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Since I don't have a crystal ball, I'm going to guess and say that you try to add them from somewhere that is not run on the server.

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I have them all placed in my init.ext file which I presume is correct , should that work ?

Can I send you the .pbo, if you would not mind and let us know if i have done anything wrong ?

I just tested it with your demo and I works but as soon as i try with a demo using the Random Task I still get nothing on the server. run it on my local PC and host and they work great.

Demo using Randon Task


taskCount = paramsarray select 0;
//taskCount = 6;

fncAddTask = {
 switch _this do {
   case 0: {
 ["Task1","Task1Title","TaskDesc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
   case 1: {
 ["Task2","Task2Title","Task2Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
   case 2: {
 ["Task3","Task3Title","Task3Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
   case 3: {
 ["Task4","Task4Title","Task4Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
   case 4: {
 ["Task5","Task5Title","Task51Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
   case 5: {
 ["Task6","Task6Title","Task6Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
fncPickTask = {
 if isserver then {
   if (count tasks == 0) then {
     theEnd = true;
     publicvariable "theEnd";
   } else {
     addTask = tasks select (floor random count tasks);
     tasks = tasks - [addTask];
     publicvariable "addTask";
     if !isdedicated then { addTask call fncAddTask };

theEnd = false;
if isserver then {
 tasks = [];
 for "_i" from 0 to (taskCount - 1) do {
   tasks set [_i,_i];
} else {
 [] spawn {
   waituntil {!isnil "addTask"};
   addTask call fncAddTask;
   "addTask" addpublicvariableeventhandler {(_this select 1) call fncAddTask};
call compile preprocessfile "shk_taskmaster.sqf";
call fncPickTask; // add first task for briefing

Edited by psvialli

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call compile preprocessfile "shk_taskmaster.sqf";

//taskCount = paramsarray select 0;
taskCount = 6;

SHK_addTask = {
 if isserver then {
   if (count SHK_Tasks == 0) then {
     // whatever you want server to do when mission should end
     TheEnd = true;
     publicvariable "TheEnd";
   } else {
     [] spawn {
       if (count SHK_Tasks != taskCount) then {sleep 1};
       private "_t";
       _t = SHK_Tasks select (floor random count SHK_Tasks);
       SHK_Tasks = SHK_Tasks - [_t];
       switch _t do {
         case 0: { ["Task1","Task 1","Task1Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
         case 1: { ["Task2","Task 2","Task2Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
         case 2: { ["Task3","Task 3","Task3Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
         case 3: { ["Task4","Task 4","Task4Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
         case 4: { ["Task5","Task 5","Task5Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
         case 5: { ["Task6","Task 6","Task6Desc"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
if isserver then {
 SHK_Tasks = [];
 for "_i" from 0 to (taskCount - 1) do {
   SHK_Tasks set [_i,_i];

 call SHK_addTask; // first task


Copy the shk_taskmaster from the example rar or from here. I just updated it a bit.

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------


0.27 Fixed: Attempt to prevent double tasks from being added when the add parameter is used with the update function.

0.26 Added: Script can be called without parameters, just to load the functions for later use.

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heheh sorry me again with another question !

Should this work or can I not use pictures with Task Master ?

["Intel", "bla blar", "An image of blar blar<br/><img image=pics\blarblar.jpg'/&gt]; call SHK_Taskmaster_addNote;

Cannot seem to get a picture to come up with notes

OK solved i left the ";" in at the end - opps sorry

Edited by psvialli
Me being stupid

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Hi Shk,

It is probably the way I am calling this but I am having an issue with the Task marker , it shows fine but when the task is complete the flag marker stays and i then get a new one foir the next random task.

I have tried setMarkerAlphaLocal 0 after the task is complete but thsi will not work for JIP.

case 0: { ["Task1","Task 1","Task1Desc",true,["markertask1",getmarkerpos "task1","flag","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
case 1: { ["Task2","Task 2","Task2Desc",true,["markertask2",getmarkerpos "task2","flag","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };

I presume i am calling the flag marker wrong ?


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I just tested the following in SP editor preview and on dedi server:


[] call compile preprocessfile "shk_taskmaster.sqf";
if isserver then {
 _r = floor random 2;
 switch _r do {
   case 0: { ["Task1","Task 1","Task1Desc",true,["markertask1",getmarkerpos "task1","flag","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };
   case 1: { ["Task2","Task 2","Task2Desc",true,["markertask2",getmarkerpos "task2","flag","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add };


- empty markers named task1 and task2

- a radio trigger for each task with successful update (["Task1","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd)

The yellow marker disappeared every time.

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Hmmm I am using ,true, in my statement could that be the reason ?

Ill takes it out and see,

Forgot to say it is the JIP that has the problem when they join they see all the Marker that have been completed.

say i complete 3 task and come out of the game and come and in I then see all the previous markers

Edited by psvialli

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sorry ignore that comment !

Just tested again on Dedi completed 3 tasks and they completed fine and went away - so i then come out of the game and back in and on the map i can see all 3 Task markers

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Ah, so they dont get hidden for JIPs?

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Ok, made a small change, but didn't test it. Tell me how this goes.

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Updated links on first post.

0.28 Fixed: Markers of completed tasks were not hidden for JIPs.

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Hi shk,

Not sure but think there might be a little bug ,I updated the script and we run the same mission that use Random Task's on the dedi, We completed a task and that all worked fine but then about 1 min later it come up and failed the same task ? - this has never happend before on this mission -so I moved back to the old script and it did not happen again - not sure if it was one of those ARMA things or a bug ?

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Old being 0.27?

Only change between 27 and 28 was one IF that filtered out markers for JIPs. :/

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Added new parameter:

Destination (object/position/marker)

Place to create task destination (game's built-in waypoint/marker). If an object is given, setSimpleTaskTarget command is used, attaching the destination to it. In case of a position or a marker, a static destination will be created.

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Hotfixed, tiny fix to the marker creation.

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