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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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I'm a little bit confused:

To get this straight: With W.I.C.T. its possible to generate a battlefield and when im dying i will be respawned at my home base (so do the mates and enemies) ?

Edited by Major_Koenig

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I'm impressed!

After changing the init.sqf of my missions to incorporate the new init features for WICT, two members of the AI group who join the player's control suddenly jumped onto a ZU-23 and mortar and began defending the flag without me telling them to do anything. Some promising new possibilities with these mechanics.

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To get this straight: With W.I.C.T. its possible to generate a battlefield and when im dying i will be respawned at my home base (so do the mates and enemies) ?

Yes and no: yes it's generating dynamic battlefield(s) and no you won't be respawned in this version (v1.8).

This is only for single player and there are 4 more switchable teammates.

1) I have to tweak deleting of vehicles and speed of the vehicles.

2) I will work on implementing
into this module and making it distributable with the mission, not as separate addon, so it would be a tool, as the title says (v2.0).

3) I was thinking about User Setting MP = yes / no which will change script according to if it's used for SP or MP. Therefore it would take into account switchable / playable units

F2 has Norrin's revive script and respawning. I will try to enable respawning at the nearest west base if known or at the place player died if not.

This is intend to be a tool for COOP campaigns rather than multiplayer missions, because they don't use AI that much.

One more thing -- there is no respawning of AI -- to get that straight. Once the AI unit is dead it won't be just replaced with the same unit. The script is completely dynamic and every turn is a different spawn.


@Richey79 They got the order before they jumped under your command because when the static.sqf script starts it doesn't take into consideration player's group. Nevertheless it seams you made it excellent --- first the static script starts and after that your script puts them under player's command. Nice one.

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Thanks for the Info ArmAIIholic, would be great if theres an option of respawning in the next version, that would ensure big long battles :yay:

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Coming soon. In the meantime try with these 5 guys, you can switch at any time. And of course for long campaigns and true free roaming / sandbox game re-spawn is a must!

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Having WICT MP would be awesome !

I am finding the Utes mission a little easy. I think I'm gonna buff up both sides as West has never lost. West does seem to spawn more vehicles than East side ... don't know why.

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No, they have full 100% each turn. But west have a little bit "stronger" spawn, yes.

If you go from the base to the right you will encounter more east infantry than if you go left toward fuel sector. But from time to time it can happen (because it is Poission distribution) that you encounter up to 3 or even 4 T-72 heading the main HQ. And believe me they can take the base......

This is demo mission and it suppose to be easy, yes. The fuel sector is easy to take, but putting some guerrilla that are hostile to both sides would be excellent for a campaign :D

It is hard to imagine that such amount of fuel is unprotected, right?

You can face your player in your campaign with whatever you want. That's why this is a tool.

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Found something interesting that other users may be interested to know...

People trying out my campaing using OA 1.52 vanilla patch found that it didn't work at all: vehicles going endlessly in circles, units who were supposed to be halted in an animation moving a significant distance before switching to animation etc.

So, I looked for how to fix this problem, since everything was working fine with WICT 1.8 and beta 71418.

Go in editor and look at my mission: not working. Save it under another name: it's working! WTF? -Then I realised that I hadn't copied the WICT usersettings folder across to the mission folder, so WICT didn't have any active flags and wasn't trying to tell any units where to go.

Realisation: If you use a version of OA before the latest betas, WICT is likely to really screw with any scripted action you have in a mission, even if the script is in 'quit' mode and has not activated yet. If you use the latest betas, you can mix the scripted and dynamic with ease.

Which begs a question of whether this is a bug or intended feature. I'm presuming a bug - I'd certainly like to see this functionality in future versions of WICT. I think it's a good thing that WICT takes over all available units once turned on, although in an ideal world, there would be the option to tell it to exclude certain units (again, feel free to tell me that this option already exists in WICT). I would ask whether A2H is using a vanilla or beta patch, but I don't think you have OA installed? I'm guessing that it is not intended for WICT to override commands scripted in the mission editor before it has initialised?

