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Everything posted by hortzy

  1. Hey guys, My Real World Weather mod has been out-of-date for quite sometime. So I finally got around to updating it to use a new API provider. Now it uses https://www.weatherstack.com instead of the previous, Wunderground. Also I've never made a release thread for the mod, so I figured I might as well do one now after the update. Anyways here it is. Cheers! WORKSHOP DOWNLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879970502 Summary: Integration of a real-time weather API into arma 3. Grabs Real forecast data from an official reliable Weather Provider. Uses terrains Real World Counter-part Predicts future forecasts based on actual weather statistics. Option to sync time with location. Adds extra Immersion and Feel 3den Editor Extension (highly customizable module). Real-time weather Debug console. 32 and 64 bit support Auto config option included Keep in mind, This is a weather prediction system and it may not be entirely accurate at times. (Just like real life weather forecasts). The system does what it can with the data it's provided and makes calculations based on those. NOTES: 1. This mod runs on the server side, but is required by clients due to the newly created module. 2. Set Clouds on "Ultra" in video settings for best effects 3. You do need your own API key. You can get one for free at https://www.weatherstack.com Help/Questions: Where is the module? The module is located in the games editor ("Systems" >> "[HZ] Real-World Weather" >> "Real World Weather") Can I search for my own Weather Stats anywhere in the world?: Yes!, This System allows for dynamic search query's all over the world. With your own key simply enter the Country and City you want weather from. Everything is available to you in a easy to use Module If you are having issues getting data from the places you want, follow the steps below. Can I search using (Lat, Long) co-ords? Yes, If you have your own key. Replace Country with the latitude. Replace City with the longitude. What is a API key and do I need one? Yes, This mod does require you to own a API Key!. In short, API keys are unique id's which allow access to the Specific data services like Google, Weatherstack etc and are needed to prevent abuse and overload of the systems. Free API keys are usually limited to (x) amount of calls per hour or per day. For more info on weather API keys or how to get your own visit. https://www.weatherstack.com/ Additional Credits Daithi: Mods logo! Killzone Kid: Url fetch dll WORKSHOP DOWNLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879970502 Pictures
  2. hortzy

    Arctic Latitudes

    This is really cool dude. Mind if I add you on steam? I would like to talk with you about a project.
  3. hortzy

    Real World Weather

    Ya I don't see why it wouldn't be. As long as there isn't any scripts or mods running that also alter the weather, then it should be fine.
  4. hortzy

