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[OA] mission 1 T-stan. teammates suiciding

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I cannnot finish the first mission of the OA campaign.

I started playing on VET. Diff of friendly 1.0 and enemy 0.9

It looks like the ai has become worse. They storm the front like rambos and get killed because of it, resulting in a mission failure due to too many casulties.

Since im not the leader I cannot force them to stop rambo. Each time I restart the mission they just RUN right into the arms of the enemy. Why not move carefully since you are in hostile territory?

Even when the difficulty is set to 1.0 for friendly and 0.0 for enemy. The enemy massacres my AI teammates who keep running into their arms.

I cannot counter this, I cannot kill all the enemies before my AI teammates suicide. This should also not be desirable, because that means I would also rambo what is against the games philosophy.

Does anyone have good tips to finish this mission? How can I counter the dumb friendly ai?

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I had this as well. As soon as the heli was landing, I`d get out. Then the A.I. pilot took off without all my team being let out, so guys were jumping out of the heli = too many casualties. This is with the latest beta.

So what I do now is stay in the heli till everyone seemingly is let out, and THEN I exit the heli to start the mission. Gotta add that I totally hate how the A.I. pilot dropping my team off comes into the LZ area from way too high in the air. Other pilots are using proper NOE = Nap Of the Earth flight paths, coming in nice n low. The heli WE are in comes in from way to high an approach. REALLY hope BIS fixes this..

Edited by Shataan

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Never had any issues with this mission. I played 3 times and I fail one due to that to many men killed but this is realistic.

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Well at my game the were way to slow, my team did nothing at the airport. I killed them all.

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Don't exit the helicopter. The helicopter wants to take off after you get out. I don't know why it does this. But if you are forced out, get right back in, and make sure you tell your units to disembark before it lands, that way they start to get out at the soonest possible chance. and as long as you are in the helicopter it should stay on/near the ground. Unless it is scripted to do something else, that should work.

Actually for this mission, you not being the leader, I don't thik you have a choice. Don't know why you are having that problem. Using difficulty settings like Veteran, regular, etc.... Have no affect on the game play like other games. If you use veteran, it just takes away things that YOU can do. It doesn't change AI at all or change anything about the mission. Only limiting things like 3rd person view, maps, recognition etc..

I have super AI on and the settings for AI alll the way up for OPFOR and BLUFOR. And I couldn't get my units to keep up with me. We get out of the helicopter and stay on the airstrip for awhile. I kill maybe one or two people while other groups are closer killing more, then when I don't see any close OPFOR,, i run towards the hangars. Once you get there you need to be careful because that is when the enemy armor/apc come out. Try to pick up any AT weapons from Dead guys, or just kind of get in a position where you can kill the troops without the apcs getting you.

You pretty much need to make sure your group doesn't get killed. Kill anyone that your leader tells you too. If your veteran settings allow you to know who is the target, regular will show you. If not just make sure you provide cover for you guys if they are too aggresive.

I survived with at least half of my squad left. In fact they were so slow that all the other task given to me we already completed. Once you get past the apc's we just walked around for about five minutes then we passed to next misssion.

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Using difficulty settings like Veteran, regular, etc.... Have no affect on the game play like other games. If you use veteran, it just takes away things that YOU can do. It doesn't change AI at all or change anything about the mission. Only limiting things like 3rd person view, maps, recognition etc..

By default when you select a difficulty mode, AI skill is affected. Also I've seen in BIS missions that they sometimes use the command cadetMode (true for recruit and regular, false for veteran and expert, I guess) to determine events happening or units showing up. haven't checked this particular mission though.

But basically, there can be more to difficulty modes than just what artificial aids you get to enable.

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