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Everything posted by robert31178

  1. robert31178

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Pan, I thought the modders said that the standalone MELB would be updated at a quicker rate due to RHS waiting for a pile of fixes, then updating their whole mod. ~S
  2. robert31178

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Troll, Thank you, got it now. You're the best!! ~S
  3. robert31178

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Patch 5.2.........it says no longer available? Please advise!!!! ~Rob
  4. robert31178

    CH-46 Knight

    Wow!!!! Cannot wait!!
  5. robert31178

    Advanced Rappelling

    ".........a successful insertion would be all about the girth." lol yup :P Can't wait Duda!!! Thank you so much! ~Rob
  6. Hi all! I got through 2 pages of user missions and decided to ask for info. I'm looking for any co-ops or SP missions featuring flying helicopters. I did find Chickenhawk on page 2 and grabbed it, am looking for more so I can keep sharp in my down time. Bonus if the birds are AFM compatible....I'm trying to get into that as of last week. Any and all help is much appreciated. To the mission writers, Amen guys, real good work you all do on all mission types. From the limited amount of knowledge I have gained making a handful of missions I have written myself I am very appreciative of y'all's efforts!!! ~Rob
  7. robert31178

    Advanced Rappelling

    Looking good!! Glad.you were inspired to dust this mod off and get back at her!!! ~Rob
  8. robert31178

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    This is the thread I was talking about lol......I had been in the old one and hadn't seen an update since last April......Fuller told me there was another one, this one!! ~Rob
  9. robert31178

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Fuller, I found my way to the updated thread. Noticed lots of changes with the H-60's.....it now not only flies and sounds great, but is ultra capable. I am really enjoying this heli. Thanks for your hard work on this mod, and looking fwd to seeing whatever changes come with the next update.......superb mod!!! ~Rob
  10. robert31178

    CH-46 Knight

    Looks like just a rock solid mod!! the Marine milsim communities have no doubt been waiting for this particular helicopter to fill its proper role in operations. Good stuff!!! ~Rob
  11. robert31178

    Advanced Rappelling

    Nice!!!! I love Duda's advanced sling loading, very much looking FWD to this rappel mod!!! ~Rob
  12. Hey Firewill!! Quick question, did anyone ever figure out what was making the cannons lag servers out? It seems to work fine for some people and cause problems for others, just wondering if there was a reason....I want to start using your mod again!!! ~Rob
  13. MDANG!!! Hell Yeah hometown heroes!!! ~S
  14. robert31178

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    Ineptaphid, A lot of helicopters use this. The Huey had it going down the right side of the tail boom, and the MH-60's the USCG flies also has some antennae work on the tail boom. Here's some links to pics for you to check out: MH-60J - http://www.uscg.mil/d1/airstaCapeCod/mh60j/14.jpg UH-1 - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/US_Army_52772_Guard_retires_UH-1_Huey_after_50_years_of_service.jpg Enjoy!!
  15. robert31178

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    Nah lol......I do like Kanyo's bird, but there are lots of things about your bird I prefer. What about being compatible with Kimi's HMD? Any future plans for that? ~Rob
  16. robert31178

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    Two questions, and I am by no means requesting, but am asking because, well, heck sometimes I just ask things!! 1) Are there plans for a version of the MH-47E or G with your mod? 2) Has there been any speak of Kimi's HMD's being made to be compatible? Still loving every minute of flight time in this heli Mamba!!! ~S
  17. robert31178

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    Kanyo!! any chance that it could be compatible with Kimi's HMD's? ~S
  18. robert31178

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    What exactly are you trying to lift? I run this bird just fine, and my squad has included Duda's advanced sling loading. If you go back a few pages you will see me slinging a Huey, and then Mamba one upping me and lifting another Chinook. I would double check to make sure you are using the script correctly. One question: Are you using it on either a dedicated server or in a scripted mission? We found that using Dud'as creates an ACE3 error in the form of advanced sling loading, but it affects nothing and only shows up because ACE thinks it is missing a module it doesn't really need. Have you tried to lift any stock objects using Arma's regular sling loading assist functions? Hit me up if you continue to have problems, send me a PM or something, let Mamba keep tweaking his sick ass'd mod!! ~S
  19. Has the issue with the cannons been fixed yet? ~S
  20. robert31178

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    I'm pretty sure it just happens. It's a script, so it just works. We used it on the newest Chinook mod the day after it came out to lift Medium Utility Heli Hueys.
  21. robert31178

    EricJ Release thread

    Holy shit lol....I was asking a question man, not accusing anyone of anything. Calm down a little Eric......
  22. robert31178

    EricJ Release thread

    Off topic question, but are modders boycotting Armaholic? This is the second mod I've seen since yesterday that's not been published on that site. Just curious. ~Rob
  23. robert31178

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    Nice Mamba!! Looking FWD to it! It it going to be released on the Armaholic or another DL location? I am not a PWS guy.......... ~Rob
  24. robert31178

    USMC Aircraft (AV8B/AH1/UH1)

    Ok, just trying to follow along for the first time in this topic. The DL's from the first page....I'm looking at the date in the post - does this mean they are more recent updates to the UH-1Y and AH-1 that the Feb 2015 one for the USMC Gunfighters pack on Armaholic? ~S
  25. robert31178

    EricJ Release thread

    Nice. Eric's touch on the Huey. Out of the UH-Y's I've flown, and I've flown every one you can get on Armaholic lol, it's the nicest flying one. Thank you for this, looking FWD to updates as they come. On another note.....Apache Eric?? Really?? Fudge yeah..............I love how your helicopters fly!!