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Nick Seafort

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Everything posted by Nick Seafort

  1. Nick Seafort

    1.70 Pylons Function Question

    Sorry Pierre, but that's completely aside from what I was asking or needed - and Reyhard has resolved it. Thanks for trying to help, though :)
  2. Nick Seafort

    1.70 Pylons Function Question

    I also know how there is sometimes an internal appreciation of delivery dates or point slips that may not be broadcast publicly :P Thanks! :)
  3. Nick Seafort

    1.70 Pylons Function Question

    Hi Reyhard, I really appreciate you fleshing out the documentation! It's good to know I'm not an idiot (the third example was the first thing I tried), but that it doesn't work due to not being in release currently. Do you know if the expectation is that it'll be released with Malden in a fortnight? If not, I'll just have to write a manual scrape of all pylons to build the association myself, I guess!
  4. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Using the action script command makes the top-cover on a Snatch turn in/out just the same as any vanilla vehicle, so that should work fine to get the initial state how you fancy.
  5. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Sowens issue appears to have been a result of not having the optional Servicing .pbo active, in case anyone experiences similar issues in future :)
  6. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    I've just downloaded and installed the 1.9.0 CUP Vehicles and Weapons, and running that along with CBA and the four 3CB mods placed a Mastiff PPV LMG Woodland and a servicing point. I fired a few rounds from the gun, opened the servicing menu, and clicked rearm. The vehicle weapons all seemed to be fine, the turret was rearmed, and no script errors or exceptional RPT logs were generated. Could you confirm the version of the 3CB mods that you're using? And ideally, could you create a trivial mission as I described above with just our mods, then post a copy of your RPT if you still get the error then. Ta!
  7. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Double post.
  8. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    It should work in "basic" mode for all vehicles that inherit from a vanilla class at any point, that was one of the changes in v6 that anything that inherits from the Car/Tank/Helicopter/Plane master classes will have a minimal support class added - the only thing that may be lost depending on how child vehicles are defined is the UserAction itself, hence the snippets to manually add them in at runtime for vehicles that I haven't written a specific compatibility patch for. If those snippets aren't working for you, could you let me know which vehicles are having difficulties (mod, editor name, and classname ideally), and exactly what error you're seeing (.rpt snippet too if possible!) - thanks :)
  9. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Wow, am I ever late for this party! Tiger, in the meantime you can enable the servicing and logistics for any vehicle manually by adding the relevant code snippets to a vehicle's init. Just be aware that currently there is weirdness surrounding vehicles that use the new Pylons/Dynamic Loadouts system that I'm currently working on. //Air Servicing this addAction ["Servicing Menu", {createDialog "UK3CB_Servicing_GUI_Dialog"}, nil, 4, false, true, "", "[vehicle player] call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Weapons_fnc_can_service_air_vehicle", 10]; //Ground Servicing this addAction ["Servicing Menu", {createDialog "UK3CB_Servicing_GUI_Dialog"}, nil, 4, false, true, "", "[vehicle player] call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Weapons_fnc_can_service_ground_vehicle", 10]; //Logistics this addAction ["Logistics Menu", {createDialog "UK3CB_Logistics_GUI_Dialog"}, nil, 3.99, false, true, "", "[vehicle player] call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Weapons_fnc_can_load_vehicle", 10];
  10. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Could you just check whether you've got the uk3cb_baf_units_ace.pbo in your \\@3cb_baf_units\addons\ folder? If not, you'll want to move it out of the \\@3cb_baf_units\optionals\addons\ folder
  11. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hi JD, I've just triple checked both in the code and ingame, and I'm seeing ACE gear in the EOD crate with both module and composition - it's the vanilla explosives, but with a stash of clackers, defusal tools, spray paints, Vallons etc. I reckon it's probably a case of wobbly memory (happens to us all!), but if you manage to reproduce it then give me a yell and I'll investigate further :)
  12. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hi JD, I'm actually just sitting down to see about letting mission makers add non-BAF loadouts currently :) Unfortunately, it's unlikely that it'll let you specify entirely custom loadouts at runtime, but rather rely on loadouts defined either in other mods or in minimods that are created for this purpose. A little background on the way the Logistics process works internally may make the reason why more clear: During early development, the available loadouts were defined as a specially structured array within the Logistics script. The crates for ACE loading were then created by spawning in a BLUFOR supply crate, emptying it, and loading it with the selected loadout when the Logistics process completed. It was later reversed, so that the available loadouts were defined as a list of crates; the non-crated loadouts get scraped from these crates on init, and the crates can just be loaded directly. This had a couple of benefits: it meant that mission makers or Zeus etc could spawn in the crated loadouts if they desired, it meant that the the crates loaded in with ACE Loading could actually be distinguished (rather than all being "Supply Box [NATO]"), it meant that existing loadouts didn't need to be redefined in the script array, and made the job of swapping out which loadouts were available based on which mods were loaded far more robust. Hopefully, this will be sufficient for most users as it's easy enough to create a minimod for a crate loadout if there really isn't an existing crate with the required loadout. However, if it really does seem to be a sticking point I'll see whether there's another solution :) PS, if you have ACE enabled, then the EOD/Demo crate contains ACE gear ;)
  13. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Once the missile has detonated, you should be able to tap R to reload (if there are remaining missiles in the WMIK's inventory). Do be aware though that the process takes a while! :)
  14. Nick Seafort

