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Halo script Arrowhead

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ok i got the static c130 at the right hight,got the troops in but when they jump out there is no halo i try the old arma2 way but does not work ,does anybody have the correct Arrowhead script for H.A,L,O Please

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How'd you set the plane up, if you don't mind me asking? I've been thinking about HALO jumping but have no idea where to even start! :)

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Are you or the AI trying to HALO? If you, is the action appearing on your action menu?

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no i can jump out of the static c130 but i get killed as he does not open with a chute at all

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no i can jump out of the static c130 but i get killed as he does not open with a chute at all

Give all of the troops parachutes in their init?

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How, Arrowhead doesnt have paracutes does it?

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whats the command to add it to a player unit in the init field?

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whats the command to add it to a player unit in the init field?

myplayer addMagazine "ParachuteClassName" I believe thats what it is.

Change ParachuteClassName to what parachute you want, and MyPlayer is your units name.

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None of those chutes are for halo drops either they are all regular jump chutes

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From the Jackal mission.

[unitname, height] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs";

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