Edited by Richey79

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1) Then I realised that I hadn't copied the WICT usersettings folder across to the mission folder, so WICT didn't have any active flags and wasn't trying to tell any units where to go.

2) WICT is likely to really screw with any scripted action you have in a mission, even if the script is in 'quit' mode and has not activated yet.

3) I think it's a good thing that WICT takes over all available units once turned on, although in an ideal world, there would be the option to tell it to exclude certain units.

4) I would ask whether A2H is using a vanilla or beta patch, but I don't think you have OA installed?

5) I'm guessing that it is not intended for WICT to override commands scripted in the mission editor before it has initialised?

1) UserSettings is not WICT at all. It is just a data base, so any AI that is overriding scripted action is core file in the pbo. If there are active flags or no active flags, units will receive orders to form a battlefront --- when they form it they will patrol the area or guard it. That's why you experience circling around.

2) Every time the AI starts it gives the orders and shuts down. There is no continually running scripts (except the core), so even if you shut down WICT units will not just stop. They will continue to follow dynamically created waypoints (that were assigned to them in the spawning process). Solutions:

a) start WICT after ALL scripted events,

b) stop WICT, spawn some more units and give them your orders.

c) remove execution of BIN_taskDefend.sqf and static.sqf from init.sqf. They also can affect editor placed units (in fact they
calling AI from pbo).

3) WICT is dynamic environment, but still you can disableAI "MOVE" if you want to keep units in the base, for example. At any point you can enable it again.

What I might do is to make an empty array that will hold units from the editor that are excluded form global assault. It will complicate things for MP a little bit, though. I will look for some other solution, maybe some
in the initial line of every unit that should be excluded, if such thing exists.

I thought it is better solution to just turn WICT off. When WICT is not running there is also no memory clearing, and thus global assault.

At least it should be so, therefore to be really sure I will make that script terminate also (in the new version).

4) No, I don't have OA installed yet. Only ArmA2 1.07.

5) As I wrote, WICT won't, but BIN_taskDefend.sqf and static.sqf from init.sqf might screw editor placed units' behavior. Try removing those lines completely. There is no such reason for WICT to start out of nowhere and command the units on the field. I really don't believe that it is a bug or incompatibility of WICT with OA. If it is off -- it is off. UserSettings should not / doesn't have to do anything with core scripts (they refer to them only after spawn).

I hope this was helpful.

At least you gave me some ideas to think about.




Look at the line in the init.sqf

/* Now this part searches for groups already present and give them orders */

It clearly says what is going on after that line. Just delete everything or put it as a comment.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Thanks for the new version A2H!

I went through your manual, but I seem to miss something, since I couldn't make a primitive mission either. Here are my steps. I just want an E and a W base, just to see how spawning goes.

1. startsettings.sqf: WICT_wbl = ["b1"]; WICT_ebl = ["b2"];

2. setupW.sqf: switch (WICT_wb) do {case "b1": {W_reginf = 100; ... (the rest is 0; only one case)

3. setupE.sqf: switch (WICT_eb) do { case "b2": {E_reginf = 100; ... (the rest is 0; only one case)

4. Go to editor: place a 'functions', a 'WICT' module, me, and the poor russian :)

5. Make a trigger for activating the script ([] execVM "WICT\controller.sqf") and deactivating the script([]exec "WICT\quit.sqs") around me.

6. Make a b1 flag, and a b2 flag.

Thats it. I guess, it should start spawning soldiers, but what I have is west base: none, east base: b2 in debug, and only east soldiers.

I only want to see the bare minimums first, I don't need anything else, just the minimum (no base-capture triggers, nothing). What am I missing?

Edit: It seems the problem was the placement of the bases. If I put them (both W or E bases) closer than 250m to me (that is to the script activator trigger), it won't work. So how does this work?

Other than this, its a really great stuff: I wish I had more time to make some good missions. Anyways setting up a W vs. E war is not a big deal, and I get lots of fun! :)

Edited by zapat

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Yes the problem is placement of bases. The bases should be opposite to each other to get a battlefront. If they are close you can still get the battlefront, but it would be a "mess" with lots of units flanking.

