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I've used it for one mission and it worked fine. Didn't properly test all functions but I think it's fine.

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I have no idea really if or how well it works. I don't have any interest or motivation towards A3. So, at the moment, I won't promise anything.

Ahhhh I hope you do at some point as your scripts are some of the best i have used !

Anyhow - it all seems to work fine , have run it on a few missions with no issues so far.

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In response to clydefrog, I've also gotten it to work, however, it appears that it may cause some nasty lag, especially when units are spouting speech lines, that can make the game miss trigger pulls. It's odd because it doesn't make the game chug as a whole, just makes it miss clicks.


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After the last update in A3 i get "taskHint " is no longer supported use "call bis_fnc_showNotification" instead , anyone know how to fix this issue ?

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If Shuko doesn't mind, I've updated Taskmaster to support Arma 3 notifications:


All I did was change the "SHK_Taskmaster_showHint" function to this:

SHK_Taskmaster_showHint = {
   private ["_p", "_taskCase"];
   _p = switch (tolower (_this select 1)) do {
     case "created": { 
       _taskCase = "TaskCreated";
     case "assigned": { 
       _taskCase = "TaskAssigned"; 
     case "succeeded": {
       _taskCase = "TaskSucceeded";
     case "failed": {
       _taskCase = "TaskFailed"; 
     case "canceled": {
       _taskCase = "TaskCanceled";
   [_taskCase, ["", format ["%1", ((taskDescription (_this select 0)) select 1)]]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;

Hope this helps, and thanks again Shuko for making an excellent tasking script.

Main problem I'm having now is that the task markers created by taskmaster aren't being deleted. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell, I'll look into it for the meantime.

Edited by zuff

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Hey guys. I'm sorry to bother you with more coding but I have run into trouble trying to use the TaskMasterBriefing.sqf. I know I'm in the right area so I'm just going to post the tasks and notes I'm trying to create.

 ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj1","Clear Strelka Village","Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants.  Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested.  Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village.  If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing.  Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.",WEST,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ1",getpos c1-1obj1,]],
 ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj2","Clear Kamenyy Village","Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants.  Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village.  If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing.  Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.",true,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ2",getpos c1-1obj2,]],
 ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj3","RTB","Chaos 1-1 is to return to base and debrief the operation.  They will resupply and stand by for follow-on tasking.",true,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ3",getpos c1-1obj3,]]
 ["Mission","On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."],
 ["Situation"," Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols.  <br/>Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact.  <br/>Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets.  <br/>Friendly <br/>Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX. <br/>Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter.  <br/>Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."],
]] execvm "shk_taskmaster.sqf";

Can I get a little help or could you just talk me through it so I can understand and do it on my own? Thanks in advance.

Let me add that this is for Arma2

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If Shuko doesn't mind, I've updated Taskmaster to support Arma 3 notifications:


All I did was change the "SHK_Taskmaster_showHint" function to this:

SHK_Taskmaster_showHint = {
   private ["_p", "_taskCase"];
   _p = switch (tolower (_this select 1)) do {
     case "created": { 
       _taskCase = "TaskCreated";
     case "assigned": { 
       _taskCase = "TaskAssigned"; 
     case "succeeded": {
       _taskCase = "TaskSucceeded";
     case "failed": {
       _taskCase = "TaskFailed"; 
     case "canceled": {
       _taskCase = "TaskCanceled";
   [_taskCase, ["", format ["%1", ((taskDescription (_this select 0)) select 1)]]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;

Hope this helps, and thanks again Shuko for making an excellent tasking script.

Main problem I'm having now is that the task markers created by taskmaster aren't being deleted. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell, I'll look into it for the meantime.

Note that it should be using spawn and not call. Had some issues with the notifications not showing up (they were still updated) in MP (worked in editor)

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Hey there, I have a problem with getting tasks broadcasted to other players.

I've set up the mission this way;

- I have no briefing

- the taskmaster.sqf is being executed once on mission start by the server only

- after around 60 sec. another script selects a task this task is then added via

["TaskXY","Do this","DO IT"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;

(called by server only, since it says it does broadcast everything to the players)

so I waited till the task was set and let a friend join but he didn't see the task

so we finished the task anyways but he didn't see the success task hint either when the task ended by using

["TaskXY","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd;

(called by server only aswell, since it says it does broadcast everything to the players)

and he wasn't able to see the next task, called by

["TaskXYZ","Now do this","DO IT!!"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;

, either

what am I doing wrong, I'm the only one seeing the tasks (tested on Server hosted on my PC, not a dedicated Server)

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- the taskmaster.sqf is being executed once on mission start by the server only

Script needs to be executed on all machines, even when add/update etc commands can be run on server only.

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Does Arma or Taskmaster allow more than one simultaneously active task (eg. to give the player a choice between two objectives)? If so, how. SHK_Taskmaster_add automatically unassigns the previous task.

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I've noticed that the script does not work with factions not included in A2, so i've modified it to be usable with all available factions (i. e. added a function for checking whether a string condition is a faction).

  SHK_Taskmaster_isFaction = {
private ["_cond", "_cfg", "_result"];
_cond = _this;
_cfg = configFile >> "cfgFactionClasses";
_result = false;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfg)-1 do
	if (configName (_cfg select _i) == _cond) exitWith {
		_result = true;
 SHK_Taskmaster_checkCond = {
   /*   Checks if given unit fulfills the requirement.
    In: array     [unit,Condition]
   Out: boolean
   private ["_unit","_cond"];
   _unit = _this select 0;
   _cond = _this select 1;
   if (!isNil "_cond") then {
     if DEBUG then { diag_log format ["SHK_Taskmaster> typename condition: %1",typename _cond]};
     switch (typename _cond) do {
       case (typename grpNull): { (_unit in (units _cond)) };
       case (typename objNull): { _unit == _cond };
       case (typename WEST):    { (side _unit == _cond) };
       case (typename true):    { _cond };
       case (typename ""): {
         if (_cond call SHK_Taskmaster_isFaction) then {
           (faction _unit == _cond)
         } else {
           (call compile format ["%1",_cond])
       default { false };
   } else { false };

Edited by Levrex

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