    Real World Weather

    @LSValmont Thank you! This mod is one of my personal favorites, so I'm super happy to get it up and running again. One thing I am currently looking into for future development, Is the ability to grab historical weather data. Which I think will be beneficial to creators who like to re-create real-life battles or events. Also I'd like to implement snow effects as-well.
  5. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Well I am glad to see i'm not the only one having issues with that then haha I'll continue experimenting and see if I find a solution. Thanks @LSValmont I really appreciate your input through-out the development of this mod!
  6. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Question if anybody could help me out. Maybe @LSValmont?? 😄 When loading from a "Saved" game, such as Arma 3 Apex : Oldman Does the Initialization order still take effect that is listed here? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Initialization_Order Because it appears that when loading into a Oldman save. The mod is using outdated scripts or something. Restarting a new campaign and or a different mission file within a campaign fixes it. (But oldman only uses 1 mission file) If I use the "Loaded" eventhandler in my preinit function, can I use that to update the variables within a saved game? or is the function "pre-cached" so to speak and the only way to update it is by restarting? Where i'm getting confused.. is right now my preinit function does not have a "loaded" eventhandler. And i'm unsure if by adding it in the function, if it will get updated within that particular savefile. I hope that makes sense.. haha Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
  7. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Update: 20 Apr @ 9:40pm -Added ability to choose between groups or side for Tag visibility. -Updated Module and Settings Dialog. -Fixed Enemies showing as Friendly when a player was in an Incapacitated State. Again a thanks to @LSValmont for reporting the issue and providing a solution! Note: The ability to choose between groups and sides, should tremendously help in cases when players aren't grouped up together. Or don't have the ability to create a group.
  8. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    @LSValmont Pretty cool video. I like the idea, But i'm not quite sure how i would implement something like that. I mean, ya i can script that in, but to do it, and do it tastefully without ruining a players experience with a bunch of onscreen dialog's might be an issue. Overall a really cool feature tho. Thanks for sharing, I will for sure keep that in mind for future development!
  9. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    @kibyde Thanks for the suggestion, That is a feature we did think about implementing.. However, Its kind of beside the point of what ETS is supposed to be. We designed ETS so that it could be a lightweight yet modular system for multiple game styles. Adding this feature, would require me to add in a couple more conditions and checks to enable AI to tag enemies. And for performance reasons, I think this feature would have to be strictly limited to single player. We will keep this in mind, and run some tests. But cannot confirm if that feature will be implemented.
  10. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    @LSValmont I will also keep that in mind for future scripts, very useful information! Should probably see that update pushed out at some point today. Thanks again! One quick edit. I might have not explained this when the features got introduced. _unit setVariable ["ETS_TEXT","SomeText",true]; //Sets text below a units icon. (optional) _unit setVariable ["ETS_FONT","TahomaB",true]; //Sets the font of the text. (optional) Those variables can be set on ANY unit within the game, they are not bound to the HVT variable. So, you can essentially use this system for player icons with names. Or use it to create dynamic text on units within a mission. (eg. "Escort","Protect") are just a couple examples.
  11. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Update: 18 Apr @ 4:02am -Require optics now supports UAV's and Vehicles/Planes -Removed 'Required Weapons' feature. (Everything is covered by Require Optics now). -Fixed tags not appearing for pilots. (Note: You must be in a group to see each others tags) -Targets visible by player owned UAV's will remain tagged for the duration of the icon. - Show behind cover now works as intended. Terrain features (hills), objects, foliage all effect the status of icons. Condition was replaced by engine command 'checkVisibility' Thanks to @LSValmont for his help/advice! I think I am ready to pretty much call this a final release. Aside from any bugs that may pop up, Or game updates that cause conflicts. I don't really see much more that needs to be done. I would like to thank everyone for their support in making this mod! 🙂 This is my first time really diving in and experiencing the bohemia forums, and I am extremely grateful for all of your support! So again.. Thank you everyone! Here is the new condition code mentioned above. If it helps anyone out, I am happy to share it. /* Author: Hortzy Function: HZ_fnc_ET_targetOnScreen Version: 1.0 Date: 4/18/2020 Description: Checks if target is behind cover/visible on screen. (Providing _showBehindCover is set to false) Works underwater. Supports vehicles. Also checks if any uavs owned by the player can see the target. Parameters: _unit = _this; Returns: true if target is visible, false if target is hidden. */ private _unit = _this; private _showBehindCover = false; private _return = false; if (!isNil "HZ_ETS_Settings") then {_showBehindCover = HZ_ETS_Settings select 2;}; private _player = player; private _uav = getConnectedUAV player; if (vehicle player != player) then { _player = vehicle player; }; if (!isNull _uav) then { private _uavControl = UAVControl _uav; if (player in _uavControl) then {_player = _uav;}; }; if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then {_unit = vehicle _unit;}; private _cansee = [player,"VIEW",_unit] checkVisibility [eyePos player, eyePos _unit]; private _cansee_variable = [_player,"VIEW",_unit] checkVisibility [eyePos _player, eyePos _unit]; if (_showBehindCover) then {_return = true;}; if (!_showBehindCover && ((_cansee > 0) OR (_cansee_variable > 0))) then {_return = true;}; _return
  12. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Part of post below.
  13. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    @LSValmont Nice! I really appreciate it man, Didn't even know that scripting command existed 😂 And here i was trying to manually calculate those conditions. derp Your script there is pretty cool, I really like that onscreen compass. Done a little testing with _isVisible = [objNull, "VIEW"] checkVisibility [eyePos player, eyePos _target]; Works great! but I did notice a small issue. Vehicles seem to throw random values at times, and also return a value of 0 on occasions. (Even while fully in sight) Workaround. _isVisible = [_target, "VIEW"] checkVisibility [eyePos player, eyePos _target]; Pass the _target into the ignored object parameter, and the value will return a more reliable number for both units and vehicles.
  14. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Thanks, I will send you a friend request on steam if that's cool
  15. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    @LSValmont Thanks! I wanted to add a nice level of customization so it could used in multiple game types. One thing I do plan on updating is the 'Show behind cover' feature. Currently its working ok.. it detects if objects are in the way, but its not recognizing terrain features. So a hill will not effect the status of an icon. Once I get that fixed.. I will be pretty happy with how this turned out 🙂
  16. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Update: 17 Apr @ 3:56am Host/Admin dialog has been updated to reflect settings inside module. Additional bug fixes. Note: The mod is nearing its final release. Updates will be less frequent
  17. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Implementing true dynamic sizing of icons based on distance and FOV/Zoom. Icons in the mod are already sized by distance, This is just Implementing FOV/Zoom features. Big shout out to KK for his trueZoom function! http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-get-zoom/ Pictures Below are about 1.1km away from targets. With 4 different levels of FOV _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Zoom Level (1.1km) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ x5 Zoom (1.1km) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ x10 Zoom (1.1km) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ x25 Zoom (1.1km)
  18. hortzy

