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Mission requests and ideas

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If you're looking for a specific mission or just have an idea, you can post it in this thread.

Edited by Rellikki

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Hi I've been out of the OFP scene for some time. Are there any development updates for any CTI mods? Doing a search here and on Google just confuses me even more, with things like ctitc and crcti

Is there a good CTI mod that lets me play with the AI?

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CTI is one of the OFP MP pillars currently.

Playing non-addons CTIs there is "@BIS crcti" named missions.

Almost everything rest CTI missions require one addons or more of them. MFCTI still is on version 1.16 and it need only one addon from here.. There is usually game of two on prime time using MFCTI.

Perhaps the most played on MP right now is BWMOD CRCTI (based of CRCTI code and have three nations US, russia and germany all of them using upgraded addond packs. You can find it from here It is using alot of addons and will take 1 Gt of HD space.

Almost all the rest CRCTI missions require at least crcti8 addons pack find it here.

There is for sure much more variants to crctis but lack of popularity to them.

Be aware that there is done ctcti missions to hundreds of user-made islands so you should have many of them when playing online. http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/

CRCTI is a tournament competition to CTI scene squads not a mod or mission.

The best AI commanding missions are crcti 1.0 or 1.03 based missions. You can command every non-player AI teams and units if you take commander spot then you can create waypoints, guardlines etc.

So afterall there havent been anything revolutionary in CTI for a while but it is still quite mayor cornerstone of MP gaming in OFP.

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I'm a bit confused. CRCTI is a competition, but BWMOD is based off CRCTI code, and the best AI commanding missions are CRCTI based missions?

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I know of MFcti which to me is a slower paced cti with nice mortar scripts.

& The conversion Mfcti44 which is MFCTI with ww2 units and other good and revised scripts.

Crcti to me seems a bit more fast paced with easy command menus and ai know what there doing like sending orders if your playing coop.

Doolittle cti wich is very seldomly used multiplayer, but has nice features.

CTITC is just I think a cti based on crcti code with tweaks for H2H competitions.

"hint the name CTITC" capture the island turnament competition.

It also has it's own webpage with a bunch of m8s playing tournaments.

Also theres alot of conversions which just use the base code of mfcti, crcti, ect

to use them with mods like wwii units, vietnam, yugototalwar, BW,

PLA@US, USdvd.

In short, theres alot of varieties and you just have to play the one you like the most!

The XR addon page is a really great place to start ;)

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I'm looking for multiplayer co-op missions for the CSLA II mod. The mod itself only comes with a very few co-ops, so I would really appreciate if anyone has any more missions to share. Thanks.

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Yeah, those are pretty much the missions that already came with the mod, but thanks for at least trying to help. Still looking for some co-ops, if anyone has any. :)

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Surely he wouldn't be asking if he wouldn't have played them? Unless you have something useful to contribute, tiket, better not post at all.

Hawkins has released a mission pack for Jungle Fever in his forums, here. If you're looking for MP missions, Hawkins' server probably has even more missions. Details in his website.

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I think those missions are for an older version of the CSLA mod, because every single one of them give me errors about missing CSLA addOns, even though I have the latest full mod installed. :(

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Sorry about that, I didn't try any of these. I sorted through the single missions and some are for CSLA2...here is a break down;


Atack to defense.Noe.pbo


Bitva o Nogovu.noe.pbo

Bylo n***s test.Noe.pbo


FI_Jak jsem niŸil Vulcan.Eden.pbo


Long day.Eden.pbo

Napaden¡ ¬SLA.Abel.pbo

Operace Modrava.Noe.pbo

Operace Pouttn¡ bouýe.Noe.pbo

Operace Wolfram.Noe.pbo




St. Sedlo mus¡ padnout.Noe.pbo

Ttok ¬SLA.Eden.pbo






¦elezn*** ¬istka ¬SLA.Cain.pbo



Black Hawk Down.noe.pbo


















Velitel III.Abel.pbo


_¬as partyz***n….Noe.pbo

Then what I thought were coops which came from an archive called MP Missions seem to just be single player missions from an early CSLA2 release. I which I could come up with more MP Coops but there dosent seem to be much at all.

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Is there some mission available for jurassic park mode.

I played a mission months back.in which russian officer role is playing and he have to capture nogova airport with 5 other squad which consist armor group.i want to play that mission is there any link to that one.

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Lol i might be to late but i was looking for a place to find the latest CTI addons to play LAN with my mates. seeing that some of these posts are ancient i dont know...

Oh and this is down... i am sure you have noticed, alternative sight?


Edited by Phelfire

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Hi guys:

Does anyone have The-Architect's "Arc Light and Elephant Grass" Nam teaser campaign on their HD? I'm searching it and would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

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The only file I could ever find was corrupt. I recoverd what I could from it. The campaign is intact along with some of the required addons, but not all.


Much, much appreciated Zulu1. I recently discovered some of The-Architect's work and have enjoyed every one of missions so far. Thanks again.

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Hi everyone

I seem to have played over and over all of the decent missions I had for multiplayer. I don't suppose there's somewhere I'm missing where I can get some good quality missions? A lot of the links to what sound like great missions are broken 'cause ofpec is in a state.


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