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Snipers rejoice again!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now I work as a tech support guy.<span id='postcolor'>

Does that mean

A) You've learned something more

B) You've forgotten whatever you once knew

C) You've learned to hate the students of the university


You can pick more than just one option!

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I've been using computers a long time and I still find out stuff that I didn't know I could do.

IceFire, here's some handy tips:


CTRL+X=cut (be careful with this!wink.gif


CTRL+A=select (highlight) all

WindowsKey+E=opens Windows Exploder...erm explorer (this is how you look at files on your computer...don't press delete on anything!! =) )

If you click at the beginning of a paragraph and you want to highlight the entire thing, scroll to the end of the paragraph, hold down shift, and then click at the end of what you want to highlight and it will highlight all words in between. You can also highlight multiple files this way.

If you want to select certain files, but they are not in a row, hold down CTRL and click on each file and they will be individially highlighted.

Just play around with this stuff for a while and you'll be well on your way to Computer Gurudom. Then you can be a tech support person!

Person: "My computer won't work!"

IceFire: "Simple. Press WindowsKey+E to open explorer. Now click on the Windows folder. Click on a file, now press CTRL+A to select all. Great! Now, press CTRL+X, select My Documents and press CTRL+V. Don't worry if you get some errors, that's normal. Now, follow the same procedure for Program Files. We're just consolidating all of these pesky files to one central place so it'll be easier to find them"

Person: "At LAST! Someone who knows computers!"

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Howdie Acalaud, played your updated Terror Tactics missions both again this weekend and here my summary:

The Winter mission:

I went to the southwest village, met my contact person and started hunting the following day. I followed the road until I reached the first russian post (some tents and a jeep) and a bunch of russian infantry. Sneaked around the northern treeline and when I had good cover and view, began to drop them. First the officer, than the guy with the MG and so on. Unfortunately one of these guys escaped through the trees to the south. After my spotter told me, we should better move on, because we had shut down this place already, I continued to hunt the survivor. I followed my ears and got close to him, but it was my spotter who got him behind the trees. Because I heard more footsteps and stuff like that I went after my ears a few minutes more, until I stumbled across a patrol. Was pretty shitty because I got very near, before I first saw them, maybe 25 meters, damn trees!!! So I ate the dirt and let my rifle do its work. Got two of them and my spotter got another one. One or two were able to run away. Bad luck for me, luck for them, but that`s the way it goes. I decided not to hunt them because that damn hind was getting on my nerves so I went east. On a hill I saw a base that was manned by russians, as I could see by the russians in the watchtowers. I killed a patrol that came near me and dropped the guy in the southern watchtower, than I sneaked north into the woods and circled the base until I was above it in the north. Found good spot with great cover and view, but the artillery told me they wouldn`t fire at BMPs only, lazy bastards… Overlooked the base. BMP, trucks, stationary MG and many, many soldiers. Then I thought, what the shit, ordered my spotter to engage at will and killed the driver and gunner of the BMP, which were turned out, than the guy on the stationary MG. After that it was duck-shooting for my spotter and me, until noone was left. So I thought… But when I stood up and wanted to go north, I heard bullets whizzle around my head (thanks Satchel for your sound mod, again!! ). So I got prone again and killed the last surviving russian, who had got cover behind the BMP. Afterwards I observed two bases to the northeast, which were abandoned so I turned east for the coastline. There I found nothing that was a big problem when I followed the coastline to the south… Until I found a hell of a base, heavy tanks, BMPs, and infantry, infantry, infantry!! I sneaked to the wood above and observed it and finally got permission for an artillery strike. So I gave the signal and after a few seconds the half base was dust`n bones. I took down the other half with my rifle, but soon realised that I was almost lacking of bullets. Only one mag left, so I continued my way south. My spotter took down a jeep and soon after that I engaged the mission objective, the evil russian sniper and his escort. I dropped him and his comrades, but ran out of ammo. Pretty bad, because a truck drove by from the south, deploying fresh infantry. So I crawled back to the dead sniper in full speed, while it got hotter and hotter. Maybe a smoke shell saved my life. I reached him and prepared to cheer but he used a bizon!! Angry as I was I saw a guy coming from the base to the north, maybe 100 meters away. Aimed and shot four times: phud, phud, phud, phud and he stumbles down, and behind him a tree breakes down! I couldn`t believe it, that was to movie-like. Grinning I continued to attack the guys in the south. I fought my way south until I reached a base that was covered by a single BMP and a few infantry guys. My bizon was already empty so I had changed to a AK. From on of the dead I grabbed a RPG launcher and shot the BMP. It stopped firing at me, crew seemed to be dead, BMP remained pretty fine from the outside. After dropping the last russian soldier around with my spotter helping me I had a VERY stupid idea. Found some more RPGs and waited for the hind. Than I fired at him. Managed to hit, but it stayed in the air and the gunner seemed to be a little angry. He gave me a turret gun run and my legs were fucked. Crawling I reached the BMP and got in as driver, spotter was gunner, so I drove north were I was supposed to meet some rangers. On my way I managed to shoot down the hind with my 30mm cannon. Than I met the rangers and after that I had to meet my contact in the village again, but noone came. So I made it all way back to one of the resistance camps. BUT I couldn`t end the mission there, too. Even after I killed my spotter (may he rest in peace and hopefully his virtual widow never finds out… ) and got the message to get to a resistance camp and wait for pickup, the mission didn`t end. I even waited and turned the time to 4x, but it didn`t help. And I was SOOO curious about my rating… After that I shut down my computer and went to sleep. If that`s a bug, please fix it.

