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greasy_trigger VMA

Ordering OA from NZ

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To whom this is going to concern,

I'm posting today on behalf of about 40 odd New Zealand players (those that are members of an NZ clan) and then I suppose also those extra which are not a member of a clan. I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread (but I noticed the OA asking thread had been closed) and you may delete the topic and PM me if you wish.

My question is this, where should we kiwis order OA from? We have been in touch with ALL the games stores in NZ and a VAST number in Australia, but everyone has said no they will not be stocking it. A few members of the clan will be getting the game via sprocket, but the majority won't, this is because in NZ, we still have bandwidth caps (ie., I'm personally capped to 20gig, and I'm one of the lucky ones). So for many of our clan, to download a 10gig game is just not that viable. We were wondering if BIS had plans to stock ArmA2:OA in NZ with anyone, or if they were not planning to? At the moment, a number of members are considering ordering from england, but one must remeber exchange rates and postage (about twice as expensive for the game, and then about $30 NZD to then post it to us).

If BIS were not planning to stock it in NZ, then were they planning to stock it in Australia? And if not there, would they consider sending a special ArmA 2 OA aid package to NZ to one of our senior clan members to then distribute to the rest of the group.



EDIT: perhaps I should change BIS to the publishers name, but either way....

Edited by greasy_trigger VMA

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Mate, i live in England and none of the shops i have tried have even heard of this game...

apparently it comes out at the end of this month so i hope something is sorted soon! :eek:

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It is not up to via, but the publisher where and how many copies they send afaik

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My question is this, where should we kiwis order OA from? We have been in touch with ALL the games stores in NZ and a number in Australia, but everyone has said no they will not be stocking it.

Really!! WTF!

If BIS were not planning to stock it in NZ, then were they planning to stock it in Australia? And if not there, would they consider sending a special ArmA 2 OA aid package to NZ to one of our senior clan members to then distribute to the rest of the group.

Damn, what about the rest of us who are not in clans?

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Damn, what about the rest of us who are not in clans?

Yes, well, I suggest you get in touch with either us, VMA (an NZ clan of about 30 active, 10 more semi active), just type 'VMA ARMA' into google. Or sign up to AusArmA, the Australiasian Community site of which many Nz and Aus clans are members of and from either here or there, you'll probably find out what the rest of us are doing to get copies of the game and can probably jump on the bandwagon (once we find out) :cool:

Edited by greasy_trigger VMA

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I cant even get Cdwow.com.au to recognise the game:eek:

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would they consider sending a special ArmA 2 OA aid package to NZ to one of our senior clan members to then distribute to the rest of the group.



EDIT: perhaps I should change BIS to the publishers name, but either way....

I lol'ed

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