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Stop time changes

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I'm trying to develop a mission which takes place in the evening. I got my ppeffects and all that down and I'd like to keep this atmosphere throughout the mission. Sadly, the mission takes a while and halfway through the sun sets.

I've been searching all around the place but I can't figure out how to stop time from changing in the game.

Thanks in advance for the help!!!

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I wish I could stop the time in RL but unfortunately that's not possible. So why you should be able to do so in the Simulation. :)

What you can try is setting the time back using the skipTime command.

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sounds like a good place to start :)

Any good ideas on how to properly loop it in a script where every five or so minutes it sets the time back? I'm sure I can work something up using triggers and scripts, but my scripting abilities is very basic. As long as I can get the result I want I'm happy, but I'm sure theres a much better way of doing this.

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Ok, so five minutes = 5 x 60 = 300 seconds.

So, you could create a file called init.sqf and place the following code in it:

While {(true)} do {
sleep 300;
skipTime -300;

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IIRC skiptime value is in hours, so -300 would result in 300 hours back in time.


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Itsa workin guys, thanks for the help!

And yes, it is in hours not seconds :)

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Alright I'm not sure if its worth making a new thread on this so I'll post it here, tell me if I'm wrong otherwise. Using the Skiptime command, I'm trying to make a time lapse in a scene using this script:

_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

;=== 19:58:32

_camera camPrepareTarget [92634.27,-32177.13,25730.94]

_camera camPreparePos [2552.36,2764.77,5.86]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera


skiptime 0.00066;

? time = 0800 : goto "nextscene"

goto "loop";


player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]

camdestroy _camera



As you can see I looped the skiptime command, and tried to make it stop when time reaches 8am (Obviously I have done it incorrectly). the lapse starts at 4am, and I want it to stop at 8am on the dot. So if there is any command I can use to make it recognise it is 8am, then skip the loop, I'd appreciate if you would share. Thanks you.

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while {true} do {
sleep (60*5);
skiptime -(1/(60 / 5));

Reverses the clock by 5 minutes every 5minutes.

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Nooooooo not skiptime :( everything jumps around like the clouds and stuff - u wanna use setdate and loop it every 30 - 60 secs..

This does not effect the clouds and stuff..

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