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About agorapolis

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    Private First Class

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  1. agorapolis

    NIArms Release Thread

    Bug is still here with the hotfix :( ACE Interaction is broken 18:13:21 Error in expression <Player _unit) exitWith {}; if (_weapon != _muzzle) exitWith {}; ; if (!local > 18:13:21 Error position: <!= _muzzle) exitWith {}; ; if (!local > 18:13:21 Error Erreur générique dans une expression 18:13:21 File \hlc_core\functions\fnc_magSwitch.sqf [Niarms_fnc_magSwitch], line 1718 18:13:21 Error in expression <Player _unit) exitWith {}; if (_weapon != _muzzle) exitWith {}; ; if (!local > 18:13:21 Error position: <!= _muzzle) exitWith {}; ; if (!local > 18:13:21 Error Erreur générique dans une expression 18:13:21 File \hlc_core\functions\fnc_magSwitch.sqf [Niarms_fnc_magSwitch], line 1718
  2. agorapolis

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hello, Since the last update of HLC addons, ace mod is broken. The ace menu does not work randomly. Impossible to open ace interaction menu I have this error message : 22:50:26 Error in expression <onMuzzle, [currentMagazine _unit, _unit ammo _weaponMuzzle]] call Niarms_fnc_mag> 22:50:26 Error position: <ammo _weaponMuzzle]] call Niarms_fnc_mag> 22:50:26 Error ammo: Type Nombre, Chaîne attendu 22:50:26 File \hlc_core\functions\fnc_magInit.sqf [Niarms_fnc_magInit], line 15 22:50:26 Error in expression <onMuzzle, [currentMagazine _unit, _unit ammo _weaponMuzzle]] call Niarms_fnc_mag> 22:50:26 Error position: <ammo _weaponMuzzle]] call Niarms_fnc_mag> 22:50:26 Error Erreur générique dans une expression 22:50:26 File \hlc_core\functions\fnc_magInit.sqf [Niarms_fnc_magInit], line 15
  3. @Dwarden i have same problem since V5 and V6/V7, commandline -password is broken... The server returns "invalid password" My commandline : -connect= -port=2302 -password=agora -mod=@agorapolis -noLogs -nosplash -nopause The players must be connect manually With the V4 it works very well, but not since the V5 and V6/V7
  4. Problem with all items... I have to put a variable name on all items I put on the map ...
  5. Hello, What syntax should I use for kickPlayersOnSlowNetwork? Have you an example please?
  6. I have the same problem on my server
  7. agorapolis

    Headless client - Bug - Seagull

    Nobody have an idea ?
  8. Hello everyone, Thank you in advance for your help I have tried to set up "headless client" on my server (Altis Life). Everything works fine until we exceed one hundred players in the game. From 100-110 players all new players that connect to the server are kick by BattlEye with reason "seagull". They can no longer spawn. Have you ever encountered this problem? Can you help me ? Sorry my English is far to be good ...