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A2 user missions ... dying ... ?

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i've had Arma 2 (working) for only about 6 months

so i consider myself still NEW to the scene.

AND just when the game just got more stable with the 1.07 patch

here comes "OA"

Does that mean fewer and fewer A2 USER MISSIONS and Mods?

Is this the dying throws of A2?

I wasn't around for the transition for Arma 1 to Arma 2 so i don't

know if i'm hanging on to a Dinosaur.

How does it work around here?

... jus' askin'

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I wouldn't say so, it only adds to Arma2 surely (or vice versa).

I think there is a problem though at the moment where loads of people play with the editor but people feel what they have made "isn't up to standard for the general community" (I think this all the time). Perhaps what is needed is for people just to release more of their scenarios, finished or not, with perhaps more collaboration to turn them into something polished. That way, everyone has more content and more people can work on a mission at any time and just re-release in the original mission threads.

Just my thoughts...

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I wouldn't say A2 would die because of OA. Some people still play Arma 1 and Arma 2 demos haha. I don't know why people say A2 demo was buggy. I loved the demo for A2 (especially the editor) But from time to time those players from A2 may release mods or missions. You may make your own missions too :) In the meantime, there are plenty of mods out there.

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I'm sure we will experience a boost of user made content for OA in the near future. That's only natural. However, to say that ArmA 2 is dying as a result is a bit too drastic.

I hope OA will contribute to the 'ArmA 2 scene' and make it even stronger. Hopefully we will see an increase of players coming from outside the community. OA certainly has a lot of potential - it's NOT another Queen's Gambit :)


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I guess i was just feeling that i was just Beginning to get my money's worth.

ALL the most recent missions on Armaholic (for example only) are for AO.

Obviously with the new maps these are not playable in A2.

So here's a question:

Are all the present Missions and Mods for A2 playable (compatible) with OA, as is?

Can the present Addons, ACE, ISLANDS, caa1, Units, AI, Effects etc.

be stringed to the .exe as before.

Or do we start over with making everything compatible with OA,

and having to work out all the bugs and kinks again?

jus' curious ...

(i guess i should waste no time buying AO, so that i'll have it to play with

Longer than i did A2) (smile)

Good fun.

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You don't see that people who do lots with editor are happy when they got new island, toys and units to play with so it is only natural that you play with them now when they are fresh. Same as with sex in new relationship.

Give it some time and people will "remember" old stuff too.

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Thanx for the assurance.


And up pops two A2 missions at Armaholic ... The gods must be smiling.

Edited by dondaddah

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I wonder if a mission maker would be able to create a campaign using both Arma2 and OA.

Say for example, the mission begins with one of the Arma2 islands and finishes with OA, like chasing a rouge leader from island to island.............

BTW, I had to order from Amazon, get it shipped to mommy in the U.S. and have her ship it out to me in Hong Kong. Cheaper that way....

Still waiting!! MOMMY! Git uf yur butt and ship that ther game!

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I'm working on my first campaign for Arma 2 right now which is half way done and other people are constantly improving their own campaigns. A2 missions are far from dead.

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I wouldn't say so, it only adds to Arma2 surely (or vice versa).

I think there is a problem though at the moment where loads of people play with the editor but people feel what they have made "isn't up to standard for the general community" (I think this all the time). Perhaps what is needed is for people just to release more of their scenarios, finished or not, with perhaps more collaboration to turn them into something polished. That way, everyone has more content and more people can work on a mission at any time and just re-release in the original mission threads.

Just my thoughts...

Cheers you speak the truth.

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I think everyone just wants to enjoy Arrowhead for a while because its brand new, but for me personally, after playing with Arrowhead for a while, I cant see myself making another vanilla ArmA 2 mission again.

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