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Police Addons (Like Riot Shields etc)

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today I release my police addons!

What does that mean? Well it does mean that you now have an awesome riot shield to play with and customized guns.

Thats what we offer.

The best thing is that the riot shield does actually really save you from

gunfire to a certain extent. In Mp missions you can now raid houses with your

teammate using the riot shield while you use the new Mini Galil=A 22. automatic fire monster.


Riot Shield which does actually save you from bullets

Mini Galil weapon

and more..



Download Link


Edited by Takko

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Cool, I'll give it a shot

As for the riot shield, does it destroy itself after a few shots? or do larger calibers penetrate it, where smaller don't?

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Thx for this nice addons! :thumbsup:

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Goes hand in hand with the zombie addon for more realistic scenarios. What would be really cool, but I'm not sure if you can do it, is to make Police cars along with a SWAT van. :)

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As for the riot shield, does it destroy itself after a few shots? or do larger calibers penetrate it, where smaller don't?

Yes, try it out by yourself. After like 10-20 rounds of an AK47 the riot shield is useless

because it does not offer sufficient cover no more.

Now try the same with the e.g. 22' Mini Galil. You'll pleasantly find out that you

need more rounds to do the same.

Edit: DSHKM does need one shot out of 10m and 1-2 out of 300. KSVK 1 shot on 10m and 3 shots on 300m.

The shield does serve limited handgrenade protection if you crouch (middle stance) and point your shield in the

hangrenade direction.

Goes hand in hand with the zombie addon for more realistic scenarios. What would be really cool, but I'm not sure if you can do it, is to make Police cars along with a SWAT van.
Nice addon, like it, thanks.

Thank you for your kinds support! Makes me want to release more versions

with police vehicles, units and more.

Edited by Takko

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Vilas has some polish police guys, along with SWAT and I think a SWAT van too. Just throwing that out there if you might want to reskin/edit them.

looking forward to your future releases :)

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Hi, sorry for bumping but wanted to know if the addon maker is still interested in this project?

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Some bloke named Delta is planning to make some Ford Crown Victorias for ArmA 2. Maybe you can help him, or vice-versa?

There are also some SWAT units for ArmA 1, maybe you can port those and improve upon them?

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