    Krzy's Hunting Mod

    Cool man!, Now all we need is some better ambient wildlife in arma 😃
  19. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    That's a great suggestion! I will add it to the "todo" list 🙂 Thank you
  20. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Module is setup!, Options are all working. Just working out a couple minor issues.. then I will push out the update. Brief explanation of some of the options. Most are straight forward.. so ill just skip to the ones i think might need to be explained. Require Optics- If set to true, the player will need Binoculars or a Optic mounted on their weapon. (Rangefinders, Laser Designators etc also count). Required Weapons- This is an array of weapon classes which are required to tag targets. example: ["Binoculars","Rangefinder"] (This will also override the option for 'Require Optics') An empty array just means there is no requirement and the option is ignored. Placing this module will create a dependency, So if you wish to keep the mission dependency free, just use the Server/Host Settings within the map menu.
  21. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Also one quick last note about this update. Server/Host settings (located in the Map settings menu). Icon Duration Icon Delay Show behind cover Show if player Show if ally Show if enemy Require optics (not yet implemented)
  22. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Hey guys, Just a little update on the mod. so here's a little list of some changes. Update: 14 Apr @ 8:16pm - added server/host/admin options (Located in the map menu). - Only Hosts or Logged in Admins can change settings. - created dedicated functions for some scripts. - Setting icon duration to 0 will disable ETS. - Paved the way for a dedicated module, will be good for mission makers who wish to make this a dependency. and override settings at a mission level (Coming next update).
  23. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Those are great suggestions! Once I get a dialog setup for user settings, that should not be an issue 🙂
  24. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Really appreciate the feedback!. The suggestions mentioned above are definitely planned in the near future. Just a brief list of a couple planned features.. - Add some optional Server-side/Host settings to override clients running the mod. ( This will include.. IconLifetime, IconDelay, ShowBehindCover, ShowIfPlayer, Maxdistance ) - Add some optional client-side settings. ( Mostly just visual effects, like Color Temperature for those of you that suffer from color blindness like me!) - Add a sound for when a target is tagged. (Something subtle, nothing over the top) The end goal, is to keep this as a 100% client-side mod, while still letting the server/host have control over Tag settings if they so choose.
  25. hortzy

    ETS - Enemy Tagging System

    Hello there, I realize some for some people this might seem like a bit of a cheat, but the goal was to simulate (to a degree) the tagging system within Wildlands. And to my knowledge, In Wildlands Targets continue to be marked even while behind cover? With that being said.. I do plan on adding a couple customizable features!