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    3.4GHz i7, 970GTX, 16GB RAM, all on SSDs. Quality settings are maxed apart from Terrain (VH), distance is varied but typically aroun 3k/1.6k/20m, HBAO+ high, FXAA Ultra and AF Ultra. My performance is fine, right up until everything drops to distant-LOD and frames drop to the 0.5-3fps region. Sometimes resolves after 1-3mins, sometimes resolves after FLUSH, frequently leads to a crash. This affects a significant number of people in my community, it's esssentially caused the death of a few of our recent ops... Didn't have the issue before the latest update, and now I get it within 5-40 minutes of play every time I've tried.
  15. Nick Seafort

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Suffered this since the last patch too, I've given up playing for now due to it crashing or chugging so badly...
  16. Hi all, Been working on something posed to me a few months back but not I reckon it's probably not possible - figured I'd ask if anyone else had ideas before giving up! Concept: one of the MFDs in a helo being used to display a dynamic map, centred on the helicopter. I'm happy with making and customising maps using createDialog, but I have no idea if it's possible to shunt these out to the rendertarget that the MFD screen is displaying - my gut instinct and impression after searching around a lot says its not. My current best idea is to have an image of the map displayed/rotated etc on the screen, but this would lack the map markers and require manually providing an appropriate image for each map... hardly what's desired. Any other ideas, or anyone know of a way to get UI elements to render to world objects rather than screenspace? :x
  17. Nick Seafort

    Embedding Dynamic Maps in Vehicles

    That sounds pretty much like the possible option I mooted in the OP, but it still suffers the issue of requiring an image for every single map :|
  18. Nick Seafort

    Embedding Dynamic Maps in Vehicles

    One last try, anyone have any ideas?
  19. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Actually, as far as I know no vehicles have manual reload. In the case of multiple mags etc you normally have to deplete the active before being able to load a new one. This is because unlike infantry ammo where it stores the ammo count of each magazine, for vehicles it only stores the total number of magazines and the ammocount of the active magazine. So yes, it's a new key but I thought I remembered it was bound to R by default. But it's not something that "most vehicles do with default reload", because most vehicles don't have triggerable reload :)
  20. Nick Seafort

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Just to check, have you: 1) Checked the inventory has at least one box of the correct ammo? 2) Checked that you have the "Reload Vehicle Weapon" key bound in your Controls -> ConfigureAddons -> 3CB?
  21. Nick Seafort

    Reset textbox scrollbar to top?

