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Cannot find/see enemies

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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or mods that enable me to see the enemies. I'm stuck on Trial by Fire and normally die in 5-8 minutes of starting as I cannot see the enemies unless they are about 10 yards away.

Being color blind does not help either.

I was hoping there was some way to mark them with a bright color or icon so I can find them.


Thanks for any help provided.


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If you play on the easiest settings all enemies will have red colored blobs around them. (All friendlies will be green, and all civilians/objects will have grey blobs around them)

You can also try to raise the 3D resolution above 100%, it can cost alot of performance, but i find it much easier to spot(and identify) enemies far away because everything is much sharper.

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Yea I have it on recruit already, but have not noticed the blobs beyond the sheep ;)

I'll give the 3d a try however thank you.

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U can set some options in the Difficult-settings.There is an option to mark enemys with a red spot when they are left or right from the view. A look on the map can help too. And slow moving with watching-breaks are always better then storming like an Berzerker.

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And, if that doesn't help, you can turn the Terrain detail to Lowest ... it will turn off the grass allowing you to see enemies more easily (sadly, at a great visual cost).

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You can also edit the recruit difficulty under options->game options and press difficulty, select the difficulty you play and press edit. At the "enemy units" drop down menu select 'custom' and you'll get a slider which defines the enemy difficulty.

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You can also edit the recruit difficulty under options->game options and press difficulty, select the difficulty you play and press edit. At the "enemy units" drop down menu select 'custom' and you'll get a slider which defines the enemy difficulty.

Ahh, I did not see that I could edit the mode, thanks I'm giving that a shot now.


It's getting better thanks for all the suggestions, however I did have one question I did not see anything in the manual about.

When I go into options, game options, difficultly and recruit, there are sliders at the bottom for friendly and enemy, what are

they adjusting?

Thanks again all.

Edited by muddysmind

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They are adjusting friendly and enemy skill overall. You can open your ArmA 2 profile (My Documents\ArmA 2\"YourUserName".arma2profile) and find the lines:





From now on you see its pretty obvious. Set it to your likings. 0.5 means AI is quite noob:), 1 is max value. I think 0.2 is min, not sure.

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Yay I made it through it with all the cheats on. :P

Now to try it in normal mode.

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I like how you guys are suggesting the OP turn the difficulty setting to the lowest so there are RED and GREEN blobs even though the OP said they were colour blind (red-green colour blindness is the most common).

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I like how you guys are suggesting the OP turn the difficulty setting to the lowest so there are RED and GREEN blobs even though the OP said they were colour blind (red-green colour blindness is the most common).

LOL good point, but it also affect the enemies shooting which would make him easier get up close.

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I like how you guys are suggesting the OP turn the difficulty setting to the lowest so there are RED and GREEN blobs even though the OP said they were colour blind (red-green colour blindness is the most common).

Blobs are still blobs though, its just not as easy to know if they are friendly or enemy blobs, but at least they are easily detected. ;)

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And they don't turn into RED or GREEN before the knowsAbout value says so anyway :) Blobs are like "hey, watch here".

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I wish there was a mod that gives opposing forces fluorescent uniforms and fat pants so they're more recognizable on the battlefield. This camo gear stuff is ruining gameplay.

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Here's a quote from Good Morning Vietnam that this topic made me think of:

Adrian as Camp Fashion Consultant: I want to tell you something. You know, this whole camouflage thing, for me, doesn't work very well.

Why is that?

Adrian as Camp Fashion Consultant: Because you go in the jungle, I can't see you. You know, it's like wearing stripes and plaid. For me, I want to do something different. You know, you go in the jungle, make a statement. If you're going to fight, clash. You know what I mean?

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Beyond altering the difficulty level or tweaking your computer settings the easiest way to find and see the enemies or probably to alter your playing style.

- Do not run or stand around in the open.

- Noise discipline. Shooting, sprinting, at inoppertune times will lead to an early grave.

- Be patient. Its notoriously easily to outwit the AI simply by waiting.

- Let the AI take point. They are quite good at finding/engaging the enemy.


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