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Everything posted by domithious

  1. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Besides Altis i like Al Rayak and Rosche. I also use the "Winter 2035" mod, plus other winter mods to play Altis in the snow. Makes a nice change to the map. Tanoa is always good, but can hit fps issues in the city (probably my PC).
  2. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Great to see new people finding this amazing mission. I've been playing some maps i haven't tried before. Yesterday I finished Isla Duala, it's a really nice map, but i got bad FPS drops. Currently playing Al Rayak, which I'm really enjoying 🙂
  3. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Hello, I'm trying to add a 3rd player spot to the MP mission - "Altis by Major Stiffy (wip 10)" I can add the player position in editor, and they can join and play the mission fine, but they don't function well as part of the team. For example, if i hitch-hike, the 3rd player doesn't come with players 1 and 2. They can't interrogate surrendered enemies or create ammo boxes... like something is missing. Do i have to give player 3 a specific name? Or do i have to add init commands?
  4. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Hello, any ideas why the shop function doesn't work in multiplayer?. I've compared the Shop.SQF file in both SP and MP Altis and they are the same. The mechanic and the medic works fine, and the marker for the seller appears, but if I try to buy anything it doesn't work. I've had a look in the MainLoop.sqf but i can't see anything obvious.
  5. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    It's the only reason i still play Arma. Pilgrimage is a true Masterpiece and I'm so glad you continue to look to "mess things up" 😁 I've posted on the thread a few times. Would definitely be interested. Would love to help, but i don't have any mission making skills, not to the level of Pilgrimage. Can offer to help test if you decide to go ahead with the port. I need to keep the notification turned on 🙂
  6. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Great, thank you Rydygier!! ☺️ 'true' was added in the line below which makes the difference.
  7. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I'm so sorry for posting again. I know this thread is very old, but i still love Pilgrimage. There was an update between 1.95 beta 1 and 1.95 which fixed a waypoint issue (you'd get to a waypoint and it would still say "waiting"). Is there an easy i can implement that fix on the Tanao SP, which has been save under 1.95 beta 1?
  8. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Been playing for years, it finally happened 🙂
  9. Hello Arma fans; i need some help please. I'm trying to create a mission where it gets to a point that i need to defend a position from waves of AI attacks. I am trying to make the ai attacks random, in terms of time, and so far I've made a very crude approach. However, I can't get a staggered attack from the ai, they all seem to attack at once. I'm sorry, but i don't know how to script, so i am trying to do things with triggers, and activate on triggers. So far i have the following: 1) Blufor approaches a trigger area. This activates black out; skiptime; black in; This doesn't work very well, but not really important. 2) I have a number of ai squads, initially hidden from view, with waypoints to the Blufor position 3) I have waypoint timers, for each ai squad, synced on the initial trigger. The move waypoints are set with random min and max values across the squads. My thinking is that each ai squad will move from their hidden position between a min and max time. What i have found is all AI moving at the same time. I wonder if skipping time has had an impact on the waypoint timer. I'm picking up things as i go along, but i'm a bit stuck on this one. Any advice? Thanks Dom
  10. domithious

    Pilgrimage, Silent---Unseen

    Would it be possible to make a MP two player version of this?
  11. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Has Altis been updated? Not showing in either list :-)
  12. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thank you so much for adding the green icon to identify the POW's location. He can be a real pain to find at times! :) Is it possible to trigger this, only after interrogating the nearby officer? I've spotted the POW, even though i'm still a distance from a stronghold.
  13. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thanks major-stiffy, i really appreciate it. I really enjoy these missions. I will take your advice with the AI button. I did reinstall the mission file, as per the latest upload, and had the same issue with two groups. So maybe it's a Mod thing.
  14. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Hello, is there anything wrong with the Lingor_1_95d3_3COOP.lingor3 file? I play the coop missions with one other person, so i tend to delete the Autorifleman and Repair Specialist from the editor. I've done this with all the other maps, no problem. But when i load the server for Lingor i see the Explosive Specialist in both Alpha 1-1 and Alpha 1-2, even though i can't find Alpha 1-2 in the editor. Then on loading the mission the screens are 'blank'. I've done nothing except delete the two unit, which I've done with other ported versions. I have a consistent mod load-out, only adding mods as required for the map.
  15. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Something as simple as that. Thank you!
  16. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Hello, I've been trying to bring in the new tanks from the Tank DLC, but it's not liking it. To update the airfields/strongholds i thought I could edit the JRInit file and add "O_MBT_04_cannon_F" to the RYD_JR_Armored list e.g RYD_JR_Armored = [ "O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F", "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F", "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F", "O_MBT_02_cannon_F" "O_MBT_04_cannon_F" ]; It's not liking it. Do I need to do anything else? It looks like abandoned vehicles can spawn the new tanks.
  17. domithious

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Hello, Does anyone know of a mod which will allow you to move all inventory from one vehicle to another? I thought it would be useful for Pilgrimage, but I haven't been able to find anything.
  18. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    I'm not sure where best to post of for Pilgrimage comments, but I've got feedback before on this post, so here goes. A couple of observation in MP: Only the host can see the radio messages e.g. Hostile presence detected..., helicopter RTB. Only the host can sell the equipment and check intel from killed AI. Nothing major, i can see why only the host hearing enemy radio messages would be by design. But it would be nice if both/all players could sell equipment and check for intel. Although, now thinking about it, would that make it possible to check for intel/sell items more than once?
  19. domithious

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    How can i create a 1% chance that i can find a Blackfoot as an abandoned vehicle? :p If i can find Slammers randomly, then why not helicopters? :)
  20. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    This version is working for me :-) Thank you for fixing it so quickly.
  21. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Same error message for me, including the missing "de"...
  22. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Me again :-) I've just tried playing 'Tanoa_195D2_SP.Tanoa' but it's not loading. I waited 5 minutes on the load screen; normally you get a green line going across the top, then a green line at the top of the small window, but that line didn't appear. I've played on Altis and Malden without issue. Not using any mods. Hopefully this hasn't been addressed in another thread :p
  23. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    I've tried the MP Tanoa version. It looks like there's a ghost Auto-rifleman :-) Only three player slots appear in the lobby (leader, engineer and medic), but on joining the game an auto-rifleman spawns, even if AI is disabled. I think the AI may also have Enable Damage turned off. I shot him load, but he wouldn't die.
  24. domithious

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Thanks. I'll give that a try :-)