    Bugger, well at least I know I can stop worrying about fixing it. Thanks!
  22. Tried this over in the config/scripting forum as GUI is handled slightly differently in addons, but that forum appears to be near-deserted. Hoping I'll have better luck here, post follows: Hi everyone, this has been an ongoing issue that I've not had any joy in resolving. I've built a GUI for an aspect of our modpack, and it's all working rather well. There is a large textbox (contained within a controlgroup class with an attached vertical scrollbar class) that displays information relevant to a selection, and when this selection is changed the text gets updated and the textbox gets resized for the new text - note that the frame remains the same size, but resizing the textbox means that the scrollbar at the side has the correct range to scroll through rather than either blank space at the bottom of the text or it being cut off. The problem is that the relative position of the scrollbar remains the same after I resize the textbox regardless of what I do. So if I had scrolled a third of the way down the text before changing it, the scrollbar (and text position) would be a third of the way down the new text. This isn't a dealbreaker, but it's certainly not tidy! The only related function I can see is sliderSetPosition, which as the scrollbar/slider page claims scrollbars and sliders are synonymous should work... but it doesn't make any difference and nor does sliderPosition return any value other than 0. I've had a look around but I can't seem to find anywhere in vanilla Arma where something like this is done rather than just having the element being destroyed and recreated - something I'd prefer to avoid! Is sliderSetPosition really the right command and I've done something wrong, is there an alternate command I've missed, or is this not possible without destroy/recreate? Thanks!
  23. Nick Seafort

    Reset textbox scrollbar to top?

    Bump, any suggestions?
  24. Nick Seafort

    Reset textbox scrollbar to top?

    Bloody subscription feature didn't notify me of the reply... I've tried both controls and IDCs, but I'll post some exemplar snippets. I've built a GUI that covers a wide range of controls and commands so far, so I'm reasonably familiar with the control/IDC disparity. // dialogs.hpp idd = 1000; class ControlsGroup_1 : MyCustomControlsGroup { idc = 1; class Controls { class Text1 : MyCustomText { idc = 2; }; class VScrollbar : MyCustomScrollbar { idc = 3; }; }; }; // script.sqf, running these commands seperately to check, displayed collectively for ease _a = sliderPosition 1; _b = sliderPosition 2; _c = sliderPosition 3; _i = sliderPosition ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 1); _j = sliderPosition ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 2); _k = sliderPosition ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 3); player sideChat format ["%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6", _a, _b, _c, _i, _j, _k]; // Returns "0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" even when scrolled halfway down the field. ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 1) sliderSetPosition 0; sliderSetPosition [1, 0]; ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit 0; ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 2) sliderSetPosition 0; sliderSetPosition [2, 0]; ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit 0; ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 3) sliderSetPosition 0; sliderSetPosition [3, 0]; ((findDisplay 1000) displayCtrl 3) ctrlCommit 0; None of those sliderSetPosition commands make a difference, and as the sliderPosition call always returns 0 regardless of scroll position I'm guessing it doesn't actually work for vertical scrollbars...
  25. Hi everyone, this has been an ongoing issue that I've not had any joy in resolving. I've built a GUI for an aspect of our modpack, and it's all working rather well. There is a large textbox (contained within a controlgroup class with an attached vertical scrollbar class) that displays information relevant to a selection, and when this selection is changed the text gets updated and the textbox gets resized for the new text - note that the frame remains the same size, but resizing the textbox means that the scrollbar at the side has the correct range to scroll through rather than either blank space at the bottom of the text or it being cut off. The problem is that the relative position of the scrollbar remains the same after I resize the textbox regardless of what I do. So if I had scrolled a third of the way down the text before changing it, the scrollbar (and text position) would be a third of the way down the new text. This isn't a dealbreaker, but it's certainly not tidy! The only related function I can see is sliderSetPosition, which as the scrollbar/slider page claims scrollbars and sliders are synonymous should work... but it doesn't make any difference and nor does sliderPosition return any value other than 0. I've had a look around but I can't seem to find anywhere in vanilla Arma where something like this is done rather than just having the element being destroyed and recreated - something I'd prefer to avoid! Is sliderSetPosition really the right command and I've done something wrong, is there an alternate command I've missed, or is this not possible without destroy/recreate? Thanks!