Now the problem was not proximity of bases! The problem was your proximity as the player to West base - you were closer than 250 which is spawning distance.

There is the part in startSettings.sqf that says:

In other words base will be active if:

1) it is nearest

2) it is further than WICT_sd

3) it is closer than WICT_scandist

So your base wasn't further thatn WICT_sd

If there is anything I can help, just ask.


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Now I understand the 250m circle in your example mission... :)

This all means then that only 1 base is active at a time, right?

If there are no enemy base closer than 1km, no enemy will be spawned?

And a last one: what does opposite mean? If only the nearest is active, how can it not be opposite?

Man, I'm afraid you'll owe me this night! :D

Edited by zapat

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I the demo mission there are 2 bases for West. It is possible that when you exit the first trigger the chosen base will be b3.

You see, the script is searching for bases. The b1 will be too close at the beginning and the next nearest is b3. So b3 will be the choice.

Yes only one enemy and one friend base at each turn.

Two bases near each other will both spawn units if YOU/player is further than 250, but the enemy will spawn "in the courtyard" of the other base....Opposite is maybe not a right word.

Turn debug mode on and analyze the choice of the base.

I am glad you like the mode and that you find it both fun and easy to setup.

Kremator asked me about AUTO settings aka. easy settings and always different gameplay.

Here is the solution and I will put it in the next manual:

Kremator: Perhaps having a button that says AUTO SETUP for any map would be something to think about for the future - different every time

There is no button... But that option is extremely easily achievable through setting up the base and all because this script supports
complete randomness
as it supports
complete determinism

The spawning probability should be
7.6% for all 13 classes
= that is
of chance that something will be spawn and it will be completely different every time!

These are the numbers you should write for EVERY base:














Now tell me how fun is that? :bounce3:

Cheers :D


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Now, I am kinda getting the hang of it!

I like playing with chances/probability too, so it is fun for me as well...

I already set up some nice battles, the AI behaves really good sometimes!

My last weaker point: why is it good that if there is only one enemy base left, it won't spawn if I am approaching it (that is if I am closer than 250m)? Should I use static defense for them, or what is the original idea behind this? My side keeps spawning and it makes the final battle way too easy...

(I have an idea too: when playing with thomsonb's chernarus flashpoint (one of my fav. SP experience) I always wished for fortified cities, and the same tight action. Now, with WICT it seems that getting this result is extremely easy: I just need to put fortified bases into the cities and some more on the way to keep up the action, and voila. And this is all topped with a lot better AI... I only need some days off :) )

Edited by zapat

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Hey mate. This sounds great! Will be trying it later as I had my eyes lasered yesterday to correct my crap vision.


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The original idea - is yours my friend. This is demo / template. Creativity is yours.

There are basically two approaches one can think, so let us assume these solutions:

1) If you are already at the front of the base, that means you nearly overwhelmed your enemy, so you can:

a) put more strong bases around main HQ

b) let the "final" battle be easy - they are cut off and without backup

c) wait for the start of the global assault = if there are enemies at other bases (we assume they hold it) they will come to help

2) Make stronger bases with new version of WICT :) Richey79 asked for possibility of excluding units from global assault and I implemented it to new version (v2.0 that will come when I finish MP). So there will be way of putting units inside base and keeping them there.

3) Manually spawning more units when you are really close to the base. The base can actually be empty while you are 1.5km away, but to spawn several squads when you approach. Put a lots empty static weapons, run static.sqf and I dare you to conquer such base.

I will put all these stuff to additional references in the manual so thank you people for ideas.

@Kremator -- good to have you back. Just take it easy with your eyes for a few days.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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A2H: thanks for the great ideas! See, there were some originals... ;)

Last night I digested the way wict really works (like bases really being spawn-controller points), and I think this is really great and has enormous potential for those who like the bubble-spawn style of warfare, as I do! (And now it is experience and not only thoughts/wishes like last time. :) )

With everything so customizable I am looking forward to some serious survival games. :)

Btw., are you planning on including some reinforcements that can be called/used by the player later on? Or is it waiting on the mission makers? I am so curious to know your further ideas and/or plans... :)

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You have a little bit more to digest :)

Hmm bubble-spawn and survival...... Yes I thnik I understand (but real definition for bubble-spawn will be great ;)), WICT can be used for that too, but it is not all, really just a small part of it.

