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About Jonesy840

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  1. Jonesy840

    Trip Flare

    Thanks, both of you! I took the modding route as recommended by Ralian and supported by j0nes, works rather well now lads. Thanks for the advice, working on a scripted version at the moment to see whether it is possible. I'm not bothered whether the trip-wirse is noticeable, nor about the explosion. It was more a focus on the damage and preventing that. Again, thankyou.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any idea whether it is only possible and relatively easy to assign a trip-wire to instead of detonating an explosive to spawn a flare either above in the sky, or a flare which ignites upon the ground then launches into the air. This is what I am refering to: Any help, advice or guidance is greatly appreciated.
  3. So, we've been working on this training mission for the past couple of days and we've noticed a common problem and can't think what is causing it. The issue: - A couple of slots spawn as seagulls. Why is this? Well we thought it was the spacing and increased it - No fix Now we're stumped. Heres a list of our addons if they cause it: Main Modpack [Main] @ace @alive @cba_a3 @rhs_afrf3 @rhs_usf3 @task_force_radio userconfig [ace, mdh_topdownattack, task_force_radio, tpwcas] Secondary Modpack [Maps] @CUP_Terrains @Maps FFIS was removed once REME had a change of staff, we noticed our previous person was an idiot and didn't remove it, as it's outdated and screwed since the EDEN Update.
  4. Jonesy840

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone in the community is currently working on an African themed map or if there are already some out there worth mention. Map requirments: - Must be suitable for milsim - Must be suitable for air assets to land etc - Must have large built up areas and wide open spaces - Must be a reasonably large map either same or larger than Altis. Thankyou for your comments/suggestions. Regards, Monty
  5. So i've made a mission for a community public server and during the finishing stages noticed that it cannot be played unless those playing it have Blastcore Phoneix, is there any way or method to which i can remove the blastcore element so that the mission can be played. Without remaking the mission entirely?