Non winter mission:

Almost like above, only I went to kill the sniper earlier, because I wanted to know if I was able to end the mission here. It was malfunctioning, too.

You mentioned before that has something to do with the triggers for mission-success, or so... If you could do another upgrade that would be fine. Terror Tactics became a mission I don`t want to miss in future. Free hunting is too cool biggrin.gif

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Finally got the mission to work!

I just have 2 nit picks.

Arn't all Rangers supposed to be wearing caps like the officer caps? You should give them all officer caps.

Also, why can't get have the option of using the Dragunov? We should be able to choose whichever rifle we are best with.

Other than that, the mission looks good.

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Ok, I just played really far into the mission for the first time. Last time I stopped after we woke up and the game automatically saved after we talked to the resistence contact.

This time I got really really far into the mission. I checked out most of the bases. Never fired a single shot except right before I died at the hands of a hind that was flying over my head by like 20 yards.

I searched and searched and could not find the Soviet agent.

I didn't want to fire a shot before finding him incase he might get word and escape, but I am afraid that calling in that airstrike may have scared him off somewhere. And that is why I cannot find him.

I got a question then. If I continue on the mission and don't call in the airstrike, can I do so at a later point once I have found and shot the man?

After making my way down all the way to the far south west part of the island, I came to a huge valley. A hind flew dangerously over my head. I got paranoid that it may have seen me, and took a shot at it hoping to kill the pilot. The damn thing shot at me, took out my spotter, and then killed me on another pass.

last comments. Good job on the enemy placement. You put them all really realisticly and really well. I like how they were clustered around certain areas, like cars and fires.

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By the way, don't tell me where the Soviet agent is. I will find him.

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I've played the mission a little bit and I have one favor to ask. Is it possible to take out that derned "war" ambient noise? I've never thought it was realistic, and it gets kind of annoying after a while. It sounds like some tribal drums going on or something. Also, the wind noise kinda grated after a while since it overpowers all the other sounds.

I really like it when it's much more quiet and I can hear soldiers.

Otherwise, looks good!

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OK, I've downloaded the latest version and I've found some bugs, which I would guess are related.

I met my contact at the start and commandeered his car. My AI spotter and I drove south and took out a small chekpost. Then we got some shuteye, woke up in the morning and continued east, pausing to attack 3 patrols on the way.

After partially wiping out that 3rd patrol, I noticed the armor base eastwards. We approached by foot. At some point I recognized a Spetstaz officer just as he was getting into a UAZ. I shot up the UAZ and he and his pal had to get out.

After running towards me from within the base, I killed the officer and got the text message about collecting my $75K. However, looking at my notepad under "M", there was no item checked off there. For the record, I also called in artillery at this point to attack the armor base.

I ran (huff-puff) all the way over from the east to the resistance base on the west side of the island. However, when I got there, nothing was triggered to call in an evac helo.

Something got stuck. This was on the regular - not winter - map.

