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Everything posted by cranckra1n

  1. hi @Dwarden , we have a problem since 1.92 if we have more then 180 Players the server has a strange behaviour and kicks all players i habe a graf to show it to you. All Logs are Clean.
  2. extension(s) : ExtDB3 and our Life_Server scripting : Try to go only remoteexeccall ore call ore FSM mission : minimised Createvehicle and maximised createvehiclelocal hardware : i7 7700k 4.8 Ghz , RamDisk and 1GB/s network and we have massiv DB Trafic :D Hope we can help you :)
  3. V17 : and 180 Clients 22 CPS /FPS lets go on to V18 V17 = 10% increasement to Stable
  4. cranckra1n

    Recommended Server Specs

    Hi, We have 140 play and the average CPS/FPS of 15-20. Our Hardware is: i7 4790K 64GB Ram 32GB RamDisk 1GB/s connection Is there a possibility to get better Hardware or do you know better hardware for the Arma 3 Server application. Best breeds