the forum rules. Thank you.
  20. Alex150201


    It's all good my friend welcome to the forums! Looks like we are off to a pretty good start :) I'll delete your previous post since it's empty now.
  21. Alex150201


    It looks like you are asking for some sort of an update or a release date which is against the forum rules :)
  22. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    hahahaha :D
  23. DEVGRU Team in Afghanistan Guns don't kill people, men with beards do ;) Mods: RHS, SMA, NIARMS, RR 6094, Military Gearpack, undersiege patches, CUP Core, CUP Terrains, direones animations, ,murshun cigs, AZCZ Heads, private stuff