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About integerdevourer

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    Private First Class
  1. integerdevourer


    I'll be working on an update soon, I'm working on replacing all the static vehicles with spawners and adding teams.
  2. integerdevourer

    Changing Turret Location

    Sorry I got it now after there was an explanation, I didn't have time to delve into the mod and see the functions behind the scenes. I'm still learning here. Thanks :D
  3. integerdevourer

    Changing Turret Location

    That's a visual attachment, it doesn't change the turret location of the vehicle. I am asking about a very different situation that requires a different method. FROM MOD: heli addWeaponTurret ["FIR_BF_FFAR",[-1]]; heli addMagazineTurret ["FIR_BF_FFAR_19rnd_M",[-1]]; This adds the weapon and ammo to an EXISTING turret on the vehicle. Refer to here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Turret_Config_Reference This is what I am talking about, manipulating the source of the weapon fire from a vehicle that DOES NOT HAVE a turret. This issue that plagues me is that cars, for example, will shoot from their [0,0,0] point of their model (center of the vehicle) and depending on the vehicle may be very low or impractical to use. An example are titan missiles in this method when used on a car will explode on the ground even if locked onto a target or mortar/artillery shells shooting at such a low arc that it will impact too close and kill your vehicle. I have two objectives in mind, if it is possible: Altering this turrets placement on the fly Doing so without requiring a mod
  4. integerdevourer

    Changing Turret Location

    It looks like it's a new version of the vehicle, not exactly what I was talking about, but thanks :D
  5. integerdevourer

    Changing Turret Location

    That was sort of my fear. I want to avoid having to mod the vehicles, because that would require an extra download (right?) because I was trying to make the mission as freely and easy to play as possible.
  6. I never got around to asking this, but this is for an old mission I was developing called BATTLE CARS. One of my biggest issues was the placement of the "turret" of vehicles that did not actually have a turret. There seems to be some values regarding this turret's placement, but I never figured out how to alter it, if it is even possible. It definitely would have made certain aspects of the mission function better. So, is it possible?
  7. integerdevourer


    I've hosted it a couple times for friends for play and for testing, it didn't seem to catch anyones interest so I stopped working on the project :(.
  8. integerdevourer


    Update! Added platform for Special Power Lighting fixed for Power Ups WHEELS OF IRON !!! (Tires should near-invincible)
  9. You might want to look here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=601395028&searchtext=building
  10. integerdevourer

    Newbie wants to create MP game Mode.

    Best advice is just to experiment and learn. After creating my first SP/COOP mission, I challenged myself to make a MP mission: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189527-mp-battle-cars-16-player-vehicle-deathmatch/[shameless plug]. It's been slow going because I've been learning while developing. You really have to just put things out there and try. A good pointer though, from one novice to another, is to hammer down the specifics of your design. Having a basic understanding of your gameflow helps immensely with translating it into the scripting you need for your mission. One thing I will point out is that you might want to watch out with the number assets you are putting down, it may cause serious issues for players. Anywho, good luck!
  11. integerdevourer


    BATTLE CARS UPDATED! Added Power Ups! Added Ramps Added New weapon Added Flip Script Fixed some Weapon Array errors!
  12. INTEGER DEVOURER PRESENTS VERSION: 0.10 – WHAT TOOK SO LONG EDITION OVERVIEW BATTLE CARS is a 16 player Deathmatch that focuses on vehicular combat with unarmed vehicles. Players choose one of several spawn points, jump into a car and find a weapon. Weapons are randomly acquired by driving over floating orbs scattered around the playing area. Perfect for people yearning for some less than serious fun in the spirit of Twisted Metal/Interstate 76/Vigilante 8. Get it now on: STEAM WORKSHOP ARMAHOLIC FEATURES VEHICULAR COMBAT with your favorite Sport Vehicles! TURBO BOOST your way around the battlefield!*Special thanks to ProGamer: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24049*We are not responsible for any deaths caused by flying cars 11 RANDOMIZED WEAPONS of varying degrees of usefulness!Titans/Mortars will probably kill you more than your enemies. SPECIAL POWERS New power: UAV Bomber VEHICLE SPAWNER at the central spawn point!Special thanks to Tonic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23020 PROTECTED SPAWNS to save you from dying immediately!Protected from shots/explosions, but not being run over VEHICLE HOP/FLIP ​Base flip script is in; only works on totally flipped cars. Special thanks to Iceman77: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/157916-vehicle-flip-script-to-share/ MISSION PARAMETERS to customize your experience!WOW! BUGS, ERRORS, AND MORE! Experience the pains and struggles of a novice mission maker! COMING SOON ADJUSTABLE VEHICLE TURRETSOnce I figure out how to edit that IMPROVED VEHICLE HEALTH/ARMORSee Above VISIBLE WEAPONS ON VEHICLESee above MORE LOCATIONS!Kavala? Who knows! A HUD NON-COPYRIGHT SOUND EFFECTSPlaceholder sound effectsWeapon Pickups: Metal Slug series Invulnerability Powerup: Super Mario Brothers Nothing Powerup: Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory KABOOM! Powerup: The Price is Right Lightning Storm Powerup: Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm Time Freeze Powerup: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure BALANCING! PROPER SCORING SYSTEM TEAMS BETTER CLEAN UP SCRIPT MORE RAMPS CURRENTLY KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES Driving over the BONUS ORBS sometimes does not trigger the script.Depends on speed and position of vehicle. May have to extend the size of the trigger Hints show for all players Possible mismatch between sound played and item received for other players? Random inconsistent local variable errors!
  13. integerdevourer

    [SP/COOP2] The A-Files: Episode 1: "The Cult"

    Mission updated: Music and sounds fixed for COOP. Tweaked vehicle spawn script. Role swapped for characters. You can now commandeer parked cars at gas stations.
  14. integerdevourer

    [SP/COOP2] The A-Files: Episode 1: "The Cult"

    I didn't put a revive script in the mission. :O