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Put backpacks in ammoboxes.

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Is there a good way of putting a number backpacks into a box?

Something like this...

_box addWeaponCargo ["USBasicBag", 6]

I know this doesn't work, but is there any way to do it?

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Yes, I did search an didn't find the answer to it.

There should be some way to work around it if there is no proper command for it.

Since you can actually drop a backpack into a box ingame.

Any ideas?

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Only way I can think is to add the backpack to a unit, and have him place it in there with the action command.

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Yeah... that would be one way to solve it, but it would be way to bulky.

I'm making a camp where the players can pick up any West equipment...

Maybe the only good way is to make a add backpack dialog.

But since it is possible for the box to contain a bag, there should be some way to get it


Maybe in a future update...

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You can not put back pack to ammo box (as you can not put ammo box to another ammo box...)

Backpack is pretty much the same type of container as any other (like ammo box) in the game and OA does not have any hierarchy to store containers within containers.

(However, I am pretty sure that when it is really needed, there are various possible scripted workarounds).

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You can not put back pack to ammo box (as you can not put ammo box to another ammo box...)

Backpack is pretty much the same type of container as any other (like ammo box) in the game and OA does not have any hierarchy to store containers within containers.

(However, I am pretty sure that when it is really needed, there are various possible scripted workarounds).

Ok... Well I guess a simple scripted dialog that will add a selected backpack to the unit would do the job.

However... if you open an ammobox ingame, you can put a backpack you are carrying into the box. It will then show up in the list of gear contained within the ammobox so other players can pick it up.

So somehow the backpack can end up inside the box.

But thank you Maruk for clearing the hierarchy issue out. I'll just have to solve it with a workaround!

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(However, I am pretty sure that when it is really needed, there are various possible scripted workarounds).

Simple question, why is there no scripting command for it because as a player I can put them into a crate when the gear dialog is open ?

There's another drawback in MP. If players put to much backpacks into a crate backpacks get spilled out of the crate and float around in the air (because transportMaxBackpacks is simply to low for most of the crates, 1-5, vehicles like the UH60 have 10).

What about sync problems related to backpacks in MP (they are crates) ?


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The spilling I see as a huge problem. Could have been easily fixed if remaining vehicle space for weapons, ammo, and backpacks was shown in the dialog. The capacities (despite some inheritance issues) I'm mostly fine with, but not how vehicles can be overfilled from scratch.

What's wrong with 10 backpack slots in the UH60? In the army we were flown out in choppers, and we had our packs in our lap or on floor rather than in the storage compartment where our skies were put. Aren't most folks already "wearing/holding" their pack? I'm sorry but I only see that as a possible exploit, and forces people to prioritize more what they need to bring. If I need more space, I'll provide the mission with extra vehicles to handle it instead. Trying to limit anything in mission to what I call "reasonable levels" makes you unpopular and very often have limited means of preventing misuse.

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So we can't put backpacks in ammo crates...

But can we put an edited backpack into a vehicle?

Specifically, can you create a backpack in the editor, add items to the backpack then load it into a vehicle within the editor?

Thanks in advance!



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Don't believe so since addBackpackCargo only deals with classnames and counts, not objects. Even getBackpackCargo only returns the list of classnames. So you can put in default bags, but not specific ones.

You could probably customize it once the player picks it up though. Use unitBackpack to grab the backpack object once they have it then swap out the contents?

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I put this at the end of Xeno 's Domination 2.60zc x_weaponcargo_oa.sqf so the air drop box would have some static weapons

maybe it will work for all the packs?


_vec addbackpackcargo ["Tripod_Bag",6];

_vec addBackpackCargo ["M252_US_Bag_EP1",4];

_vec addbackpackcargo ["MK19_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1",2];

_vec addBackpackCargo ["TOW_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1",2];

_vec addBackpackCargo ["US_Backpack_EP1",2];

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Yeah, that works just fine now, but didn't always. :) All you're doing is adding default bags 2-6 at a time with those commands. At the time of the OP this wasn't possible, but those backpack cargo commands were added with a patch which did allow it.

What Dreadnought1 was asking was putting down a specific backpack, putting custom content in it, then adding it to a vehicle via a script. That still remains impossible since the "add a backpack to the cargo space of a vehicle" command we have access to doesn't reference a specific object.

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