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ArmA2OA - still best to use a RAMDISK ?

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Hey guys,

working through the huge mass of 'arma2 on ramdisk' thread(s) i'm planning to try this myself, but since now ArmA2 and OA get additional optimizations a question occurs:

does using a ramdisk still give better results that are noticable?

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I don't really have anything constructive to say, but upgrading my CPU and RAM gave me all the difference in the world. Maybe you're running a server or something so you need it... I don't know. What I'm saying is I get 100% smooth FPS at max settings with tons of stuff going on, so I don't think RAMDISK is necessary, nor is the pricetag for the 16GB requirement.

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I've got:

MSI 870A-G54 Motherboard

AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.8 GHz

Gskill 4GB with the fastest DDR3 bandwidth available running in dual channel

XFX Black Edition GTX 260 C216 overclocked to crazy levels running at 1680x1050

Want any more information?

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Buy an SSD, that made alot of difference for me.

With your 4GB of memory you can't make a ramdisk big enough to hold all the game files..

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I was wondering this too - I have a bit more RAM than the OP (8Gb total, with 5Gb in a RAMDisk under XP32) plus a pair of Gigabyte iRAMs and USB sticks. In Arma2 I tried a few setups including a (now dead and RMA'd) SSD, and from reading the various threads it is really a case of trying different things as people's setups and even playing preferences and game types are so varied.

Needs some of the more technical experts to do their thing !

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Having used a RAMdisk for A2 I would state that from the 1.7 patch I don't really see it as necessary.

Currently OA isn't up to 1.7 but performance is still decent without resorting to a RAMdisk, in my own case anyway.

A RAMdisk will however still give the maximum capable performance for the game engines streaming nature.

Like as cjph states though, best giving all the options a whirl and see what works best for you.

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RAMDisk is not necessary. (anymore) You won't have big HDD swaps even in Chernogorsk with latest patches.

Best option is a SSD, or if you won't go for that option - install Arma2 on a HDD separate from the OS & have system managed paging file on the same HDD as the OS.

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