For people not liking probability it can be quite deterministic -- you can set up the game as it was done in WiC. You can add some lines to each template that won't spawn anything if there is too much of it, i.e. you don't want more than 10 heavy tanks for east side. When they are dead, the script will be ready to spawn more.

But I think that you meant scripted reinforcements and that is simply not my area of working. There is lot of good addons to be used and I am trying to make WICT compatible with them.

On the other hand, anyone can use my templates in UserSettings to spawn more units, so scripted spawning of reinforcements shouldn't be a problem. Also WICT gives you all AI that it uses to your disposal. Reinforcements can use any AI, i.e. you can spawn a chopper full of CDF and use transportW.fsm that will gather all the data and give them orders that are best for the present situation on the battlefield: neutral sectors, enemy bases and position of the front line.

There is really much more than it is written in the manual. With your help (guys) I can collect all ideas and write them down. However, the rest is really on creativity.

WICT simply goes toward to add to that creativity without taking from you any possibility during mission creation.

The ideas are more than welcome....................

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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A2H: What does the AI aim for when trying to get a base? The base or the trigger? Or how does it know where to go for a base capture?

I am playing with different trigger setups (even multiple ones for one base), which opens up a whole lot more possibilities. I just can't figure out the way the AI works regarding this.

Thanx in advance!

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It is all "about the player" :)

All bases and tasks are found relative to the player's position. The AI is aiming for a marker = base. There are two bases at the airfield, but trigger makes them one.

This process is more dynamic than it looks like at the glance.

Let us assume there are two bases b1 for west and b2 for east. Now, west captures the base b2.

In the next turn west base will be b1 or b2 (depending on which is active and I explained what that mean), but east base will be some b3, b4 or "next nearest".

The effect will be coming of "reinforcements" that will try to re-capture b2 or capture b1.

Of course you can regulate how close base must be to send "reinforcements" by setting WICT_scandist:

-- lower values will give you more local battles

-- higher values will give you reinforcements from distant bases

If you put lower values you can let the player breathe, but only friend units will be spawn until you "find" enemy base. So be careful not to fill the script with friends units only. If you want to create safe zone there is other way to do it.

The easiest way to check perimeters is to create one "dummy-trigger" that has size of WICT_scandist and move it over the map to see whether the base is in range. Be sure to have at least one enemy base in range.

Or just put WICT_scandist to 10km and don't worry about anything.

Hope this was helpful,



Edited by ArmAIIholic

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This presumes then that I put triggers ON the bases: that is a base should be a Marker AND a Trigger together, otherwise the AI is fooled, right?

What I was trying to do is to separate triggers from bases, for additional effects: eg. imagine this: you are attacking from the seashore. There is a west b1, that spawns infantry. You'd like to get some chopper support, but there is an AA site in the hills. So you make a closer neutral b2, with heli spawns, but you make its trigger at the AA site: so if you kill AA, you activate the trigger, b2 will be west, heli spawning can begin. This was just a quick (and really half-baked) example to illustrate my idea. The problem with it is that west transport will try to get this neutral base, which they can't, since the trigger is not there, but in the hills :) Anyways, I can always use more triggers. :)

This btw led to some interesting battles. I have some good ideas about missions: the player won't get waypoints, triggers, time limits, but only drawings on the map, some assigned times and some intel.

If he is not on time, no problem, only mission will be harder. If he decides on another route, no problem, only he won't get air support, etc... Some hidden bases, tricky triggers and fine balance of bases does the work very well it seems... :)

(Pre-defined missiontriggers have always been a major athmosphere breaker for me: a soldier doesn't have an arrow on the field, that go there, kill the AA, and you get the message, that you can go forward. )

Edited by zapat

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