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Button to automatically turn/look in the direction of enemy fire

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I'm wondering if there is already a mod that does this or if it might be possible to make it?

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HINT: it's where the bullets come from.

Honestly, i doubt that someone will make such a mod. If you don't know where the enemy fire comes from, well then, you'll probably have to do some more training.

What's next...autoaim?

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Oh that....that is a great thing for a mil sim.

You would be screwed in real warfare buddy xD

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You could turn your speakers up? Try using different sound mods, I am no expert in sound mods however, in RL and well how mostly everyone who plays the game knows where the enemy is because of the direction of the gun fire.

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That's you're opinion. Thanks for that. I don't want an auto-aim.

Sounds like a cheat but it isn't. I don't want to look EXACTLY at someone shooting at me but in the general direction from which the last bullets came from.

You would be screwed in real warfare buddy xD

Not really.

In real life I don't need to worry about using a mouse to look in the direction a sound is coming from (complex hand to eye co-ordination), I just use my neck to turn my head. It is instinctual. Very fast. Doing this with a mouse isn't fast as the realworld even with "training". Also, the FOV is just too small and audio (normally stereo) is too limiting. Its not even close to reality.

Yes I could get a set of 5.1 headphones to make it better. (Does Arma2 use 5.1?) However, I can't be using headphones all the time.

So is it possible to set a key on the keyboard to run a script?

Edited by redmotion

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lol, guys, it makes sense. Some people don't use surround sound etc, so it's kinda hard to tell where the sound is coming from. BUT i would not like the look thing, maybe a radar telling me where I "hear" the fire from

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In real life I don't need to worry about using a mouse to look in the direction a sound is coming from (complex hand to eye co-ordination), I just use my neck to turn my head. It is instinctual. Very fast. Doing this with a mouse isn't fast as the realworld even with "training". Also, the FOV is just too small and audio (normally stereo) is too limiting. Its not even close to reality.



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Absolutly ridiculous idea, this isn't even worthy of Call of Duty. Buy a pair of headphones, problem solved.

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HINT: it's where the bullets come from.

Honestly, i doubt that someone will make such a mod. If you don't know where the enemy fire comes from, well then, you'll probably have to do some more training.

What's next...autoaim?

I don't find the 3-D sound to be as helpful in this matter as in games past. Not sure the lack is in "training". Ever "train" to play a video game? (BTW, I always wear headphones.)

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That's you're opinion. Thanks for that. I don't want an auto-aim.

Sounds like a cheat but it isn't. I don't want to look EXACTLY at someone shooting at me but in the general direction from which the last bullets came from.

Not really.

In real life I don't need to worry about using a mouse to look in the direction a sound is coming from (complex hand to eye co-ordination), I just use my neck to turn my head. It is instinctual. Very fast. Doing this with a mouse isn't fast as the realworld even with "training". Also, the FOV is just too small and audio (normally stereo) is too limiting. Its not even close to reality.

Yes I could get a set of 5.1 headphones to make it better. (Does Arma2 use 5.1?) However, I can't be using headphones all the time.

So is it possible to set a key on the keyboard to run a script?

What Myke said.

You can still clearly see where enemies fire at you from by tracers/muzzle flashes direction of projectile impact etc etc, to use a button to turn you in the direction of the shooter is plain silly, in reality you dont have that option, your brain does it for you to where it suspects the shooter is, much like it does with this except you aren't turning your head or even your whole body, your turning the mouse and that can be equally as fast, as long as the sensitivity is at a certain level (yeah yeah stupid comparisson I know but its the best I can come up with) The audio is fine, my speakers broke a while back, i've been using an Ipod dock for christs sake and I can tell where im being shot at from half the time lol

And as far as im aware their is a way to make the FOV larger, type in on YT 'Arma 2 FOV'

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I hope that if someone does take the time to make such a mod that they will make it auto fire at the enemy also, so there is no skill needed to play......Just kidding. I agree with Dead3ye headphones are your best bet.

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