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well, for those of you that like my mission, you'll be very happy to note that i am currently working on Terror Tactics 2 and 3 to be released in a trilogy at some point along with an updated version of the original mission where there will be only one resistance camp you can end the mission at which WILL WORK. Unitl then, enjoy what you can. smile.gif

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Cool! But can we have the option of choosing our sniper rifle?

Like between the M21, and the Dragonuv!

And give all the Rangers caps, not helmets. I think I've only seen pictures of Rangers wearing caps, not helmets. Hell, why not give them all green painted faces too?? Then they'd surely all look like badass Spec Ops Ranger guys!!

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sorry, ice. Only one of the missions i'm planning will have the option of the Dragunov. Why? Realism! Its not too likely to be issued a Russian weapon when youre a NATO sniper. However, there will be a choice in the second installment, and you'll see why...Not the third one, however. Just the second.

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Well, actually, since you are a "special forces" operative.

You would propbably have any weapons available to that you could want.

USSOLDEIR11b would know about this.  In fact some of them are trained in every weapon firearm known to modern man!!

"Spec Ops" soldiers are not restricted to their certain weapons, and have alot more leeway in what weapons they take with them, and usually won't be asked about them.

These "special operations" guys get to avoid alot of red tape!!

Wouln't be surprised if Navy SEAL's or Army Special Forces guys went to do assignments with AK's or any other nationalities main military firearm simply because they liked them, or they think that it would better suite the mission!

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Also, a really good reason why alot of "special operations units" might use the same weapon types of their enemies is that using the same firearm used by a certain military or country can confuse the enemy soldiers into thinking their are being shot at by friendly forces accidentially.

Makes them hesitant in returning fire.

They get fooled because the muzzle flash looks like another "Russian" weapon for instance.

They might even say, "Hey! hold your fire, we're Russians!" instead of returning fire thinking that it is an accident.

And it confuses local forces as to who is who.

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Did you think about removing some of the ambient noises? I just think there's too many of them and they kind of drown out everything else.

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I would also like to suggest that in the MISSION.SQM file, you name the missions Terror Tactics and Terror Tactics Winter.

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Jesus, you guys like sniper missions! Is it just me, or wasnt this thread on page 9 or something?

Anyway, that wont be for a while yet. I'v got a few others on the way first. I'm currently collaborating with RED on something right now. I'm not at liberty to divulge what just yet, but its something to look forward to. I'm also currently working on a ghost recon style mission right now. But fear not, i'm a gaming sniper at heart, which means the missions that come from that heart arent long off wink.gif

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""Spec Ops" soldiers are not restricted to their certain weapons, and have alot more leeway in what weapons they take with them, and usually won't be asked about them."

Wrong. They have a "Kit". They are kitted out with what gear suits the style of operation. They cant say..... "hmmm. nah im taking this AK47". For example the Scout Kit consists of this:

Uniform: HRT or Camo Light, with Level I Body Armour.

Primary Weapon: MP5SD, Silenced Assual MG

Secondary Weapon: Pistol (9mm or .40) w/optional silencer

Other Equipment: Frag Grenade (optional, to dissuade pursuit if discovered)

There are other Kits too. So NO they do not choose just any weapon in the world that they want. They are kitted with the best equipment for the job.

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Wow!!! this mission is fun. One good bit was this:

I took the UAZ at that intersection and was driving down the road real slow looking for enemies, and then i heard the Hind above so i floored it and explosions where everywhere around me!!! i was so lucky, and i kept driving and the hind kept shooting so i saw a huge rock and pull off the road and parked behind it 'till the chopper fucked off. Jumped back in and thrashed it up the raod and saw a camp fire so i pulled off the road and into the bush. Jumped out and popped the guys at the camp fire. Went to go back to the car, and i lost the car! I walked around for about 5 mins and found it, rolled down the hill!!! Jumped back in. thrashed it down the road and crashed into a tree branch overlooking the road. Then i got out and got killed later on.

Good mission!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LoneSoldier @ May 16 2002,13:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Went to go back to the car, and i lost the car! I walked around for about 5 mins and found it, rolled down the hill!!!<span id='postcolor'>

BIS, we need PUT HANDBREAK UP/DOWN added to the action menu. smile.gif

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hehehe hand brakes lmao how about a rubber dingy too

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