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Almost certainly not.

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------

Also you should be aware that this addon seems to break some vehicle sounds.

Edited by Tankbuster

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MacPharlan, You can always use some addon that cuts off radio voices and turn the chatter off from the screen, in game options.

...or just tell Your boys that swearing is awful and only p*ssy would do that.

Or something ;)

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Thanx folks, I'll give that a try :)

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

You don't happen to know of an addon that cuts off the radio voices do you? New to this game and seems to be a tun of addons.

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Also you should be aware that this addon seems to break some vehicle sounds.

I wondered why the BAF Landy was shouting "Fuck! Poop! Vagina! Crap!" etc when I turned the engine on.

This addon has solved everything. :D

...srsly though, good stuff TB.

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It's a Landrover. That's the noise it makes when it breaks down.


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I like the concept as it provides to those interested an option that is not available in the game, and it doesn't step on anyone's toes who aren't interested due to it being an optional downloadable addon. Thank you to all those involved in the efforts to make this.

Tankbuster, I would be willing to do the leg-work to help update this for OA if it would help, and to help debug it if there are conflicts with other sound files/game files/etc. I'm new to addons/modding, and would need some direction, but would be willing to jump in and spend the time going through files for the sake of an update. If there are ways to simplify the addon and make it more efficient, or compressed in size, I would be willing to help look into that as well.

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Thanks for the offer of help, but I'm deeply involved (read doing it all myself) in another project.

You'd be more than welcome to take this on. I'm afraid I can't offer you any support though. As I say in the first post, this is far from being my own work and was very much guided by other, more knowledgeable users than me.

Apart from anything else, there are much more efficient was of doing this. Mine is a huge file with the nasty bits snipped out. Using inheritance properly could mean this addon could be a fraction of its current size. And basically, I don't know how to do this.

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Thanks for the response Tankbuster. I tried contacting irongrip via PM.

Until there's a way to more efficiently make the mod work, I would think all that is needed at this point is to modify any related OA, BAF, and/or PMC files the same way as the original sounds.pbo? Granted, this works the same way with a huge file as a consequence, but I don't think that would be too big of an issue.

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Yeah, this sledgehammer technique will work just fine until someone better can make it using the surgeons knife. :)

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I am more than willing to help as well, just point me in a direction as I have never messed with this type of thing.

Do I simply crack open the sounds.pbo and edit out the target files and then pack it back up?

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Ok, the developers got back to me on which files to change, this is what I was given:




Do I simply unpack these, edit and repack? What is a good tool to unpack with?

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MacPharlan, it looks like that is part of the process that worked according to the original thread Tankbuster referred to in the first post which is here:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1591909#post1591909

I'm assuming it comes down to taking the time to sort through all the audio files and using a program like Audacity to edit, or at least delete the relevant sound files.

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I have tried to install this f*cking thing and its not working for me, whats the f*cking point if its doesn't f*cking work?

And I thought, you're more the quiet type! Ha ha ha :D

Will this not cause trouble with missing Wss Files when just deleting content out of the game. So filled RPT's and so on maybe?


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Ok, I found the sound files in the sounds.pbo file. Instead of deleting them I simply edited them.

Now what do I do to get this as an ad-don? (totally clueless in this area).

I have several files that are edited from this area:


Do I repack the pbo file, or simply create a pbo file with the edited ones? Then what?

any help here is much appreciated.

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Ok, looks like I have all the 'hit ones', anyone know where the dialog sounds are or those coming over com from command?

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Ok, two more locations:



Lost of dialog in these so prob wont find them all, but got all the firetruck words.

I could use some help on how to get this into an addon though instead of overwriting my game files. Can someone help me out here?

I see how to get the game to see an addon, but not sure how the setup the pbo. For example, in the sounds.pbo (located under common), I modified some files under:


I am not sure how the game uses the mods, do I simply create a directory structure like above (ca\sounds\Characters\Noises\Damage) with my files in it and repack as a sounds.pbo (do I have to do something special here? just using eliteness to do it)?

Then simply drop that in a folder called @mymod\addons under root? How will arma II OA know to extract to the correct area under common?

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I think you may have to use the same method the original tky_noswear mod used, which was to create a modified sound.pbo that users can use to replace the original. (Obviously the smart thing to do is to keep the original and rename it, perhaps put it somewhere outside the game folder if they want to keep it). Not 100% sure though.

Perhaps you only need to edit the necessary files, rather than delete them, but keep their names and location the same so that the game doesn't have issues locating those files, if at all... that way the entire sounds.pbo has the same file structure and pathing, but with the appropriate files modified accordingly. You'd probably only need to edit them to where they are "silent" but have some "blank" data so as to be a placeholder file. Once that is done, and you have a new sounds.pbo, it would be up to the user's discretion to replace their original sounds.pbo with the new one and rename their old so that it isn't lost. That's what I would start with at least :)

I would also think having the similar file structure and pathing, but with the same amount of file names, would ensure no other sound files are misread, other bugs, etc. I could very well be wrong.

If you need help digging through audio files for sake of time, PM me and over the weekend I could look through the areas where you left off to locate any additional audio that would be changed.

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Hey, first off, thanx for the help! My son and I have been plugin away all morning and are almost done :)

So this is where I am confused, if I have a sounds.pbo in my @MYMod\addons folder (under root), does that simply overwrite the sounds.pbo under common?

If so then I need to do more work, my sounds.pbo ONLY has the modified files with full paths intact (to keep size small), I was hoping the game would unpack my sounds.pbo over top the unpacked sounds.pbo overwriting these files.

It sounds from your post that I need to keep ALL the sounds.pbo (as well as dubbing etc) intact with my files overwriting them. Can you confirm?

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Short answer: Keep all original sound files, in addition to your edited ones, in the new sounds.pbo.

Having a sounds.pbo in @MYMod\addons folder (based on my understanding and experience with the original tky_noswear mod and other mods) should result in the game referencing the new sounds.pbo in place of the original sounds.pbo, which means the game will use only what your new sounds.pbo contains. Therefore, if the new sounds.pbo is missing all of the original sound information, then your game won't have all of the other necessary sounds.

Simple testing between playing the game with and without the mod should confirm if it is working as intended. Obviously, if things sound oddly quiet at times when there should actually be sound, then the proper sound files aren't being referenced :)

Your efforts are really appreciated, and I think it is great your son is helping.

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Simple testing between playing the game with and without the mod should confirm if it is working as intended. Obviously, if things sound oddly quiet at times when there should actually be sound, then the proper sound files aren't being referenced :)

This did actually happen in the original version. If I remember correctly, LAVs drove silently! :)

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Ok, finally we got it. I was going a little crazy for a little bit there, I was 100% sure we had the opening scene assassination taken care of but it was still using the original files!

Found another soundmissions file that had some of the same files! must have been overwriting them!

So tested as an addon, works, replaces these files:





These are complete replacement binaries, but the sound files are edited, not deleted, so you cannot really tell much of a difference (except for the one that was "hey **** **** ****", so it just says 'ba ba ba', pretty funny). But since it is the entire files, it is hefty, 600 mb+.

I'll test it later to see if I can just use pbo's with edited files to see if it overwrites the pbo or extracts it over top.

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